This repository provides tools for converting ROS2 bag files and TIER IV (T4) dataset files, as well as the design specifications for the T4 dataset format.
These tools facilitate the preparation and transformation of perception data for autonomous driving applications.
The T4 dataset is designed to support autonomous driving research and development.
It can include various types of perception data such as images and lidar point clouds, radar point clouds, along with annotations for tasks like object detection, segmentation, and tracking.
For detailed information about the T4 dataset format, please refer to the T4 Dataset Format Documentation.
t4-devkit is a development kit for working with the T4 dataset, providing additional utilities and tools.
Please see t4-devkit about details.
See tools_overview about the converters.
git clone perception_dataset
cd perception_dataset
Install and build ros dependencies (this step must be outside of poetry virtualenv):
source /opt/ros/${ROS_DISTRO}/
sudo apt install -y ros-${ROS_DISTRO}-sensor-msgs-py ros-${ROS_DISTRO}-rosbag2-storage-mcap ros-${ROS_DISTRO}-radar-msgs
mkdir src -p && vcs import src < build_depends.repos
colcon build --symlink-install --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release --packages-up-to autoware_auto_perception_msgs autoware_perception_msgs tier4_perception_msgs oxts_msgs vehicle_msgs
source ./install/setup.bash
As of 2024/06/10, the repository requires both autoware_msgs
and autoware_auto_msgs
. The above command will install both messages.
If you already have either of them, you can remove the unnecessary one from build_depends.repos
Install python dependencies:
pip3 install poetry
poetry install
gh release download test-data -D tests/data
unzip 'tests/data/*.zip' -d tests/data/
or manually download zipped data from the release page to a test/data
source /opt/ros/${ROS_DISTRO}/
source ./install/setup.bash
poetry run pytest
# to install hooks of formatter and linter files
pre-commit install
# to apply hooks
pre-commit run -a