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Hidden options

Gildas edited this page Feb 19, 2025 · 38 revisions

Some options can be changed only by exporting the settings and editing the JSON file in a text editor and importing the modified settings. Note that the settings can be imported and exported only via the options page of SingleFile. Here is the list of these options with a short description.

  • loadDeferredImagesBlockCookies: block access to document.cookie when loading deferred images (boolean)
  • loadDeferredImagesBlockStorage: block access to localStorage and indexedDB when loading deferred images (boolean)
  • filenameReplacedCharacters: array of invalid characters to replace in the filename (array of string)
  • filenameReplacementCharacters: array of valid characters used to replace the invalid characters in filenameReplacedCharacters
  • tabMenuEnabled: display an entry for SingleFile in the context menu of tabs (boolean)
  • logsEnabled: display the logs at the bottom left when processing a page (boolean)
  • progressBarEnabled: display the progress bar at the top when processing a page (boolean)
  • resolveFragmentIdentifierURLs: resolve URLs of inner links having fragment identifiers (boolean)
  • userScriptEnabled: enable the API used in user scripts (boolean)
  • maxParallelWorkers: maximum number of tabs being simultaneously processed by SingleFile when saving multiple tabs (number)
  • forceWebAuthFlow: use the web authentication instead of the authentication integrated into the browser to connect to Google Drive (boolean)
  • extractAuthCode: extract automatically the authorization code for authentication on Google Drive (boolean)
  • saveFavicon: save the favicon of the page (boolean)
  • includeBOM: include the BOM into the HTML page (boolean)
  • useLegacyCommentHeader: use the legacy header "Archive processed by SingleFile" in the comment of saved pages (boolean)
  • insertMetaNoIndex: insert the tag <meta name=robots content=noindex> in the HTML page (boolean)
  • insertMetaCSP: insert the CSP meta tag (boolean)
  • processInForeground: always process pages in foreground (boolean), maxParallelWorkers will be automatically set to 1 when set to true
  • delayBeforeProcessing: a delay in seconds to wait before processing the page (number)
  • blockAlternativeImages: empty the value of all srcset attributes found in the page (boolean)
  • resolveLinks: resolve link URLs to absolute URLs (boolean)
  • groupDuplicateStylesheets: Group duplicate inline stylesheets into a single stylesheet in order to reduce the size of the page (boolean)
  • infobarPositionAbsolute: Position the toolbar in absolute position instead of fixed position (boolean)
  • infobarPositionTop: Top position of the toolbar (string)
  • infobarPositionRight: Right position of the toolbar (string)
  • infobarPositionBottom: Bottom position of the toolbar (string)
  • infobarPositionLeft: Left position of the toolbar (string)