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Trace Output with Flash Player Debugger

jeffdyer edited this page Jan 24, 2013 · 6 revisions


This page describes how to install and configure a stand-alone version of Flash Player (FP) Debugger to write runtime trace data to a text file. In addition to writing text produced by the function 'trace()', there is a rich set of internal traces that can also be captured in the trace log.


  • Getting stand-alone Flash Player Debugger
  • Configuring mm.cfg for trace output
  • Locating the output file flashlogs.txt
  • Fine tuning the configuration

Getting a stand-alone Flash Player Debugger

NOTE: it is possible to log traces with a Debugger version of the Player plugin. To do that, the main difference from these instructions is that a debugger version of the plugin is installed rather than the stand-alone Player. I haven't tried this, so don't know if there are other complications.


  1. Go to:
  2. Scroll down the page to find the latest "Flash Player...Projector content debugger" for the platform you are working on. E.g. I use "Download the Macintosh Flash Player 11.5 Projector content debugger (ZIP, 15.24MB)"
  3. Click that link to download the stand-alone FP Debugger.
  4. Copy the executable (.app on Mac, .exe on Windows, etc) to the location of your choice.

Configuring mm.cfg for trace output

Locating mm.cfg

Next, you need to create a file named 'mm.cfg' in the appropriate directory. Instructions for locating the directory for this file on various platforms are described here:

Minimal useful mm.cfg

The following basic settings will log all 'trace()' output, as well as warnings and AVM function calls:


Locating the output file 'flashlogs.txt'

This page describes where to find the generated log file on various platforms:

NOTE: At this point you should be able to fire up the stand-alone FP, load a SWF and read the log file. Give it a try!

Fine tuning the configuration

The official documentation on 'mm.cfg' is at the link mentioned above:

However, there are undocumented features of 'mm.cfg' that turn on logging for a wide variety of internal trace data. The following link is to one unofficial description of these settings:
