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Hadi Michael edited this page Oct 18, 2012 · 17 revisions


Welcome to V-Tracker's wiki pages. This wiki covers an overview of a broad range of topics, which are discussed in greater detail in the Project Report. Please use the navigation menu on the right to look through the different pages.


Modern software development frameworks enable the native deployment of applications written primarily using web-technologies onto a range of mobile operating systems. As a result, it is now possible to use smartphone web-browsers to directly access device hardware, whilst providing realtime feedback through responsive user interfaces. Research in the Department of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering (ECSE) at Monash University is exploring the boundaries of web-technology and pushing device web-browser engines to the edge. As one of the first projects in this space, the V-Tracker (or Vehicle Tracker) application is setting the foundations for future experiments that will investigate the use of web-technologies in areas of digital perception and robotics.

Project Aim

By exploring data-mining and mathematical modelling algorithms, the V-Tracker project aims to achieve realtime route learning and vehicle tracking using web-technologies on a mobile device. Melbourne’s public transport network serves as a testing ground for the project since it is a well-known and clearly constrained system.

For a more detailed breakdown of the project's requirements, please refer to the project's Requirements Analysis.