Basic knowledge and intuition about functors is provided in:
Reader functor:
Type constructor: (-> a) // curried (-> a b) or equivallent (a -> b)
map :: (a -> b) -> (r -> a) -> (r -> b)
map f g = (.) f g
map id = id
map id g = { definition of map } (.) id g
map (g . f) = map g . map f
map (g . f) h = { definition of map } (.) (g . f) h = { associativity of composition } (.) g (f . h) = { definition of map } map g (f h) = { definition of map } map g (map f h) = { definition of composition } (map g . map f) h
- We provide simple implementation of Reader Functor:
@FunctionalInterface interface Reader<R, A> extends Function<R, A> { default <B> Reader<R, B> map(Function<A, B> f) { return asReader(f.compose(this)); } default <X, Y> Reader<X, Y> asReader(Function<X, Y> f) { return f::apply; } }
- and basic test
Reader<BigDecimal, Integer> toInteger = BigDecimal::intValue; Reader<BigDecimal, String> mapped =; assertThat(mapped.apply(BigDecimal.TEN), is("10"));
- Reader could be extended to monad:
- and used for dependency injection: