Releases: mollie/PrestaShop
Version 4.1.1
GitHub Release notes:
1.7.0.x - 1.7.6.x
Compatible with PHP:
5.6.0 - 7.3.x
Release scope:
- Restored the Klarna payment module functionalities for Mollie from the order in backoffice.
- Fixed MYSQL issues with Mollie select query order listing.
- Fixed the shippingAddress → organizationName and billingAdress → organizationName error.
- Fixed the Mollie icon visibility after the module reset.
- Fixed the module payment options positioning.
- Added Russian Rubles as a credit card payment option.
- Added additional translations.
Version 4.1.0
GitHub Release notes:
1.7.0.x - 1.7.6.x
Compatible with PHP:
5.6.0 - 7.3.x
Feature added:
- New Mollie Mealvouchers feature is now available!
- Translations updated for the (EN, NL, DE, FR) languages
- New drag&drop functionality is now available for the payment methods, you have ability to arrange payment methods
Below issues fixed:
- Fixed issues with order discounts. Some Prestashop versions like still have other issues because of Prestashop core bug.
- Added warning with troubleshooting if upgrade from module 3.5.5 version fails.
- Added awaiting mollie payment status on module upgrade to fix 500 error when creating order after upgrade.
- Added phone number validation before sending it to Mollie to see if it’s valid.
- Order description field improvement
- Some small descriptions typo fixes
- “TAB” button improvements on the payments methods then using tab
From this version the module will use Semantic versioning v. X.Y.Z
X - major change
Y - minor change
Z - bug fixes
Version 4.0.9
1.7.0.x - 1.7.6.x
Compatible with PHP:
5.6.0 - 7.3.x
- Improved payment settings UI. Now test and live API has separated payment settings so that you can more easily swap between test and live API.
- Added order status field modifier that hides deleted mollie statuses in Back-office order status tab.
- New Mollie tab logo in side bar.
- Improved descriptions in Module configuration tab.
Below issues fixed:
- Fixed issue with order amount bigger then 1000. Mollie wouldn’t accept amount if it was displayed like 1,000.00. Now we send amount like 1000.00.
- Fixed issue with one page checkout in PS1.6 where payments are rendered after carrier is selected.
- Fixed issues with order API when cart has free product as gift.
- Fixed issue where Module tab in side bar would have no style and logo if module is disabled.
- Preventing double click payment method issue to create multiple orders in PS1.6
- Fixed Manual Order creation bug in BO
Version 4.0.8
1.7.0.x - 1.7.6.x
Compatible with PHP:
5.6.0 - 7.3.x
Below features added:
- Added single click payment.
- Added descriptions of API methods.
- Added API key test button.
- Added module upgrade notice.
- Added Mollie tab in main tabs.
- Added custom logo for credit card payment.
- Added selector to control when email alert module can send new_order mail.
Below issues fixed:
- Fixed issue where backorder paid status didn't send order_conf mail.
- Fixed issue where order status that ended with id 0 would not get saved in mollie settings.
- Fixed custom shipment information .
- Refactored payment data creation to use objects instead of arrays.
- Improved UX of Payments from visual side.
- Improved UX of API from visual side.
- Improved calculation logic to use Number class.
- Fixed issues with refunded orders where sometimes refunded order would have partially refunded status.
- Fixed issue with gifts and wrapping.
Version 4.0.7
1.7.0.x - 1.7.6.x
Compatible with PHP:
5.6.0 - 7.3.x
Below features added:
-Added new order status “Completed” which is set when Mollie order is finished.
-Added option for PS1.7 to choose when to send order_conf email to the customer.
-Added new Mollie_payment email template that has Mollie payment link.
-Added “Second chance email button” in admin order list. Orders with Mollie payment will have option which allows merchant to send Mollie_payment email to the customer where he can finish his order payment.
-Added option to create order with Mollie payment from back office and send Mollie_payment mail to customer where he can finish his order.
-Added logic where cart is saved for customer if he returns back to checkout from Mollie payment page (due to possible security vulnerabilities we removed voucher restoration if such have been added to cart).
-Added missing translations.
-Added functionality where merchant can exclude countries if all countries are selected for payment option.
Below issues fixed:
-Changed locale settings and fixed issue where webshop locale was not sent to mollie if option is selected.
-Improved settings descriptions.
-Fixed issues with credit card and order API.
-Improved UX of Payments Enabling/Disabling function from visual side.
-Shipping order status fixed.
Version 4.0.6
1.7.0.x - 1.7.6.x
Compatible with PHP:
5.6.0 - 7.3.x
Below issues fixed:
Webhook call fail issue error 500.
Status duplication when payment is paid or canceled.
Payment method in pdf file when order is paid.
Return from payment screen stuck.
Vendor issue where in some cases it would throw error because another vendor file already has random_bytes function.
Tax excluded orders where the calculation were off if prices are displayed without taxes.
Below features added:
Switch for PS1.7 that allows to choose if you want to send order_conf mail which is sent before payment is completed.
Hidden order_conf mail switch for ps1.6 because it can only be disabled in core.
Version 4.0.5
1.7.0.x - 1.7.6.x
Compatible with PHP:
5.6.0 - 7.3.x
Improved payment method description in settings.
Fixed order transaction id when payment is accepted.
Removed duplicated order validation on webhook call.
Fixed some namespace issues.
Version 4.0.4
1.7.0.x - 1.7.6.x
Compatible with PHP:
5.6.0 - 7.3.x
-Fixed issue "Automatically ship when one of these statuses is reached" wasn't working correctly.
-Disabled order_conf email for PS1.7. To disable it for PS1.6 you need to change PS core. classes/PaymentModule.php. you should comment out line 271:
Mail::Send(intval($order->id_lang), 'order_conf', 'Order confirmation', $data, $customer->email, $customer->firstname.' '.$customer->lastname, NULL, NULL, $fileAttachment);
-Added fix for PS1.6 hookDisplayPaymentEU where it was using wrong method ID.
-Added fix where saving API Key would reset default order statuses.
Version 4.0.3
1.7.0.x - 1.7.6.x
Compatible with PHP:
5.6.0 - 7.3.x
Fixed upgrade cache issue where upgrading module would only work after second time.
Fixed guzzle conflict with other modules that have guzzle in a vendor.
Version 4.0.2
1.7.0.x - 1.7.6.x
Compatible with PHP:
5.6.0 - 7.3.x
Added index.php files.
Added missing license and updated the old ones.
Added switch to send an email when payment is accepted.