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fgsfds edited this page Oct 12, 2023 · 8 revisions

When running the game, you can specify a mod directory to load replacement resources from. In addition, that directory can contain a file called modconfig.txt, which allows you to change the properties of stages and some other things.


The port currently will load replacements for the following types of resources. MODDIR is used as a stand-in for your mod directory name.

Asset files

Path: MODDIR/files/
File name: same as original file, including subdirectories and extension (or lack thereof), e.g. bgdata/bg_mp5.seg, Ump_setupmp5Z

Files embedded into the ROM used for storing models, stage setups and data, language banks, speech MP3s and some other stuff.

The replacement file has to be in the same format as it is in the ROM, including compression.
If you rip a file from a ROM using PerfectGold's file manager, it is likely that you will have to recompress it, which can be done using rarezip, e.g.:
tools/rarezip MODDIR/files/LameE.lang > MODDIR/files/LameE
However, some files, such as the *.seg files in bgdata, are not compressed (or at least not entirely) and you don't need to recompress them.


Path: MODDIR/textures/
File name: xxxx.bin, where xxxx is the 4-digit hex number of the texture in the texture list, e.g. 061a.bin

Individual textures.

Currently you can only replace the contents of individual textures without changing their size.
The hex number mentioned above is called "Preset" in PerfectGold's Image Tools.
You can also export the texture from there: right click on it and select Export Raw Binary.


Path: MODDIR/animations/
File name: xxxx.bin and xxxx.txt, where xxxx is the 4-digit hex number of the animation table entry, e.g. 00d2.bin and 00d2.txt.

Animation data of individual animations and their animation table entries.

Replacements consist of 2 files for each animation:

  • Animation data: same format as the animation data files in the src/assets/ntsc-final/animations/ directory in the decomp.
  • Animation config: text descriptor file that replaces the animation's animation table entry. These have similar fields and function to the individual entries in src/assets/ntsc-final/animations.json file in the decomp.

This means that to replace e.g. animation 00d2, you have to have both MODDIR/animations/00d2.bin and MODDIR/animations/00d2.txt.
See below for a description of the animation config format.


Path: MODDIR/sequences/
File name: xxxx.bin, where xxxx is the 4-digit hex number of the sequence, e.g. 0009.bin for the main Defection track

Individual music tracks (sequences).

You can find the sequence number in PerfectGold under Game Configuration -> Sound/Music.
You can also export the sequence from there in the correct format using the Export to PD format button.

Whole ROM segments

Path: MODDIR/segs/
File name: name of ROM segment as specified in romdata.c with no extension, e.g. fonthandelgothicsm

This allows you to replace fonts and sample/sfx banks, among other things.

The contents are the raw segment data, as if you just copied it out from the ROM using a hex editor.
You can use PerfectGold to export the sample/sfx banks in the correct format. Look for Export Ctl/Tbl under Game Configuration -> Sound/Music.
The Sfx Bank files have to be renamed to sfxctl and sfxtbl, the Instrument Bank files have to be renamed to seqctl and seqtbl.

Config files

Text files are currently used to specify stage properties in modconfig.txt and to specify animation metadata for replacement animations.
They generally consist of blocks containing key-value pairs like this:

block_name block_arguments {
  some_field 1
  some_other_field "string"

where block and key names are strings without spaces and values (arguments) are integers, floats or strings.
Integer values can be either in decimal (123) or in hexadecimal (0x01fd).
String values can be quoted in case you want to include spaces in them, e.g. somekey "what the fuck".
Key-value pairs can also appear outside of any blocks.
Single line comments are supported using the # character as the marker.

Animation configs

These are text files containing metadata for replacement animations.
They consist of the following fields:

Name and arguments Argument types Possible values Description
numframes N N: uint16 N: 0 .. 65535 Number of keyframes in animation. numframes in animations.json.
bytesperframe N N: uint16 N: 0 .. 65535 Length of data for one keyframe in bytes. bytesperframe in animations.json.
headerlen N N: uint16 N: 0 .. 65535 Length of animation data header. unk08 in animations.json.
framelen N N: uint8 N: 0 .. 255 Same as bytesperframe? unk0a in animations.json. Often (always?) 0x0c.
flags N N: uint8 N: 0 .. 255 Flags. Sum of all the flag* fields for this entry in animations.json.

Example file 00d2.txt for animation 00d2:

numframes 1249
bytesperframe 12
headerlen 37
framelen 12
# flag01 is false, flag02 is true, flag04 is false, flag08 is false, so flags = 0 + 2 + 0 + 0 = 2
flags 0x02

Mod configs

These are text files containing global settings for the mod, such as various stage properties.
Mod configs are placed in a file called modconfig.txt in the root of the mod directory and consist of the following blocks.

stage NUMBER

Contains configuration for a specific stage. NUMBER is the stage ID as described in stagetable.txt.
Any file value can be either the name of an asset file or its number in the file table. Note that asset file names in the file table currently cannot be redefined by the user, so this is more for convenience right now.
If any of the optional fields aren't specified, the game will use the defaults for the stage as defined in the ROM.
Can contain the following fields and blocks:

Name and arguments Argument types Possible values Description
bgfile F F: file file ID or name This stage's background file. Optional.
tilesfile F F: file file ID or name This stage's tiles file. Optional.
padsfile F F: file file ID or name This stage's pads file. Optional.
setupfile F F: file file ID or name This stage's setup file. Optional.
mpsetupfile F F: file file ID or name This stage's multiplayer setup file. Optional.
alarm N N: uint16 any valid sound ID ID of the alarm sound for this stage. Optional.
allocation S S: string allocation string Optional. See this file.
extragunmem N N: uint16 0 .. 65535 Extra bytes of gunmem. Corresponds to Gun Adjust in PerfectGold. Optional.
music { } block see below Music settings for this stage. Optional.
weather { } block see below Weather settings for this stage. Optional.

Sub-block of the stage block. Contains the weather settings for that stage. Block itself and all fields within are optional.
Can contain the following fields and blocks:

Name and arguments     Argument types Possible values Description
cutscene_only flag If this key is present, weather will only show up in cutscenes.
constant_wind A X Z A, X, Z: float A: -2pi .. +2pi Always force wind angle A, speed vector (X, 0, Z).
windspeed F F: float F: -1024 .. 1024 Set wind speed to F.
ymin F F: float F: -65536 .. 65535 Low Y bound for the weather bounding box. No weather below this plane.
ymax F F: float F: -65536 .. 65535 High Y bound for the weather bounding box. No weather above this plane.
zmax F F: float F: -65536 .. 65535 High Z bound for the weather bounding box. No weather beyond this plane.
include_rooms { } block see below List of rooms where weather is present. Mutually exclusive w/ key below.
exclude_rooms { } block see below List of rooms where weather is not present. Mutually exclusive w/ above.

include_rooms and exclude_rooms are special blocks that contain a list of room numbers separated by whitespace.
If include_rooms is present, weather will only be present in rooms specified. If exclude_rooms is present, weather will be present everywhere except rooms specified.
If the list begins with the special keyword clear, it will be completely overwritten, otherwise rooms from the list will be added on top of the defaults. E.g.:

include_rooms {
  0x02 0x03 0x04

Sub-block of the stage block. Contains the music settings for that stage. Block itself and all fields within are optional.
Can contain the following fields and blocks:

Name and arguments Argument types Possible values Description
primarytrack N N: uint16 any valid sequence ID Primary background music sequence.
ambienttrack N N: uint16 any valid sequence ID Ambient sounds sequence.
xtrack N N: uint16 any valid sequence ID Extra music sequence.

Example modconfig.txt

# Replace Chicago (0x1d) files with Carpark files, change music, alarm sound and weatherproof room set
stage 0x1d {
  bgfile "bgdata/bg_mp5.seg"
  tilesfile "bgdata/bg_mp5_tilesZ"
  padsfile "bgdata/bg_mp5_padsZ"
  setupfile "Ump_setupmp5Z"
  alarm 0x00a3
  music {
    primarytrack 0x3e
    xtrack 0x13
  weather {
    exclude_rooms {
      0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05 0x06 0x07 0x08 0x09

Example mod

This is the custom stage G5 Car Park repackaged for use with the port.
This should give you a decent example of how to construct a mod folder.
Unzip into the game folder and run using pd.exe --moddir g5_carpark.