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Known issues

Cristian Lussana edited this page Nov 11, 2023 · 19 revisions

versions 23.09

issue Acknowledgement
RR underestimates precipitation from 1957 to 2015. This issue has been fixed in version 23.11 CL

versions 22.09

issue Acknowledgement
in some of the files the attribute for "version" is set to 21.xx LB
the RR files on lustre/archive have time units set to "days", while it should be "hours" LB

versions 21.09 - 21.10

issue Acknowledgement
when using seNorge_2018 files with cdo, users get the following error "Error (cdf_put_att_double): NetCDF: Not a valid data type or _FillValue type mismatch". The solution is described here, where they suggest to use: "ncatted -a _FillValue,UTM_Zone_33,d,, -a proj4_params,UTM_Zone_33,c,c,"+proj=utm +zone=33 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0" filename" CL
TX, TN, TXa, TNa, TXb, TNb version 21.09. Observations over Finland are used with wrong timestamps (mismatch of 1 day). The issue has been fixed in version 21.10, which is available only for these variables. ver. 21.10 T min/max variables are listed in the table and they are available from thredds CL

version 20.05

issue Acknowledgement
There are 20 grid points -small clumps of cells disconnected from the main domain- located along the coast outside Nordland and Utsira that always have precipitation equal to 0 mm. They should be masked out from the precipitation fields. Thanks to Wai Kwok Wong
files on Zenodo -all variables- have duplicate dates for 1965. Time steps for 1957-1964 and 1966-2019 are ok. The time steps from 1965-01-01 to 1965-12-31 are repeated twice (730 steps instead of 365: 1965-01-01 to 1965-12-31 are followed by a repetition of 1965-01-01 to 1965-12-31) Thanks to Yongmei Gong

version 18.12

issue Acknowledgement
precipitation data. 29 November 2013, extremely large (and probably wrong) precipitation values over a region within longitudes of [14.52, 14.67] and latitudes of [66.99,67.04]. Thanks to Thordis L. Thorarinsdottir and Jens Christian Wahl
seNorge_2018 and CDO. CDO users may experience some problems when using seNorge_2018 files. The issue is reported here #3 Thanks to Stephanie Eisner and Michel Mesquita for reporting the issue and finding solutions