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Reinforcement Learning Algorithm Based On TensorFlow2.0.

This project includes SOTA or classic RL(reinforcement learning) algorithms used for training agents by interacting with Unity through ml-agents Release 1 or with gym. The goal of this framework is to provide stable implementations of standard RL algorithms and simultaneously enable fast prototyping of new methods.


It aims to fill the need for a small, easily grokked codebase in which users can freely experiment with wild ideas (speculative research).


  • Suitable for Windows, Linux, and OSX
  • Almost reimplementation and competitive performance of original papers
  • Reusable modules
  • Clear hierarchical structure and easy code control
  • Compatible with OpenAI Gym and Unity3D Ml-agents
  • Restoring the training process from where it stopped, retraining on a new task, fine-tuning
  • Using other training task's model as parameter initialization, specifying --load


This project supports:

  • Unity3D ml-agents.
  • Gym{MuJoCo, PyBullet, gym_minigrid}, for now only two data types are compatible——[Box, Discrete]. Support 99.65% environment settings of Gym(except Blackjack-v0, KellyCoinflip-v0, and KellyCoinflipGeneralized-v0). Support parallel training using gym envs, just need to specify --gym-agents to how many agents you want to train in parallel.(Because of GIL, It turned out to be pseudo-multithreading)
    • Discrete -> Discrete (observation type -> action type)
    • Discrete -> Box
    • Box -> Discrete
    • Box -> Box
    • Box/Discrete -> Tuple(Discrete, Discrete, Discrete)
  • MultiAgent training. One brain controls multiple agents.
  • MultiBrain training. Brains' model should be same algorithm or have the same learning-progress(perStep or perEpisode).
  • MultiImage input(only for ml-agents). Images will resized to same shape before store into replay buffer, like [84, 84, 3].
  • Four types of ReplayBuffer, Default is ER:
  • Noisy Net for better exploration.
  • Intrinsic Curiosity Module for almost all off-policy algorithms implemented.


  • Parallel training multiple scenes for Gym
  • Unified data format of environments between ml-agents and gym
  • Just need to write a single file for other algorithms' implementation(Similar algorithm structure).
  • Many controllable factors and adjustable parameters

Implemented Algorithms

For now, these algorithms are available:

Algorithms(29) Discrete Continuous Image RNN Command parameter
Q-Learning/Sarsa/Expected Sarsa qs
PG pg
AC ac
A2C a2c
TRPO trpo
PPO ppo
DQN dqn
Double DQN ddqn
Dueling Double DQN dddqn
Bootstrapped DQN bootstrappeddqn
Soft Q-Learning sql
C51 c51
QR-DQN qrdqn
IQN iqn
Rainbow rainbow
DPG dpg
DDPG ddpg
PD-DDPG pd_ddpg
TD3 td3
SAC(has V network) sac_v
SAC sac
TAC sac tac
MaxSQN maxsqn
MADPG ma_dpg
MADDPG ma_ddpg
MATD3 ma_td3
OC oc
AOC aoc
PPOC ppoc
IOC ioc
HIRO hiro
CURL curl

Getting started

    python [options]

    -h,--help                   显示帮助
    -i,--inference              推断 [default: False]
    -a,--algorithm=<name>       算法 [default: ppo]
    -c,--config-file=<file>     指定模型的超参数config文件 [default: None]
    -e,--env=<file>             指定环境名称 [default: None]
    -p,--port=<n>               端口 [default: 5005]
    -u,--unity                  是否使用unity客户端 [default: False]
    -g,--graphic                是否显示图形界面 [default: False]
    -n,--name=<name>            训练的名字 [default: None]
    -s,--save-frequency=<n>     保存频率 [default: None]
    -m,--models=<n>             同时训练多少个模型 [default: 1]
    -r,--rnn                    是否使用RNN模型 [default: False]
    --store-dir=<file>          指定要保存模型、日志、数据的文件夹路径 [default: None]
    --seed=<n>                  指定模型的随机种子 [default: 0]
    --unity-env-seed=<n>        指定unity环境的随机种子 [default: 0]
    --max-step=<n>              每回合最大步长 [default: None]
    --max-episode=<n>           总的训练回合数 [default: None]
    --sampler=<file>            指定随机采样器的文件路径 [default: None]
    --load=<name>               指定载入model的训练名称 [default: None]
    --prefill-steps=<n>         指定预填充的经验数量 [default: None]
    --prefill-choose            指定no_op操作时随机选择动作,或者置0 [default: False]
    --gym                       是否使用gym训练环境 [default: False]
    --gym-agents=<n>            指定并行训练的数量 [default: 1]
    --gym-env=<name>            指定gym环境的名字 [default: CartPole-v0]
    --gym-env-seed=<n>          指定gym环境的随机种子 [default: 0]
    --render-episode=<n>        指定gym环境从何时开始渲染 [default: None]
    --info=<str>                抒写该训练的描述,用双引号包裹 [default: None]
    --use-wandb                 是否上传数据到W&B [default: False]
    python -a sac -g -e C:/test.exe -p 6666 -s 10 -n test -c config.yaml --max-step 1000 --max-episode 1000 --sampler C:/test_sampler.yaml
    python -a ppo -u -n train_in_unity --load last_train_name
    python -ui -a td3 -n inference_in_unity
    python -gi -a dddqn -n inference_with_build -e my_executable_file.exe
    python --gym -a ppo -n train_using_gym --gym-env MountainCar-v0 --render-episode 1000 --gym-agents 4
    python -u -a ddpg -n pre_fill --prefill-steps 1000 --prefill-choose

If you specify gym, unity, and envrionment executable file path simultaneously, the following priorities will be followed: gym > unity > unity_env.


  1. log, model, training parameter configuration, and data are stored in C:/RLdata for Windows, or $HOME/RLdata for Linux/OSX
  2. maybe need to use command su or sudo to run on a Linux/OSX
  3. record directory format is RLdata/Environment/Algorithm/Group name(for ml-agents)/Training name/config&excel&log&model
  4. make sure brains' number > 1 if specifing ma* algorithms like maddpg
  5. multi-agents algorithms doesn't support visual input and PER for now
  6. need 3 steps to implement a new algorithm
    1. write .py in a/tf2algos directory and make the policy inherit from class Policy, On_Policy or Off_Policy
    2. write default configuration in algos/tf2algos/config.yaml
    3. register new algorithm at dictionary algos in algos/tf2algos/, i.e. 'dqn': {'class': 'DQN', 'policy': 'off-policy', 'update': 'perStep'}, make sure the classname matches the name of the algorithm class
  7. set algorithms' hyper-parameters in algos/tf2algos/config.yaml
  8. set training default configuration in
  9. change neural network structure in rls/

Ongoing things

  • RNN for on-policy algorithms
  • Fix multi-agent algorithms
  • ACER
  • Ape-X
  • R2D2



  • python>3.6, <=3.8
  • tensorflow>=2.1.0
  • numpy
  • pywin32==224
  • docopt
  • pyyaml
  • pillow
  • openpyxl
  • gym
  • opencv-python
  • ray, ray[debug] for OS based on Linux


$ git clone

pip package coming soon.

Giving credit

If using this repository for your research, please cite:

  author = {Keavnn},
  title = {RLs: Reinforcement Learning research framework for Unity3D and Gym},
  year = {2019},
  publisher = {GitHub},
  journal = {GitHub repository},
  howpublished = {\url{}},


Any questions about this project or errors about my bad grammer, plz let me know in this.


Reinforcement Learning Algorithms:SAC, TD3, TAC







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  • Python 100.0%