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Config variables

fgsfds edited this page Feb 22, 2025 · 23 revisions

The configuration is stored in an INI file called pd.ini, which is by default in the following locations:

  • On Windows: next to pd.*.exe if the folder is writable, home directory (%APPDATA%/perfectdark) otherwise
  • On Linux: home directory (~/.local/share/perfectdark), unless there was already a pd.ini next to the executable
  • On MacOS: home directory (~/Library/Application Support/perfectdark), unless there was already a pd.ini next to the executable
  • On Switch: next to pd.*.nro

The file generally follows INI file syntax and consists of the following sections.


Audio backend settings. Generally you only want to mess with these if you're getting choppy audio.

Key Type Range Default Description
BufferSize int 1 - ... 512 Audio buffer size in sample frames.
QueueLimit int 1 - ... 8192 Max size of queued audio in samples.


Graphics settings.

Key Type Range Default Description
DefaultWidth int 1 - ... 640 Default width of the game window in windowed mode; width of resolution in exclusive fullscreen.
DefaultHeight int 1 - ... 480 Default height of the game window in windowed mode; height of resolution in exclusive fullscreen.
DefaultFullscreen int 0 or 1 0 Whether or not to start the game in fullscreen. Alt+Enter switches it at runtime.
DefaultMaximize int 0 or 1 0 If 1, the game window will default to maximized state in windowed mode.
CenterWindow int 0 or 1 0 If 1, the game window will be centered on the screen in windowed mode.
ExclusiveFullscreen int 0 or 1 0 0 - fullscreen is borderless; 1 - fullscreen is exclusive, in DefaultWidth x DefaultHeight resolution
AllowHiDpi int 0 or 1 0 Whether to let the OS upscale the window on HiDPI displays. Better disabled when ExclusiveFullscreen = 1.
VSync int -1 - ... 1 0 - VSync off; 1 - VSync on; -1 - adaptive VSync on (if supported); 2+ - wait for N vblanks.
FramerateLimit int 0 - 200 0 Hard cap framerate to this value. Actual FPS cap depends on Game.TickRateDivisor and VSync.
TextureFilter int 0, 1, 2 1 0 - disable all texture filtering; 1 - bilinear filter; 2 - N64 three-point filter.
TextureFilter2D int 0 or 1 1 0 - don't filter any UI elements; 1 - filter UI elements like on N64.
MSAA int 0 - 16 0 0 or 1 - no anti-aliasing; 2, 4, 8, 16 - multisample anti-aliasing.
FramebufferEffects int 0 or 1 1 Enable framebuffer effects (blur, cloak, etc). Resets to 0 if unsupported by GPU.
DisplayFPS int 0 or 1 0 If 1, display an FPS counter on the screen.
DisplayFPSInterval float 0 - ... 1.0 How many seconds to wait between FPS counter updates.

NOTE: If Borderless mode is still exclusive on your machine, try this (replace 1920 and 1080 with your desktop resolution):



Gameplay-related settings.

Key Type Range Default Description
MemorySize int 4 - 1024 16 Main memory heap size in megabytes.
CenterHUD int 0 - 2 0 0 - draw HUD on the sides of the screen; 1 - center in 4:3 area; 2 - center in ~16:9 area
ScreenShakeIntensity float 0 - 100 1 Strength multiplier for the explosion screen shake effect.
TickRateDivisor int 0 - 10 1 Divisor for the game tickrate. 1- 60/50 FPS; 2- 30/25 FPS; etc; 0 uncaps the tickrate.
ExtraSleep int 0 or 1 1 If 1, sleep for a bit in the game loop to further relax CPU load.
SkipIntro int 0 or 1 0 Always skip the intro sequence on startup.
DisableMpDeathMusic int 0 or 1 0 Don't play the death theme in multiplayer.
MenuMouseControl int 0 or 1 1 Enable mouse controls in menus.
GEMuzzleFlashes int 0 or 1 0 Enable GoldenEye64-style muzzle flash blinking.


...where X is 1 through 4. Gameplay-related settings for each player.

Key Type Range Default Description
FovY float 1 - 179 60 Vertical field of view for the player.
FovAffectsZoom int 0 or 1 1 Whether increasing FovY should adjust zoomed-in FOVs accordingly.
MouseAimMode int 0 or 1 0 0 - crosshair moves around the screen when mouse aiming; 1 - crosshair is fixed in place.
MouseAimSpeedX float 0 - 10 0.75 Crosshair speed multiplier for MouseAimMode=0.
MouseAimSpeedY float 0 - 10 0.75 Crosshair speed multiplier for MouseAimMode=0.
CrouchMode int 0 - 3 3 0 - hold to crouch; 1 - N64 analog crouch; 2 - toggle crouch; 3 - analog and toggle
CrosshairSway float 0 - 10 1 Aim mode crosshair sway multiplier.
CrosshairColour uint 0 - ... 16711720 Crosshair colour. Default value is just RGBA 00FF0028 converted to decimal.
CrosshairSize uint 0 - 4 2 Crosshair scale.
CrosshairHealth int 0 or 1 0 If 1, crosshair will change colour to indicate health status.
ExtendedControls int 0 or 1 1 Whether this player is using the "Ext" extended control scheme.
UseKeyReloads int 0 or 1 0 If 1, hitting Use/Action will reload your gun even if Extended Controls are enabled.


General input-related settings.

Key Type Range Default Description
MouseEnabled int 0 or 1 1 Enable mouse.
MouseLockMode int 0 - 2 2 0 - never lock mouse to window; 1 - always lock mouse; 2 - unlock automatically when moving the mouse in menus
MouseSpeedX float any 1.5 Horizontal mouse sensitivity.
MouseSpeedY float any 1.5 Vertical mouse sensitivity.
FirstGamepadNum int 0 - 3 0 Which player number (0-3) to assign the first connected gamepad to.
FakeGamepads int 0 - 4 0 1+ - simulate that many connected gamepads.


...where X is 1 through 4. Input-related settings for each player.

Key Type Range Default Description
RumbleScale float 0 - 1 0.5 Controller vibration intensity.
LStickScaleX float -10 - 10 1 Left stick horizontal sensitivity.
LStickScaleY float -10 - 10 1 Left stick vertical sensitivity.
LStickDeadzoneX int 0 - 32767 4096 Left stick horizontal deadzone.
LStickDeadzoneY int 0 - 32767 4096 Left stick vertical deadzone.
RStickScaleX float -10 - 10 1 Right stick horizontal sensitivity.
RStickScaleY float -10 - 10 1 Right stick vertical sensitivity.
RStickDeadzoneX int 0 - 32767 4096 Right stick horizontal deadzone.
RStickDeadzoneY int 0 - 32767 4096 Right stick vertical deadzone.
StickCButtons int 0 or 1 0 1 - left stick simulates C buttons; 0 - it's a separate analog input.
CancelCButtons int 0 or 1 0 If 1, opposite C buttons will cancel each other out.
SwapSticks int 0 or 1 1 0 - left stick is N64 stick; 1 - right stick is N64 stick.
ControllerIndex int -1 - ... -1 SDL joystick index of last used controller, or -1 if none.


...where X is 1 through 4. Control bindings for each player.
Keys are N64 inputs, values are comma-separated lists of real inputs, or NONE if that N64 input is unbound.

Real inputs can be the following:

  • Keyboard keys: LEFT_CTRL, RETURN, A, 1, etc. Names mostly correspond to SDL_GetScancodeName() values.
  • Gamepad buttons: JOY1_A, JOY1_START, etc. The 1 usually corresponds to player number, but can be any gamepad number (1-4). Names correspond to SDL_GameControllerButton values and are based on the Xbox controller scheme.
  • NONE. Unbinds this input.
Key Type Range Description
A_BUTTON bind ... N64 A button. Usually use or confirm.
B_BUTTON bind ... N64 B button. Usually use or cancel.
START_BUTTON bind ... N64 Start button. Usually pause or confirm.
Z_TRIG bind ... N64 Z trigger. Usually fire or confirm.
L_TRIG bind ... N64 L button. Usually alt fire mode.
R_TRIG bind ... N64 R button.
U_JPAD bind ... N64 d-pad up.
D_JPAD bind ... N64 d-pad down. Also radial menu.
L_JPAD bind ... N64 d-pad left. Also previous weapon.
R_JPAD bind ... N64 d-pad right.
U_CBUTTONS bind ... N64 C-up. C-buttons are usually movement.
D_CBUTTONS bind ... N64 C-down.
L_CBUTTONS bind ... N64 C-left.
R_CBUTTONS bind ... N64 C-right.
STICK_XNEG bind ... N64 stick left. Stick is usually look.
STICK_XPOS bind ... N64 stick right.
STICK_YNEG bind ... N64 stick up.
STICK_YPOS bind ... N64 stick down.
X_BUTTON bind ... Extra virtual button: reload.
Y_BUTTON bind ... Extra virtual button: next weapon.
CK_2000 bind ... Extra virtual button: full crouch.
CK_4000 bind ... Extra virtual button: half crouch.
CK_8000 bind ... Extra virtual button: cycle crouch.


General network-related settings. Only present in the port-net branch.

Key Type Range Default Description
LerpTicks int 0-600 6 If not 0, interpolate player positions over this amount of (60FPS) frames. Makes remote player movement smoother at the cost of them lagging behind their real positions a little bit.


Server settings. Only present in the port-net branch.

Key Type Range Default Description
Port int 0-65535 27100 UDP port used by the server.
UpdateFrames int 0-600 1 How many (60FPS) frames to wait between sending position updates. Higher values = less bandwidth, but choppier movement. 2 is recommended for 5+ player Internet games.
InRate int 0-10485760 131072 Hard limit on download bandwidth usage. 0 = no limit.
OutRate int 0-10485760 131072 Hard limit on upload bandwidth usage. 0 = no limit.
AllowInfoQuery int 0 or 1 1 If 1, allow connectionless server info queries.


Client settings. Only present in the port-net branch.

Key Type Range Default Description
LastJoinAddr str - - The address of the last server you connected to.
UpdateFrames int 0-600 1 Same as Net.Server.UpdateFrames above, but for the client.
InRate int 0-10485760 131072 See Net.Server.InRate above.
OutRate int 0-10485760 131072 See Net.Server.OutRate above.