Companion for Oceanic Next Color Scheme.
Because IntelliJ IDEA does not allow custom themes, we need to patch existing theme, i.e. Darcula.
- When installing Webstorm, etc. answer no when asking for admin rights or install in the place when you have write privileges.
- Find idea.jar or webstorm.jar etc.
- Add JAVA_PATH/bin to your PATH.
- Extract file and check changes:
jar xf /c/installed/WebStorm*/lib/webstorm.jar com/intellij/ide/ui/laf/darcula/
- Close Idea or you will get error in next step: Error in writing existing jar file
- Upload file
jar uf /c/installed/WebStorm*/lib/webstorm.jar com/intellij/ide/ui/laf/darcula/
You can also use this for limited functionality:
- make backup of a jar file