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Ben benjamin-nicholls
I use GitLab more

University of Lincoln United Kingdom

Vlad Mosoiu vladmosoiu98
Robotics Software Engineer Passionate about Deep Learning and Simulation

Agora Robotics Bucharest, Romania

Nektarios NekSfyris
Senior Robotics Engineer - making autonomous aerial/ground robots.

Abu Dhabi, UAE

Abdul Sami MalikSamiAwan
Flutter and Laravel Developer

ArcInfo Consulting Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan

Zachary Claret-Scott hcaz
Senior PHP developer based in Lincoln UK! Over 10 years experience creating bespoke software solutions. Founded @enhost

@claretscott Lincoln, uk

Kalhan Boralessa kalhansb
PhD student in Robotics and AI at Nottingham Trent University

United Kingdom

Ismet Erdogan ismeterd
Control Eng. student, a person who trying to learn the robotic

@iturake İstanbul

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Ndi-tah Samweld Nditah
7+ Experience as a developer in Elixir, Golang, Java, Python, R, Rust, SQL, Typescript Enugu, Nigeria

LucianZhong lucianzhong


Ibrahim Hroob ibrahimhroob
Research Software Engineer at University of Lincoln - L-CAS.

University of Lincoln UK

we3ew we3ew

若恋相亲APP 中国浙江杭州

Sebastian Sansoni Seba-san
Ph.D. Candidate in Robotics

UNSJ - CONICET San Juan, Argentina


China Agriculture University China

Leonardo Guevara LeonardoGuevara
Senior Lecturer in Agri-Robotics

University of Lincoln Lincoln

Emlyn emlynw
University of Leeds Mechanical Engineering BEng & MEng graduate
hanliming hanliming08
Omro omroali
PhD University of Lincoln - Human Robot Interactions


Qingzhao Liu lyd00116

TianJin University China

Diego Tiozzo Fasiolo diegotiozzo21
Mechanical Engineering Degrees @ University of Padua | Ph.D. candidate @ University of Udine | Mobile Robotics enthusiast.
James Hardy YammyToast
Student at the University of Lincoln.

University of Lincoln

Mohamed H. H. Abdelwahab mhhabdelwahab
Marine Robotics Autonomy Research Lead

Khalifa University Abu Dhabi, UAE

Marc Hanheide marc-hanheide
coding prof, robotics, director of @LCAS #ROS #HRI #AI personal website for details:

@LCAS @UoL-SoCS @jabasai Lincoln, UK

Süleyman Batuhan Vatan Sbvatan
Bilgi BSc. ME grad. of class '20, Currently: Boğaziçi University, System & Control Engineering MSc. student
Maz Gudelis TheMemoryDealer
PhD research student @ UEA. AgriFoRwArdS CDT member. Contact me on I'm always open to collaborate on interesting projects!

United Kingdom

Rob Lloyd rwlloyd
Mechatronics Engineer for Agriforwards CDT (@LCAS @LAR) and Digital maker of many things.

University of Lincoln Lincoln, UK

Jewelwinger Tomkcat
I try to understand codes. Now mainly OpenFoam. C++ | Fortran | Python | Deutsch | :)