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Kits ‐ Owlk
The Owlk kit is a tool to help you create and develop GhostBird (referred to by the community as Owlk) buildings and houses. The kit includes all types of walls, floors, props, and objects one can interact with, such as Artifacts, Grapple Totems, Alarm Totems, and Projector Totems. It also includes plants and foliage and smaller, more niche things like the burning slide reel holders, and the Owlks themselves.
This kit contains many objects that can be interacted with, most of which require very specific things to be set before they can work. Most of these objects have a LightSensor component on them, with separate options to detect the Flashlight, Probe, Dream Lantern and Simple Lantern. Flashlight refers specifically to the flashlight the player uses, while Probe refers to any light produced by the scout. Dream Lantern counts both the player's Artifact as well as the Owlks' when they focus. The Simple Lantern refers to the lanterns used for the slide projectors.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The videos and images on this page all show the prefabs being edited. If you are using this kit, you should not directly edit the prefabs. Use them to place the object in some other area instead, like a scene or as part of a different prefab, and edit it there.
Simply place it down and you're done. No extra things needed. The distance and angle at which it can see the player can be changed, but changing the angle does not affect the cone visible is sim view, as seen in this video.
To change the size of the cone you can adjust the scale of the cone GameObject itself.
Code Totems are simple but need a few things set up.
The code is set on the EclipseCodeController4 component (on the GameObject called Prefab_IP_CodeTotem). It consists of numbers between 0 and 7 (including both) for default configuration. If you set a number higher than 7 it will not work.
If you want to change the acceptable range, simply change the nb symbols property on the RotaryDial component (situated on the children of the rings GameObject. You would have to do this for each child individually.)
If you want more (or less) than 5 rings, you can add (or remove) however many of these children. If you're adding one, it's recommended to copy it as shown in the video below. Also change the size of the dials array on the aforementioned EclipseCodeController4 component, and make sure the individual elements are set as the correct child GameObjects.
If you do not want your totem to depict Lord Foog the 2st you must change the symbol.
You should first copy the Lord Foog the 2st material and rename it. Then change the 2 images shown in the video below and apply it to the GameObject named Symbol_LordFoogThe2st. It is recommended to change this name to be what your symbol is.
Inside the EclipseDoorController script there are 3 things you may want to change. The most common is starting rotation. This changes the starting position of the ring from 0 to 360. Anything over will loop back around. Rotation speed changes how fast the ring rotates. Angle accuracy is the margin of error within which the door will open. The higher it is, the further away from the sun the ring can stop and still open the door.
To lock a door you need to disable the Light_Sensor and Rotating_Ring GameObjects, and enable the Lock GameObject. Keep in mind that these only lock one face, the door will still be able to be opened from the other side unless you repeat the process for the Game Objects on the other side.
Candles have two things you might want to change: the LightSensor component, and whether the candle starts lit or not. You can find the LightSensor on the GameObject named Prefab_IP_DreamCandle_Ground. It can detect the Dream Lantern by default, but can be changed to detect other light sources, as stated above. The start lit property is on the DreamCandle component, on the same GameObject. You need to set both it and the start illuminated property on the LightSensor.
All three are the same. You place them and you're done.
The first two properties on the DreamObjectProjector component control whether the totem starts lit or not, and if it can only be extinguished. An example of both of these are the "lights out" totems that start the archive sequences. They are lit at the start and can't be relit once blown out.
The next four arrays are for what the totem can activate and deactivate. The first one of them is for objects it turns on and off, such as bridges. The second is for any other Projector Totems that will turn off with it. An example of this is in the Endless Canyon, where the bridge inside the building will be turned off along with the lights if it is on when the lights out sequence is started. The AudioVolume array controls which AudioVolumes to enable for the lights out sequence. This part is optional. The last array controls specifically what candles and lights are toggled when the totem is used.
Objects that you want to be able to turn on and off need the DreamObjectProjection component on them. Additionally, if you want them to smoothly fade out, you can put a DitheringAnimator component on them. This script is not used on simulation view objects. For candles and lights you need to add an OWFlameController component. All of these components should be on an empty GameObject, with the objects that get toggled on and off being children to it.
For the elevator, you can change the position of the LowerDestination and UpperDestination GameObjects, under ElevatorDestinations in the hierarchy. A floor has been added to make it easier to visualise where the bottom destination is. While currently untested, in theory you could have more than 2 destinations by expanding the destinations array. Just keep in mind they have to be in order from bottom to top.
You can also change the start destination of the elevator by setting that property to the associated index of the array.
Another one that can just be placed and be done, but rotating some parts is an option and commonly done in the base game.
Place and done.
You can change the image by changing the index property on the QuadUVMapper component.
Here is a chart of each image and its corresponding index.
Place and done, though you can set which raft, if any, you want in it to start with.
Place it and use NH to set a slide reel as child of the SlideReelSocket GameObject.
Again, use NH to parent a reel to one of the socket GameObjects.
The default vision torch is for decoration. To make a working one, use NH to parent a staff to the staff_attach_point.
Rafts are strange and refuse to work without a sector and an alignment fluid. You can use NH to make rafts, and should, especially if you make your water using NH as well. If, however, you are making water in Unity, this is for you.
Set the sector on the RaftController component to allow the raft to work.
Here's what happens without a sector set:
Set the alignment fluid on the RaftFluidDetector component.
Here's what happens without an alignment fluid set:
You place it and you're done. You can add lights, but they are not needed.
The best tip for making a house is to study DLC. I often look at DLC for inspiration on how to make more interesting and detailed shapes. I even use real life homes as inspiration because there's a lot of similarities between the Owlk buildings and our own. But if you still need more tips outside of that here are some for you to use!
Make it REAL. These are homes not set pieces. Add clutter, boxes, paintings, tables, etc. If it's meant to be broken make the decay have form AND function. The decay needs to look believable. if a celling falls where does the rest of it go?
Don't be afraid to tilt objects like boxes or paintings. Adding some imperfection is done everywhere in the DLC and makes a space seem alive.
Location. A house isn't lowered via helicopter. Try and make your homes work around the terrain, not on top of it.
Add DEPTH. A box is not fun no matter how much you detail it. The front door can be pushed in, or out and other parts can be added to the sides above and below. Different roof sizes add a lot of variety and spice to a normally bland house.
This tip is more so for object hierarchy, but you want to keep your stuff separate and clean for easy access. Like the image shows below, objects are split into building (walls, floors, roofs, and lattices), props (tables, chairs, cups, dividers, etc), interactable (Slide projectors, code totems, projector totems, etc), lights, and cables. This is how Mobius split up their houses and it is generally recommended you do too but make sure the game objects you use for organization are at 0, 0, 0.