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Ben Leggett edited this page May 14, 2019 · 144 revisions


This page describes the steps required for installing the Jazz framework, using the Jazz Installer. For more details on the Jazz Serverless Development Framework, please refer here.


  • Installer box: Installer box that brings up the Jazz stack.

    • You can use a CentOS (7.x) instance as your installer box. To create a new CentOS instance please refer here.
  • AWS account: Installation will deploy the platform components as well as create user services in AWS.

Ensure you have the IAM keys with sufficient permissions to create the following AWS resources in us-east-1/us-west-2:


Note that not all AWS regions support all of these AWS resources yet, and if you pick a region that lacks support for one or more of these resource types, the installer will fail. Refer to the AWS offical region table for an up-to-date listing. The installer has been tested in the following regions:

  • us-east-1
  • us-west-2

A list of the resources the Terraform installer will create can be found here, though running terraform plan will provide a more detailed and accurate listing.


  • Building stack in AWS using existing Jenkins and BitBucket instances.
  • Building stack in AWS using an existing BitBucket instance and a Jenkins container.
  • Building stack in AWS using a Gitlab and Jenkins container.


Ensure that you have a standard install of Python 3.6 or greater, with pip and setuptools

If you want to use the SCM(Gitlab) and CI system(Jenkins) instances the installer sets up for you, then no additional steps are required. If you wish to "bring your own" SCM and CI instances, please verify you have completed all the additional environmental prerequisites for that first.

  1. If have not already SSH'ed into to the installer box that you set up here, do so.

1(a). (Optional) Export your AWSCLI credentials as environment variables if you have not already done so. If the credentials are not detected in the environment you will be asked for them later:

  1. Run the below command to start the installation (if you are looking to enable optional features like code quality, use the command listed here:

a. Install latest: This can be unstable with pre-release bits in them:

curl -L | sh -s -- -ib master && cd jazz-installer && sh -b master

b. Install specific release: Choose a release tag from here and replace the {relver} tag in the command below and run it:

(ver={relver}; curl -L$ver/ | sh -s -- -ib $ver && cd jazz-installer && sh -b $ver)

For example, to install v1.6, your command would be:

(ver=v1.6; curl -L$ver/ | sh -s -- -ib $ver && cd jazz-installer && sh -b $ver)

  1. Follow the installer wizard prompts:

    1. You will be asked to provide a prefix for your stack (Please use only lowercase alphabets & numbers for tag name. Some of the artifacts are named using this information and AWS has restrictions on how we use this tag. DO NOT run the installer on top of an existing installation without first destroying the existing installation).

    2. You will be asked to provide an admin email address that will be used to manage Jazz.

  2. Once the installation is complete, you should see a log similar to this:

Please use the following values for checking out Jazz
     "Jenkins ELB" : "{Jenkins Host Name}",
     "Jenkins Username" : "{Jenkins User Name}",
     "Jenkins Password" : "{Jenkins Password}",
     "Jazz Home" : "{Jazz Home Page}",
     "Jazz Admin Username" : "{Jazz Admin Email Address you provided}",
     "Jazz Admin Password" : "{Jazz Admin Password that was autogenerated for you}",

You can also run tail -20 stack_creation.out inside the jazz-installer directory to find the details to administer Jazz.

Follow the post-install steps covered here before starting to use Jazz.


  • Current version runs only on AWS Stack.

  • From Jazz version > v1.12, installer deploys docker containers (related to internal Jazz components) to ECS Fargate service. Currently, you may run into disk space errors because of underlying issue with ECS Fargate (Has a disk space limit of 10GB as described here. AWS is working on related features according to their roadmap. We'll implement changes that can potentially resolve these issues as soon as related features are available in AWS Fargate.

  • Note: To resolve disk space issue in Jenkins, Go to Jenkins script console (JenkinsURL/script) and run the below code snippet

    def sout = new StringBuilder(), serr = new StringBuilder()
    def proc = 'rm -rf /var/jenkins_home/workspace/jazz_ui/jazz_ui '.execute()
    def list = ["build_modules","jazz_admin","jazz_assets","jazz_codeq","jazz_create-serverless-service","jazz_delete- serverless-service","jazz_deployments","jazz_email","jazz_environments","jazz_events","jazz_is-service-available","jazz_is-slack-channel-available","jazz_login","jazz_logout","jazz_logs","jazz_metrics","jazz_scm-webhook","jazz_services","jazz_slack-channel","jazz_test-lambda","jazz_usermanagement"]
    for (item in list) {
       proc = "rm -rf /var/jenkins_home/workspace/build-pack-api/$item".execute()
    proc.consumeProcessOutput(sout, serr)
    if (serr) {
      println "error > $serr"
    } else {
      println "done > $sout"
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