Developed a assistive controller for the swing phase of gait. The novelty of the controller is that joint level assistive torques are provided in an assist-as-needed manner based on the deviations of the ankle joint from a normative trajectory. Besides, the assistance is only provided if the ankle deviates beyond a preset distance normal to the normative path.
Used a double pendulum model with link and joint properties set to mimick the human lower extremity (thigh and shank segment; hip, knee and ankle joints).
Obtained hip and knee joint trajectories for the swing phase of gait from the following gait database for healthy individuals. Processed the raw x-y-z data to obtain the hip angle and knee angle. The processed data is available in the csv file Gait desired Final
All simulations were run using the run simulation script
An inverse dynamics controller was used to track the desired joint trajectories. An animation of the desire gait is shown in the following link.
Undesired gait was generated from the desired gait trajectories by adding a perturbing signal at each joint as implemented in the script. The inverse dynamic controller was used to track the undesired gait trajectories.
The undesired gait was simulated as described previously. An assistive controller was used on top of the inverse dyn controller.
Assist-as-needed implementation - A PD controller was designed to correct deviations from desired gait trajectory when the deviation of the ankle joint from the desired ankle path was greater than 5cm. The PD gains were tuned by trial and error.
The coordinate system was located at the hip joint
The assist as needed controller was able to correct large deviations of the ankle from the desired trajectory by applying torques at the joint level.