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Releases: pawelWritesCode/godog-http-api


09 Mar 19:17
Choose a tag to compare
  1. Containerized framework using Docker (see Dockerfile).
  2. Created compose stack for demonstration purposes (see compose.yaml).
  3. Added new commands to Makefile
  4. Updated test server (user-crud) documentation & all references to it in example tests (*.feature).
  5. Updated README.MD


06 Sep 07:58
Choose a tag to compare
  1. Added new step which allows to save arbitrary multi line characters (passed in doc string):
  • I save as "([^"]*)":
  1. Added new project usage examples, which can be found in features/
  2. Added support for HTML and plain text for few methods
  3. Upgraded default debugger
  • it can print up to fixed number of bytes now, which fixes problem when API returns tons of bytes and floods terminal,
  • it detects JSON format bytes, indent them and color for better readability
  1. JSON nodes may be found using 3 different syntax (new is: antchfx/jsonquery)
  2. Minimal go version is now 1.19
  3. Updated README.MD


16 Jun 07:18
Choose a tag to compare
  1. Steps:
  • the "(JSON|YAML|XML)" node "([^"])" should be "(bool|boolean|float|int|integer|number|scalar|string)" of value "([^"])"
  • the "(JSON|YAML|XML)" node "([^"]*)" should (not )?be "(array|bool|boolean|float|int|integer|map|mapping|nil|null|number|object|sequence|scalar|slice|string)"

contains more types to check against. Those types are strictly related with JSON, XML and YAML data types.

  1. New steps:
  • the response cookie "([^"]*)" should (not )?match regExp "([^"]*)"
  • the "(JSON|YAML|XML)" node "([^"]*)" should (not )?contain sub string "([^"]*)
  • the "(JSON|YAML|XML)" node "([^"]*)" should be "(bool|boolean|float|int|integer|number|scalar|string)" and contain one of values "([^"]*)"
  • I print cache data
  1. Steps:
  • I generate a random word having from "(\d+)" to "(\d+)" of "(ASCII|UNICODE|polish|english|russian|japanese|emoji)" characters and save it as "([^"]*)"
  • I generate a random sentence having from "(\d+)" to "(\d+)" of "(ASCII|UNICODE|polish|english|russian|japanese|emoji)" words and save it as "([^"]*)"

Have more charsets available.

  1. godog and gdutils are updated to newest versions.
  2. JSON path library QJSON is replaced to GJSON.

Migration tips from v2.0.0 to v2.1.0:

Please, see your qjson related JSON-paths and update them to GJSON.

Optional step negation

06 Apr 11:53
Choose a tag to compare

Release adds optional negation (not )? to following steps:

  • the response should have header "([^"]*)"
  • the response should have cookie "([^"]*)"
  • the response status code should be (\d+)
  • the "(JSON|YAML|XML)" response should have node "([^"]*)"
  • the "(JSON|YAML|XML)" node "([^"]*)" should be slice of length "(\d+)"
  • the "(JSON|YAML)" node "([^"]*)" should be "(nil|string|int|float|bool|map|slice)"
  • the "(JSON|YAML|XML)" node "([^"])" should match regExp "([^"])"
  • the response body should have format "(JSON|YAML|XML|plain text)"

Also, there is one new step (in Preserving data section):
I save from the last response header "([^"]*)" as "([^"]*)"