Provides the types "Folderish Event", "Folderish News Item" and "Folderish Document" as replacements for their ATContentTypes equivalents. Those types are able to hold any other content, like a Folder.
There is a "portlet" profile, which installs a portlet to show the contents of an folderish type.
You can limit the types, which can be added to FolderishTypes by providing a Generic Setup import type configuration.
The reason for this package is, that in my experience it's easier to group related content together at one place. An article about something fancy might have an image gallery associated with it as well as some pdf-downloads. With this package you can put everyting inside the article. Another use case is that you can structure content hierarchically and don't need to define "default pages" - a concept hard to understand and handle (see: )
Alexander Limi also wished folderish content back in 2008: "#10: Content re-use is overrated — people like folderish"
If you use, please configure the Folderish_Event type to use the @@event_view instead of the event_view.
- Depend on z3c.jbot, so that overriding folder_listing and folder_summary_view might also work at IPloneSite root.
- Write tests
- See, if this portlet is useful:
Plone 4+
- Johannes Raggam <raggam-nl [at] adm [dot] at> (Author)
- Robert Niederrreiter <rnix [at] squarewave [dot] at>