The collection is a Composed NFT collections, published on Quixotic NFT marketplace on Optimism. In order to gain Access to join the whitlest for minting this collection, users must undergo a series of challenges . Only the first challenge have been completed in this hackathon which is the Snake-Game
the snake game is a classic snake game developed using unity , when the game starts players are asked to mint a character , once they succesfully do so then they the game starts, the entire point of the game is to play until a special food spawn upon eating it the player win and get a chance to mint a pass, which will take them to the next steps in the journey.
- Unity
- lighhouse
- Fleek
- Pinata
- Use moralis for easier web 3 authentication
- Add music
- Use Pinata submarine to host the Pass NFT and take the player into the next step.
- optimize the menus and web player
✨ Demo
📦 The collection
┣ 📂 build (contains the game build)
┣ 📜 (Project Documentation)
┣ 📜 index.html(for game build)
┣ 📜 SnakeGame.unitypackage ( unity project files)