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How to integrate SingleFile library code in "custom" environments?

Gildas edited this page Jul 6, 2022 · 30 revisions
  1. Execute the scripts below ideally before any other script (e.g. before the HTML document is parsed).

    • in the top window:

      • lib/single-file-bootstrap.js
    • in frames and the top window:

      • lib/single-file-hooks-frames.js
      • lib/single-file-frames.js

      You can omit these scripts in you don't need to save frames.

  2. Execute the script below in the top window, before saving the page.

    • lib/single-file.js
  3. Execute the script below in the top window to get the saved page. See here for more information about the syntax The complete list of options can be found here:

const { content, title, filename } = await singlefile.getPageData({
  removeHiddenElements: true,
  removeUnusedStyles: true,
  removeUnusedFonts: true,
  removeImports: true,
  blockScripts: true,
  blockAudios: true,
  blockVideos: true,
  compressHTML: true,
  removeAlternativeFonts: true,
  removeAlternativeMedias: true,
  removeAlternativeImages: true,
  groupDuplicateImages: true
  1. In order to bypass CORS or other network security restrictions you can call singlefile.init() before calling singlefile.getPageData() and pass an object as parameter with a fetch property. The value of this property is a function which implements fetch (typically based on APIs available in the environment). The function must accept a URL string as first parameter and should support optional request headers passed as second parameter (see The Response object returned asynchronously must support the properties status (see and headers (see, and the method arrayBuffer() (see

  2. Remember the code is under AGPL and that you must use the same license for your project if you want to integrate this code ;)