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Tutorials ‐ Taking prefabs from your game rip

Will Corby edited this page Oct 30, 2024 · 5 revisions

Check the Unity Docs for more info.

This is how you bring content from unity project to unity project (e.g. from your game rip to your mod project).

You should prefer this over manually copying files because it'll automatically include dependencies (e.g. exporting a Material will include any textures used).

Exporting from one project (presumably your game rip)


First, drag the desired GameObject from the Hierarchy tab to the Project tab to make it into a prefab. This is what you'll ultimately be exporting (most of the time, sometimes you may just want a single material or something). Double click the created prefab file to further edit it.

You'll probably want to unstream, as well as doing Streetlights/Enable Colliders Under Selected because many things in the rip have disabled colliders for some reason.
You should also move the stuff in your rip to a uniquely named folder. So the structure will be e.g. Assets/JohnCorbyGameRip/Materials instead of Assets/Materials. This way you won't conflict as much with other peoples' rips (since they'll have the same assets with different IDs, which can be overwritten and break things)


Move the stuff to a uniquely named folder AFTER unstreaming, and move it back temporarily if you need to unstream again.
The unstreamer currently breaks if the assets are not in the location it expects. I'm planning on fixing this eventually.

As a side note, unstreaming can help with modelling software, because then you can export to an fbx file straight from the game.
fbx export settings
I'm not sure what the best settings are here for something like blender. Someone more knowledgeable will have to update this page for those.

Go time

unity docs reference

export package settings

I don't think you have to do this, but you should look through all the dropdowns here. If any of them contain only .cs or .dll files then you don't need to include them.

Importing into another project (presumably your mod project)

unity docs reference

import package settings

Just drag the .unitypackage file into your project and click Import.