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jbarnett-r7 edited this page Sep 1, 2016 · 2 revisions


Basic Config

  • OS: Windows 2008 R2
  • Networking: NAT
  • RAM: 2 GB
  • Storage: 60 GB


  • U: vagrant P: vagrant
  • U: leah_organa P: help_me_obiw@n
  • U: luke_skywalker P: use_the_f0rce
  • U: han_solo P: sh00t-first
  • U: artoo_detoo P: beep_b00p
  • U: c_three_pio P: pr0t0c0l
  • U: ben_kenobi P: thats_no_moon
  • U: darth_vader P: d@rk_sid3
  • U: anakin_skywalker P: yipp33!!
  • U: jarjar_binks P: mesah_p@ssw0rd
  • U: lando_calrissian P: b@ckstab
  • U: boba_fett P: mandalorian1
  • U: jabba_hutt P: not-a-slug12
  • U: greedo P: hanShotFirst!
  • U: chewbacca P: rwaaaaawr5
  • U: kylo_ren P: daddy_issues1

All of the above users are in various user groups of varying levels of privileges.

Changing Configuration

Most of the configuration options can be changed manually through your preferred virtualization platform. If you would like to automate the process every time you bring up the Vagrant environment, you can add options to the Vagrantfile. More information can be found here.

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