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redf stands for "ROS Endpoint Definition Format", it defines a yaml format which describes the endpoints of a ROS system.

Supported Distros

redf currently supports humble and iron.

Why use redf?

A common problem of ROS is that it only contains message definitions, there is no definition of the topics available and their QoS settings expected. redf aims to solve this by defining the endpoints in a yaml file and generating code so that other packages will not have wrong topics and mismatched QoS.

Currently redf can:

  • Generate a rclcpp based ROS package with the topics, services, actions and their QoS

Other planned features includes:

  • Generate documentations
  • Generate a rclpy based package
  • Integrate with the rosidl codegen
  • Integrate with rcl


An example redf file

title: Test Api
description: test api
version: 0.0.1
  - name: example
license: Apache License 2.0
  - title: My Sensor
    type: topic
    topic: my_sensor
    message_type: std_msgs/msg/String
    description: Example sensor topic
    qos: sensor_data

Generate a ROS package from the yaml

redf --out=out --gen=cpp example.yaml

This will generate a full, ready-to-use ROS package, it can be included into a colcon workspace and be used by other packages.

An example of using the endpoint definitions:


cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16)

find_package(rclcpp REQUIRED)
find_package(test_api REQUIRED)

add_executable(test_node main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(test_node rclcpp::rclcpp test_api::test_api)
  • test_api automatically brings in the required messages.


#include <test_api.hpp>
#include <rclcpp/rclcpp.hpp>

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  rclcpp::init(argc, argv);
  auto test_node = rclcpp::Node::make_shared("test_node");

  using test_api::MySensor;
  auto pub = test_node->create_publisher<MySensor::MessageType>(MySensor::topic_name(), MySensor::qos());
  MySensor::MessageType msg; = "hello";

  return 0;
  • MessageType is a alias to the message type used for the topic (in this case, it is std_msgs/msg/String).
  • topic_name() returns a std::string with the topic name of the endpoint.
  • qos() returns the rclcpp::QoS of the endpoint.

Example for service clients:

#include <test_api.hpp>
#include <rclcpp/rclcpp.hpp>

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  rclcpp::init(argc, argv);
  auto test_node = rclcpp::Node::make_shared("test_node");

  using test_namespace::test_api::TestService;
  auto client = test_node->create_client<TestService::ServiceType>(TestService::service_name());
  auto req = std::make_shared<TestService::ServiceType::Request>();

  return 0;
  • ServiceType is a alias to the message type used for the topic (in this case, it is example_interfaces/srv/AddTwoInts).
  • service_name() returns a std::string with the service name of the endpoint.
  • The default service qos will be used.

For more examples, see, usages with redf is the same, just replace the message types, strings and qos with those from the generated library.

Redf Format

The full format of redf is available as a json schema here.

You can also generate the schema from source with

cargo run -F json_schema --bin generate-schema

Namespaced Topics

Sometimes a system may use namespaced topics to separate the channels between similar nodes. For example, a camera array may publish their images to /camera_0/image_raw, /camera_1/image_raw... etc. This can be represented with redf via variable subsitution.

  - title: Camera Images
    type: topic
    description: Raw camera images
    topic: '/{camera_id}/image_raw'
    message_type: sensor_msgs/msg/Image

When redf generates code for this endpoint, it will have an argument in the topic_name function, e.g.

static inline std::string topic_name(const std::string& camera_id) {
  const std::string topic = "/" + camera_id + "/image_raw";
  return topic;

This also works for service and action names.

Code Completion (vscode)

  1. Install the yaml extension

  2. Edit your vscode settings to include this

"yaml.schemas": {
  "": "*.redf.yaml"
  1. Make sure your filename ends with .redf.yaml.

You should now have code completion for redf

Running Tests


  • supported ros distro
  • rosdeps
    • ament_cmake
    • std_msgs
    • example_interfaces
    • rclcpp
    • rclcpp_action

Use rosdep to resolve and install the dependencies

rosdep resolve -q ament_cmake std_msgs example_interfaces rclcpp rclcpp_action | sed '/^#/d' | xargs sudo apt install

Source ROS and run the tests

. /opt/ros/{DISTRO}/setup.bash && cargo test