1.5.2 release note
Added Cassandra Datastax Java Driver support - #789 (Contributed by dawidmalina)
Added MARIA JDBC support - #1388 (Contributed by dawidmalina)
Added DUBBO support - #1416 (Contributed by majinkai)
Added checks to see if Log4J, Logback plugins should transform their target classes - #1303
Reduced scope when tracing Thrift Asynchronous Client - #1319
You may now configure multiple methods when using User plugin - #1390
Added filter options for Spring plugin - #1466
Added option for disabling JSON(JSONLib, Jackson, Gson) plugins - #1527
Stored procedures may now be traced for JDBC plugins - #1541
Improved class loading to support OSGI (Jira) - #1583
Added support for Spring AspectJ weaving - #1443
Added detailed JVM memory statistics collection - #628 (Contributed by dawidmalina)
Response time scatter chart can now be shown per agent - #930
Pinpoint agent may now be used with other java agents that transform classes - #1322
Added duration for agent start/shutdown events - #1358
Added addSetter API for InstrumentClass - #1479
Active thread information is collected alongside other agent statistics - #1504
JVM GC type is now collected once at agent startup - #1532
Added recordApiId API to SpanRecorder - #1610
Spring Boot application service information is now collected - #1621
collector.l4.ip(pinpoint-collector.properites) option now allows whitespaces - #1553
Added time filtering when querying agents for real time data - #1318
Applied parallel result scanning when reading from HBase - #1362 , #1432
Added SpanEvent filter to safeguard against spans with too many events - #1396
Added a limit to prevent OOME when fetching for transactions with too many spans - #1397
Made real time active thread chart smoother - #1430
Added RESTful API for getting application's host information - #1444
Removed unnecessary agent status lookups to improve server map query time - #1469
Modified response data RESTful API for getting scatter data - #1518
Added direction option for RESTful API for getting scatter data - #1573
Added RESTful API for getting application's response time data - #1589
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where destinationId would be set as UnknownHttpClient for HttpClient3 - #1349
Slf4j now works when using jul-to-slf4j - #1478
Fixed an issue where Log4j Logback enable option would not work properly - #1508
Fixed an issue where HttpClient plugin would throw an exception when request entity was multipart(content type) - #1530
Errors thrown when constructing the call tree are now more detailed - #1367
Fixed a bug where call statistics would show as 0 when multiple applications were bound to a single domain - #1487
Fixed call tree's gap calculation - #1539
Fixed an issue where a plugin's integration tests would not run under certain situations - #1595
Scatter, response summary, load summary charts can now be updated in real time - #1577 , #1596
Charts may now be filtered by agents - #1490
Splitted depth into inbound, and outbound
Websockets now reconnects upon unexpected close - #1343
Added time slider to Inspector view - #1428
Added page for deleting agents - #1473
Server map is refreshed when changing inbound, outbound options - #1634
Added guide message when an agent has a different application name in Inspector view - #1650
Docker images may now be built through maven (via docker-maven-plugin) - #1378 (Contributed by dawidmalina)
Jsons are now generated from Java objects instead of through JSP - #1371
Separated server modules for collector, and web - #1511
Removed deprecated HBase API calls - #1587
Added prefix data block encoding to HBase tables - #1606
Removed region pre-splitting for AgentEvent and AgentLifeCycle - #1560
Added jshint, merge, minify for javascript and css files
Library Updates
Upgraded Apache Commons Collections to v3.2.2 - #1576 (Contributed by jart)
Upgraded go.js 1.4.x => 1.5.x #1524
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