This repository is for managing my configuration files.
Clone the repo. I like to clone put it at ~/.dotfiles
git clone .dotfiles && cd .dotfiles
3. May need to install the vim dependencies via vim-plug
[within vim]
- vim - 7.4
- bash - (whatever is installed)
- git - 2.24.1+
- python - 3.6+
- vim - 8.0
- neovim
- tmux - 2.3
- zsh - 5.0
- iterm2
- node
- Inconsolata font (nerdfont variant)
- rustup, cargo, rustc
- ripgrep -- Grep replacement
- fd --
replacement - fzf -- Fuzzy finder
- bat --
replacement - eza --
replacement - markdownlint-cli
- hub (command line github)
- diff-so-fancy
- reattach-to-user-namespace
- starship
- gnupg
- fnm
- zoxide
- gpg-agent
- uutils-coreutils