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Release Checklist

Frerich Raabe edited this page Sep 10, 2018 · 2 revisions
  1. Review the list of Pull Requests to see whether there's anything nice ready to be included in the release.
  2. Ensure that the current CI builds are all green
  3. Review the CHANGELOG.mod file for potentially missing items.
  4. Create a 'Bump version number' commit, consisting of two changes:
    1. Bump the VERSION constant in clcache/; remember that clcache uses semantic versioning.
    2. Replace the ## Upcoming release marker at the top of CHANGELOG.mod with the new version and date, e.g. ## clcache 4.1.0 (2017-05-23).
  5. Run git tag vX.Y.Z to assign a new tag to the commit.
  6. Run git push && git push --tags to publish the commit and trigger package builds
  7. Check the AppVeyor build and wait for a job to finish.
  8. Download the SHA256SUM, and clcache.X.Y.Z.nupkg files.
  9. Draft a new release:
    1. use clcache vX.Y.Z for the release name
    2. mention significant changes; at the very least, reference the file for detailed list of changes
    3. Attach the SHA256SUM, and clcache.X.Y.Z.nupkg files to the release.
    4. Publish the release!
  10. Publish the new version of the clcache PyPI package. A tutorial is available for this, the rusty three-line guide is to run (in a virtual environment):
    pip install wheel twine
    python bdist_wheel sdist
    twine upload dist\*
  11. Create a 'Post-release' commit, consisting of two changes:
    1. Adjust the VERSION constant in clcache/, append -dev to the version number (e.g. 4.1.0-dev).
    2. Add
    ## Upcoming release
     * Nothing yet!
    at the top of file to hold future release notes.
  12. Push the new 'Post-release' commit
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