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Mutants 4.00 Drag & Drop Install

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@laudenbachm laudenbachm released this 26 Sep 18:49

Mutants 4.00 Drag & Drop Install for The Major BBS version 10. This should also work for Worldgroup 3.2NT+. LIMITED TESTING

// Original Documentation

                  MUTANTS! Version 4.00/NT
            Copyright 1991 - 1997 Majorware Inc.

All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in
a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, recorded, or otherwise without the prior written permission of
Majorware Inc.

You may not make copies of this product, in whole, or in part, except for
the purpose of backups to protect your investment. You may not resell,
distribute, or make this package available by any means to anyone without
the prior written permission of Majorware Inc., and/or its authors of this

This document and accompanying software is sold "as is" and is subject to
change without notice. Majorware Inc. makes no warranty, express or
implied, to you or any other person or entity. We will not be liable
for incidental, consequential, or other similar damages.

Galacticomm's Worldgroup and The Major BBS are trademarks of Galacticomm,
Inc. All other trademarks mentioned herein are owned by their respective

Questions? Suggestions? Concerns about our accompanying software? We'd
like to hear from you! Drop us a line and we will be glad to help you! Our
technical staff and Sales Reps are always looking forward to hearing from
our clients! Please call or write to:

Majorware Inc.
6-2400 Dundas St., West
Suite 404, Mississauga, ON
L5K 2R8

Toll Free: (800) 321-3774
BBS: telnet
Fax: (905) 828-9420



System Requirements for running Mutants ................1.00
Installing Mutants .....................................1.10
Resetting Mutants .....................................1.20
Setting the CNF options ................................2.00
General Information - Play of the Game .................4.00

1.00 System Requirements for Mutants!

MUTANTS! is a fast paced, real time, multi-player interaction text game.
With over 400K of source code, this game requires more memory, and disk
I/O than the average module. Mutants alone will take approximately 200K
of memory to run, an additional 166 bytes for every line you have
configured, and 166 bytes for every monster you assign.

You should refer to the CNF option settings in section 2.00 of this
documentation to make Mutants run as smooth as possible. We recommend you
use a minimum of a 386 processor based machine, with a disk drive with
a seek time of 20ms or faster. At least 4MB of memory is recommended.
We also recommend that you use an external third party disk cache such
as PCKWIK, to cache some of the I/O generated by Mutants.

Mutants has gone through several stages of development. One of the
greatest accomplishments in version 3.11 is the increased performance.
Not only will the monsters load faster on startup, but the system loading
will be considerably lower with this new version of Mutants.

1.10 Installing Mutants!

By Diskette:

Mutants comes with its own install program. Insert the diskette into your
floppy drive. Select drive (A: or B:) and type INSTALL. You will then be
asked for the TARGET directory. The default is C:\BBSV6 or C:\WGSERV. If
your MajorBBS or Worldgroup is located somewhere other than this directory,
enter the correct directory. INSTALL will then install the necessary files
into the correct directory.

From .ZIP file:

If you have downloaded Mutants, you will have one file called MUTANTS.ZIP.
Unzip this file onto a floppy diskette, or sub-directory on your hard disk,
then follow the installation procedures listed above.

NOTE: You may not simply unzip the file into your BBS or Worldgroup
directory. You must use the INSTALL program provided.

Files created after installation

The following files will be extracted during the installation process:

MJWMUT.DLL - Mutants dynamic link library
MJWMUT.MDF - Mutants description file
MJWMUTX.MSG - Mutants message file
MJWMUTR.DAT - Mutants 'rooms' btrieve file
MJWMUTS.DAT - Mutants 'stores' btrieve file
MJWMUTIT.DAT - Mutants 'items' btrieve file
MJWMUTMO.DAT - Mutants 'monsters' btrieve file
MJWMUTHI.DAT - Mutants 'highscore' btrieve file
MJWMUTPL.DAT - Mutants 'player' btrieve file
MJWMUTLO.DAT - Mutants 'player log' btrieve file
MJWMUT.IXX - Mutants Map index - (used on BBS startup)
MUTMAP.EXE - Mutants offline map editor
MUTEDIT.EXE - Mutants offline monster/item editor

1.20 Resetting Mutants!

There will be a time when you will need to "reset" Mutants. The reason
for this is, your users will become more powerful, the Mutants world
will grow, and your users will request a reset. To ensure you keep your
users playing Mutants, we recommend that you reset Mutants with the first
user reaching 50 Million Points. For incentive, you might want to offer
them a prize, as in credits, for the first user reaching this score.

2.00 Setting the CNF Options

Mutants comes with CNF options that you may set to "customize" the game
play. When you access the CNF options in MUTMSGX.MSG, you will see the
following options:

Level 3 (Security and Accounting)

MUTACT (Mutants Activation Code)

Enter your Mutants activation code here. Your activation code is also your
Mutants registration number, so please have this number handy when you are
calling in for technical support. If you do not enter an activation code,
Mutants will run for 15 days as a demo and then expire. To register Mutants,
please call us at (800) 321-3774.

ACTKEY (Key required to fully play Mutants!)

Users without this key will be able to play Mutants, however they will be
limited in the commands they can preform. 'Get' for example is disabled.

TRDKEY (Key required to force a room to trading)

Users with this key will be able to assign any room to become a trading

MNTKEY (Key required to force a room to maintenance)

Users with this key will be able to assign any room to become a
maintenance center.

DRKKEY (Key required to make a room dark)

Users with this key will be able to toggle any room to become dark or light.

GTEKEY (Key required to make gate)

Users with this key will be able to create/remove gates in any direction
provided there is an exit.

ITMKEY (Key required to make items appear)

Users with this key will be able to make any item appear.

SPLKEY (Key required to make spells)

Users with this key will be able to add any spell to their spell book.

BARKEY (Key required to barr players from rooms)

Users with this key will be able to assign rooms to other users. When a
room is assigned to another user, only that user can enter the room.

PWRKEY (Key required to edit user stats)

Users with this key will be able to edit any other players statistics,
provided the other user is in the game at the time.

RPOKEY (Key required to get a report on any store)

Users with this key will be able to get reports on any stores, including
City Trading Centers.

KILKEY (Key required to kill any player in the game)

Users with this key will be able to instantly kill another player in
the game with the SYS KILL command.

WLKKEY (Key required to walk through walls)

Users with this key will be able to create new rooms simply by walking
through walls. Any user with this key may also enter 'barred' areas at will.

SALKEY (Key required to make an area for sale instantlly)

Users with this key can make any room for sale. The price the area will
be sold is the price set in INISELL x YEAR.

RESKEY (Key required to reset walls)

Users with this key will be able to reset any wall, removing ion force
fields, gates, wall of ice, etc.

DESKEY (Key required to change room description)

Users with this key will be able to change any room description.

RENKEY (Key required to reset a room to basics)

Users with this key will be able to reset any room. The new room will
remove all area locks, darkness, ion force fields, etc.

HYPKEY (Key required to boost monsters)

Users with this key will be able to 'boost' monster hostillity online.

LEVEL 4 (Configuration Options)


When a user logs on, they will receive the message "The Mutants want your
blood in the arena of time!" To supress this message, select NO.

MAXMONST (Maximum monsters roaming in game)

We reccomend at least 2000 roaming monsters for version 3.11. Each monster
you configure will use approximatly 166 bytes of memory. Version 3.11 allows
you to select any amount of monsters from 100 to 9999 without system

MONPOLL (Monster movement polling rate)

In Mutants, monsters will only move about when a user is actually playing
the game. The monsters move by being 'polled' by the a player. The lower
this number, the more active the monsters become. We reccomened a polling
rate of 8000 if you BBS is a 486-33 or lower.

STARTAX (TAX amount per store)

Taxes are deducted from stores every night at cleanup. This tax rate is
this SETTING x THE YEAR the store is located.

INISELL (Selling value of new stores)

Stores have an initial selling value. The formula is this SETTING x THE
YEAR that the store is located on.

STORMU (Default new stores mark up)

City Trading Centers will markup items they accumulate so that they can
make a profit. The default is 10. This means all items in the possession
of a city trading center will be 10% more expensive then the current
market value.

STORMD (Default new stores mark down)

City Trading Centers will buy items below the current market value so that
they can make a profit. The default is -40. This means all items a city
trading center purchases will be purchased 40% less then the current market

ORANGE (Range of noise heard throughout game)

In Mutants, players will hear other users and monsters walk, fight, yell,
etc. The range of noise that can be heard throughout the world is set
here. The default is 4, meaning that you can hear a player or monster up
to 4 rooms away.

OCOMTIM (Seconds players have to stay in game after battle)

To avoid cheating and dropping carrier during battle, you can configure
this option to 'force' a player in the game while they are in battle. If
the player drops carrier while they are being forced to remain, they will
be penalized. The default is 15 seconds.

MXWIEGHT (Weight player can have per strength point)

For every point of strength a player has, they can carry x lbs of inventory.
X is whatever the value is set here. The default is 15, meaning a player
with 10 STR can carry 150lbs before becoming encumbered.

AGGRESS (Monster aggression - The lower the tougher)

This determines how aggressive the monsters are towards players when a
player first encounters them. The lower the value, the more aggressive they
become. The default is 2, meaning 18 times out of 20, a monster will attack
a player.

PENPL (Players lose how many pts/stat when carrier dropped)

When a player drops carrier in the middle of a battle, you may penalize
them by reducing their statistics. The default is 1, meaning if a player
drops carrier in the middle of battle he/she will lose 1 point of all
vital statistics.

MAXPLP (Maximum points from killing another user)

You can assign the maximum points awarded for killing another user.
The default is 50,000 points.

CRDRTE (Riblets needed to buy 1 credit - 0 disables)

Users may purchase trade Riblets for Credits at maintenance centers. A
good value would be 20,000 Riblets = 1 Credit. To disable this feature,
enter 0. By default, this feature is disabled.

DSPCRD (Display credit purchases to console each time?)

When a user purchases credits with Riblets, you may display each purchase
to your audit trail. Select YES if you wish all Credit purchases to be

IONRTE (Riblets needed to buy 1 ion - 0 disables)

Users may trade Riblets for Ions at maintenance centers. The default is
50 Riblets to purchase 1 Ion.

SURCHRG (Credit surcharge per minute while in Mutants)

You can surcharge users while in Mutants. The default is 0, however,
if you wish to surcharge them 60 credits every minute (total consumption
of 120 credits/minute) enter 60 here.

SATYR (Year of Satan)

Version 3.11 allows you to position Satan on any year from 0 (being year
2000) to year 79 (being year 9900). The default is 79.

SATX (X co-ordinate of Satan)

Version 3.11 allows you to position Satan at an X-Y co-ordinate. The
default is 24, or 24 spaces EAST.

SATY (Y co-ordinate of Satan)

Version 3.11 allows you to position Satan at an X-Y co-ordinate. The
default is -25, or 25 spaces NORTH.

DEFBST (Default setting of boost)

This boost setting controls how active the monsters are in combat. The
default setting is 100,000. Any amount below 30,000 is not recommended.
Feel free to experiment with this value on line using the sysop command
SYS BOOST [value]

4.00 General Information - Play of the Game

Mutants has taken a little over one year to develop. The first four months
were spent researching the market and seeing what made a successful game
and what didn't. Then we designed a concept for a game and began programming
it. The programming took a little over four months and the beta testing
took another four months to calibrate all features. Since then, we have
come a long way with this newest release, 3.11! Mutants is a fast paced
adventure text game and once you put it in, you'll notice your users
becoming addicted quite quickly. The game starts with the main menu then
allowing the user to select from one of the five classes of players
available. Users may adventure with one of them or build them all up.

There are over 15,000 rooms, 500 items, 500 monster types, up to 9999
roaming monsters with their own personality and the ability to cast from a
range of 20 different spells (which one must earn) and the ability to set
up trading posts (or steal from others). Mutants is a guaranteed success!
Full player interaction rivalry is not dead!

Enjoy Mutants!


Worldgroup and The Major BBS
by Galacticomm, Inc.

Copyright ( 1995
All rights reserved


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