2.31.0 (2021-03-02)
Bug Fixes
GlobeLayer: doesn't subdivise the pole tile mesh. (53a9f6f )
PlanarControls: fix pan movement (5be30b7 )
PlanarControls: standardize zoom factors for perspective and orthographic camera (c65bbab )
Points: remove THREE.Geometry. (6ff3b3d )
RasterColorTile: wrong getter name. (1f7eb05 )
correct zoom factor parameter in examples (a86e3f8 )
Code Refactoring
Debug: simplified point debug code. (c99fb09 )
GlobeControls: refactor zoom speed management (57f6666 )
Immersive: replace Matrix4.makeBasisFromMatrix by Matrix4.setFromMatrix3. (d442602 )
MaterialLayer: MaterialLayer to RasterNode. (46b19f1 )
PlanarControls: refactor zoom speed management (ca47389 )
points: avoid clone point material. (174a60f )
RasterTile: rename file. (c73fc38 )
View: remove useless getParentLayer method (6f0b545 )
View: simplify getLayerById method. (58874ec )
Workflow and chores
release v2.31.0 (c3f5e47 )
update package-lock.json. (b3e81fc )
deps-dev: bump marked from 1.2.9 to 2.0.0 (46bc3f9 )
update packages. (09f12c9 )
MaterialLayer: update tests with the MaterialLayer refactoring. (0fa3c06 )
2.30.0 (2021-02-05)
CameraUtils: add possibility to set camera placement from an extent (d6b2ab4 )
VectorTilesSource: store parsed vector tile style as class property (bb581fb )
Bug Fixes
Camera: rename intersectSphere to intersectsSphere (f5e1004 )
examples: rename smartZoom param in vector_tile_raster_2d (ca7aaeb )
examples: update three version in view_mutli_25d (7778a4d )
Terrain: use exact method to compute min and max elevation node; (6297c09 )
OrthographicCamera: set camera initial position from an extent (6c10ba2 )
Code Refactoring
Camera: refactor Camera as an ES6 class (596cee6 )
Camera: remove matrixProjectionNeedsUpdate. (a501c92 )
debug: remove three r124 warning. (9c2406f )
layer: introduce RasterLayer. (e7b2653 )
Layer: Layer constructor parameter needs Source. (11b8645 )
Workflow and chores
2.29.2 (2021-01-26)
Bug Fixes
3dTile: don't overload the b3dm material. (d7f14b6 )
PlanarControls: fix zoom movement with an orthographic camera (999851a )
Code Refactoring
view: add vector target viewToNormalizedCoords. (b83a9c8 )
Workflow and chores
2.29.1 (2021-01-22)
Bug Fixes
PlanarControls: fix issues related to cameraOrtho feature (475c788 )
Workflow and chores
update some deprecated doc (d16c796 )
Camera: modify camera.adjustAltitudeToAvoidCollisionWithLayer doc (aabe814 )
GlobeControl: update class constructor doc (6fb3d28 )
GlobeControls: minor correction (7230b53 )
View: update doc of View.getMeterToPixel method (cc2385c )
2.29.0 (2021-01-21)
controls: add damping factor property. (22d962d )
controls: add option enable smart travel in planarControls (a31873d )
orthographic camera: add support for an orthographic camera (de0dba6 )
points: apply opacity classification on others MODE. (e411425 )
webgl: support pick position from depth buffer with ortho (05fb79f )
Bug Fixes
ColorLayer: wrong white to opacity effect. (9666822 )
controls: moving camera after disabling collision. (2dd8e06 )
controls: remove prevent default in mouseDown. (c866807 )
examples: fix key events in examples (c187616 )
PlanarControls: remove previously instantiated controls associated (2726101 )
PlanarControls: reset focus policy default parameters (b56aaaf )
test: update a deprecated method call (497d55e )
workflow: wrong path to build docs link. (066f54a )
orthographic camera: add examples of PlanarView with an orthographic camera (d58c1b6 )
Code Refactoring
Three: remove deprecated matrix method. (fffef40 )
Three: remove deprecated quaternion method. (f435fef )
Workflow and chores
release v2.29.0 (8c69ef6 )
add action github to release and npm publish. (eef3d53 )
add bump script. (9e0f7b6 )
add changelog script. (f7f6c40 )
add github action to continuous integration (e8e4f01 )
add script to unit tests coverage. (7c128ab )
prepare migrating to webpack 5. (9a549d4 )
refactoring debug npm script. (b56f8b0 )
example: rename start zoom to smart travel in key bindings description (24c7c2b )
remove deprecated babel-polyfill (2e3de03 )
remove useless integration files. (349e1b4 )
update actions/setup-node to v2. (e3e31c0 )
upgrade and update lock file version to 2.0. (537345b )
deps: bump ini from 1.3.5 to 1.3.7 (fd46fd1 )
update packages. (34ee221 )
workflow: bump and changelog scripts. (01bf159 )
Update (28be05c )
Change comment on workflow remove old artifact (7fcbb3a )
Update actions checkout to v2 (9094edc )
Update remove-old-artifacts.yml (0a9911f )
Create remove-old-artifacts.yml (617326c )
You can’t perform that action at this time.