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Librelio Dev Team edited this page Sep 21, 2015 · 22 revisions

Building the app for testing

In order to test, you can use the Wind target.

Building a customized app

1- Preparing the customizations assets

Customize the app by following the instructions at

2- Building the customized app

There are 3 possible methods for building a customized app

Using the wind target

You can use your own target, and replace the existing elements in this target by the customized ones.

Using the script target

In order to use the script target:

  • duplicate the Wind folder (on the root level of this repo) and put the duplicated folder anywhere you want on your hard drive
  • create (or edit) a path.txtfile in the ScriptTargetfolder, and put the path to your folder in this file, for example /Users/xxx/myapp
  • build the app after selecting the script target