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Road Map

jbarnett-r7 edited this page Oct 12, 2016 · 2 revisions

This project is still in its infancy, but it should be initially useable for anyone looking to get their feet wet. Here are a few of the features that we would like to add in the near future (in no particular order):

  • More vulnerabilities
    • This will be an ongoing feature that will only get better over time. We are constantly looking at new vulnerabilities to add to the base system. New scripts will be added to enable more vulnerabilities as time goes on, prioritized by how common they are.
  • Expanding Operating Systems
    • First to tackle will be creating a Linux version of the system with its own set of vulnerabilities.
    • We also would like to expand to other Windows versions. Due to the nature of the scripts used to configure the system it should be fairly simple to port the existing vulnerabilities to a new OS.
  • Difficulty levels
    • Since this is built on-demand we'd like to add various difficulty levels to the build. This would allow someone to set a variable before the build and the resulting VM will have different services more open or locked down depending on what is selected.
  • Hiding flags throughout the system
    • We plan on hiding flags throughout the system that will give people something fun to search for as they are exercising their pen-testing skills.
  • Automated builds of the VM
    • It would be ideal to have the fully provisioned VM built and hosted somewhere for easy download.
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