Download the latest release from and unpack it to your Tale of Toast directory.
git clone
Create a folder called "Libs" in the cloned directory, then copy the following files into it:
From ToT_Data\Managed:
- Assembly-CSharp.dll
- Facepunch.Steamworks.dll
- InControl.dll
- Nethereum.*.dll
- uLink.dll
- UnityEngine.dll
- UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll
- UnityEngine.UI.dll
From Libs-Shipping:
- MMHOOK_Assembly-CSharp.dll
Download unpack and copy the following files to the Libs folder:
- BepInEx.dll
- BepInEx.Harmony.dll
- MonoMod.RuntimeDetour.dll
- MonoMod.Utils.dll
Then open TalesOfToastPlugin.sln using Visual Studio and press F6 to build.
- Re-implements broken Discord Presence implementation
- Adds missing Alt+Click to crafting recipe item preview
- Fixes broken Back button on Mailbox Compose view
- Fixes item 3675 ("Dusty Tome") having no icon because the assigned item atlas doesn't exist (neither does the assigned icon)
- Fixes item 2488 ("Cooked Enriched Delicious Meat") having no icon because the icon assigned doesn't exist
- Fixes items 3047 and 3048 (Mana Potion III and IV) to have matching icons instead of looking like Health Potions
- Enemy name plates are now positioned relative to the enemy model's height to prevent them from clipping into larger enemies
- Adds a free bag space display next to the button menu. Press F3 to toggle it on/off
- Adds the ability to use the Enter/Return key to log in and enter the world
- Stores and automatically resummons the last summoned pet after logging in or taking a flight path
- Stores and automatically restores the pinned trade skill, also adding the skill level to the display
- Removes the ability to right-click the player avatar to prevent combat targeting issues
- Adds the ability to change the threshold for displaying ?? as level to an user defined value instead of 6 (defaults to 10)
- Scales the minimap icons down by about 30% on the highest zoom setting
- Removes the 10 second timer after moving before the player can log out
- Action bars can now be locked/unlocked by pressing F2, saving the player the hassle to go through the options menu
- Incoming friend requests are now announced via chat message
- Trying to buy Crumbs when the game was not started via Steam (or the Steam Overlay is not ready) now shows an error message.
- Removes the "HPB death cloud" effect on loot/kill
- Crafting recipe tooltips now also show the resulting item
- All potions now have their effect listed on the tooltip
- You can now toggle the fullscreen sharpening effect with F4 while in-game
- A combat log is now written to the Logs sub directory of the game directory. This can be disabled in the configuration file.
- Campfire items now have their effects listed on the tooltip. Mostly working fine already, just not for every campfire item.