Releases: gcivil-nyu-org/team3-wed-spring25
Releases · gcivil-nyu-org/team3-wed-spring25
Create Messaging System and Add Rating to Listing Page and Map
What's Changed
- CI/CD Improvements by @nate-lavoy in #166
- Update with coveralls badge by @nate-lavoy in #173
- CI/CD improvements by @nate-lavoy in #172
- fixed coveralls badge by @nate-lavoy in #175
- Adding message box and tests for booking by @frankx2023 in #178
- Fixed flake 8 issues by @frankx2023 in #180
- added some account tests by @nate-lavoy in #179
- Proper usage of static files, local installation guide, fix default location in post a spot by @jgarcia1599 in #182
- static support by @nate-lavoy in #183
- Messages and Proper static file hosting by @jgarcia1599 in #184
- MORE COVERAGEEEEE by @nate-lavoy in #185
- Created tests for listings and fixed cannot create listing on same day bug by @jessenb16 in #198
- Users can't review declined bookings, they can remove them by @jessenb16 in #199
- Bug Fixes: Only shows listings that end after the current time on the current date & PSO can't book own spot by @jessenb16 in #200
- Fixed verification messages bug by @jessenb16 in #202
- fixed many posting a listing time bugs by @maazimam in #221
- Added notification system for mailbox and tests for messaging system by @frankx2023 in #223
- Average Review in map and card by @jgarcia1599 in #220
- Main to Develop by @nate-lavoy in #230
Full Changelog: 1.1.0...1.2.0
Differentiate between PSO and User and Include Map
What's Changed
- Added CI pipeline by @nate-lavoy in #120
- Added Parking Spot Owner Verification by @nate-lavoy in #130
- update travis by @nate-lavoy in #131
- update ci by @nate-lavoy in #132
- main to develop by @nate-lavoy in #133
- update trav by @nate-lavoy in #134
- Update Home and CI by @nate-lavoy in #135
- Develop to Main CI by @nate-lavoy in #136
- Limit time choices to whole and half hours for create listing, booking and filtering by @frankx2023 in #142
- Added rating functions by @frankx2023 in #143
- Main into develop by @frankx2023 in #144
- Parking Spot Owner Can Accept Or Decline A booking by @jessenb16 in #146
- Fixed past date booking validation in BookingForm by @maazimam in #149
- Fixed verification messages bug by @nate-lavoy in #148
- Create a map view by @jgarcia1599 in #150
- main into develop with map feature by @nate-lavoy in #151
- static file attempt and brought back review button by @jgarcia1599 in #152
- new static file serving config by @jgarcia1599 in #153
- map deployment hacky fix by @jgarcia1599 in #154
- Develop to Main by @nate-lavoy in #157
Full Changelog: 1.0.0...1.1.0
Create Functionality for Parking Spot Listing
What's Changed
- Create Django Project by @nate-lavoy in #84
- Merge django template into main by @nate-lavoy in #90
- added register/#/logout functionality by @nate-lavoy in #91
- Develop by @jgarcia1599 in #92
- Changed to postgresql and created listing functions by @frankx2023 in #93
- Parking Spot Listing and Posting, some styling, gitignore some documentation. by @jgarcia1599 in #97
- fixed requirements/README and hid post a spot option by @nate-lavoy in #98
- update navbar by @nate-lavoy in #101
- Add booking functionality to the application by @frankx2023 in #102
- Add manage listings by @maazimam in #105
- Parking Spot Filtering by @jessenb16 in #106
- aws config by @nate-lavoy in #108
- Add manage listing to develop by @maazimam in #109
- AWS stuff by @nate-lavoy in #112
- Develop into main by @nate-lavoy in #113
- Update by @frankx2023 in #111
- Home page improvement by @frankx2023 in #110
- Validate postings by @jgarcia1599 in #114
- fix 30 minute increment bug by @jgarcia1599 in #115
- Develop by @nate-lavoy in #116
- Develop Into Main by @nate-lavoy in #117
New Contributors
- @nate-lavoy made their first contribution in #84
- @jgarcia1599 made their first contribution in #92
- @frankx2023 made their first contribution in #93
- @maazimam made their first contribution in #105
- @jessenb16 made their first contribution in #106
Full Changelog: