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James Smith edited this page Sep 5, 2017 · 1 revision

New instances of Octopub need a GitHub OAuth app setting up, to enable login. We suggest that the app should be owned by a GitHub organization, not an individual.

To set up a new app:

  1. Go to the organization's "OAuth Apps" settings page at{organization-name}/settings/applications
  2. Click "Register a new application"
  3. Enter a name such as "Octopub for {your organization}"
  4. Enter the URL of your instance in the Homepage URL and in the Authorization callback URL fields.
  5. Click "Register application"

Once you've created the application, you will be shown a page with a Client ID and a Client Secret. These values should be placed into the GITHUB_KEY and GITHUB_SECRET environment variables respectively, for your instance.

You should then restart the instance.

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