- 在线autoprefixer
- 事件类型一览表
- html5test
- WebAssembly
- Emscripten
- List of languages that compile to JS
- Markdown
- Bitbucket Markdown语法参考
- Express middleware
- Pug.js Getting Start
- IETF Documents
- RFC列表
- learn MEAN
- Koa - next generation web framework for node.js
- Quackit Tutorials(html,css,js参考)
- The Khronos Group Inc.
- Harp-The static web server with built-in preprocessing
- BABEL Learn ES2015
- Node.js ES2015 Support
- reactivex
- mongoose
- jsbooks
- http://httparchive.org/interesting.php
- Google's Performance Best Practices
- Golang datastructure and algorithms
- Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0
- customize font
- PHP The Right Way
- cnpm
- free, automated, and open Certificate Authority
- CSS 动画集锦
- survivejs.com(webpack, react等)
- webpack: module bundler
- webpack-china
- rollup.js: module bundler for JavaScript
- browserify
- Bower: A package manager for the web
- html5-boilerplate
- marked: markdown转html
- highlight.js: 语法高亮
- Ramda
- Lodash: A modern JavaScript utility library delivering modularity, performance & extras.
- Underscore.js: a JavaScript library
- folktale, A standard library for functional programming in JavaScript
- Specification for interoperability of common algebraic structures in JavaScript
- 【表格】handsontable
- 【动画】Velocity.js
- 【动画】tween.js create.js
- popmotion - A functional, reactive animation library
- 【Canvas,SVG】fabric.js
- 【Vector Graphics Scripting】paper.js
- raphael - Vector Library
- p5.js
- 【图表】g2
- d3.js
- react-motion
- whs.js - 基于Three.js用于web应用和游戏的3D框架
- anime - 动画引擎
- 【图表】echarts
- pixi.js - HTML5 Creation Engine
- 【Presentation】impress.js
- 【Presentation】reveal.js
- remark - A simple, in-browser, markdown-driven slideshow tool
- List of WebGL frameworks
- 【订阅/发布库】postal.js
- 文件上传uppy
- dragula - 拖拽库
- draggable - 拖拽库
- clipboard.js - 剪切板
- isomorphic-fetch for Node & Browserify
- mobx - 状态管理
- tracking.js - 计算机视觉
- axios - 基于Promise的Node和浏览器HTTP客户端
- immutable-js
- sails.js Node.js中的rails
- Adonis Framework NodeJs Web Application Framework
- seneca A microservices toolkit for Node.js
- materialize
- amazeui
- framework7
- ant-design
- muuri - 格子布局
- layui
- Semantic-UI
- Foundation: responsive front-end framework
- Bootstrap
- ui-patterns.com
- Pure.css
- UIkit
- http://glyph.smarticons.co/
- https://octicons.github.com/
- https://useiconic.com/open/
- https://github.com/danklammer/bytesize-icons
- https://material.io/icons/
- http://ionicons.com/
- https://feathericons.com/
- http://demo.amitjakhu.com/dripicons/
- http://ikons.piotrkwiatkowski.co.uk/
- www.flaticon.com
- colormatters
- adobe.com: color-wheel
- color-calculator
- ColRD: Create and share color inspiration with the world
- open-color
- The AI color tool for designers
- 颜色渐变编辑器
- 渐变
- 《设计模式:可复用面向对象软件的基础》GoF
- 《Scala与Clojure函数式编程模式:Java虚拟机高效编程》
- wikipedia - design pattern
- wikipedia - Software design pattern
- Examples of Design Patterns in java
- Design Patterns in Javascript by Tomás Corral
- Design Patterns in Dynamic Languages
- 设计模式、反模式、重构、UML
- javascript on mbed
- Mounting the root FS on an SD card - LinkIt Smart 7688 Resources
- Particle Reference Documentation | Firmware
- LinkIt Smart 7688 Duo - Seeed Wiki
- Arduino - Reference
- LM3S9B96 | LM3S Cortex-M3 Series | Control + Automation | Technical documents
- Flow Control
- http://blog.japaric.io/
- http://nodebots.io/
- debug mbed in vscode
- Embedded Template Library
- C++ Core Guidelines
- cppreference
- https://isocpp.org/
- 每天一本编程书
- GUI编程相关教程
- C++参考
- Unicode 9.0 Character Code Charts
- visual studio c/c++函数实例映射
- An Introduction to TrueType Fonts: A look inside the TTF format
- How To Draw TrueType Glyph Outlines
- Foreign function interface
- MathML
- MathJax
- 符号字符
- http://plantuml.com/
- 《Mobile HTML5》一书在线资源
- webpack主要贡献者的博客
- webpack4新特性
- Writing Modular JavaScript With AMD, CommonJS & ES Harmony
- What is This in JavaScript
- Making a Pure CSS Play/Pause Button
- 跨域资源共享 CORS 详解-阮一峰
- 浅谈几种跨域的方法
- 浮点数转整数
- javascript-physics-with-matter-js
- javascript函数组合
- fetch用法
- 目前比较流行的前端框架比较(2017-11-10)
- javascript-drawing-libraries-diagrams
- Processing
- Processing.js 在浏览器中使用Processing
- Cinder - free and open source library for professional-quality creative coding in C++
- openFrameworks - an open source C++ toolkit for creative coding
- GLT - OpenGL C++ Toolkit
- libiconv: 字符码转换
- List of JVM languages
- List of CLI languages
- 编程语言比较(wikipedia)
- 各种编程语言示例代码参考(rosettacode)
- Learn X in Y minutes