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Tadeu Manoel edited this page May 29, 2019 · 15 revisions

clcache is written in the Python programming language, which in principle requires no dedicated installation step. The script can be used as is. However, most approaches to integrating clcache into a build system benefit from having a callable program (e.g. an executable) available.

Installing an executable file via Chocolatey

If you have Chocolatey installed, this is the easiest way to install clcache. Obtain the .nupkg release and install it from a local file by using:

curl -L --output clcache.4.2.0.nupkg
choco install clcache --source=.

Installing an executable file via Nuget

You can also use the NuGet package manager to install the clcache package. To do so, simply run the following command in the NuGet package manager console:

PM> Install-Package clcache

Installing an executable via pip

You can also use the standard Python utility pip to install clcache. To do so, simply run the following command in a console window:

C:\>pip install clcache

You can also install the most recent development build straight from the source code repository by running:

C:\>pip install git+

Generating an executable via PyInstaller

You can also generate a self-contained clcache.exe file yourself using PyInstaller. If you don't have it already, installing PyInstaller is usually a matter of running

pip install pyinstaller

Afterwards, you can generate an executable by running

pyinstaller pyinstaller/

This will put the resulting clcache.exe binary and all its dependencies into a dist\clcache subdirectory.

Note: The --onefile argument to PyInstaller will make it generate a single monolithic executable file which is very convenient, but also slows things down. See the Caveats wiki page for some further discussion