Optional step negation
Release adds optional negation (not )?
to following steps:
- the response should have header "([^"]*)"
- the response should have cookie "([^"]*)"
- the response status code should be (\d+)
- the "(JSON|YAML|XML)" response should have node "([^"]*)"
- the "(JSON|YAML|XML)" node "([^"]*)" should be slice of length "(\d+)"
- the "(JSON|YAML)" node "([^"]*)" should be "(nil|string|int|float|bool|map|slice)"
- the "(JSON|YAML|XML)" node "([^"])" should match regExp "([^"])"
- the response body should have format "(JSON|YAML|XML|plain text)"
Also, there is one new step (in Preserving data section):
I save from the last response header "([^"]*)" as "([^"]*)"