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Jazz Uninstaller

Ben Leggett edited this page May 14, 2019 · 1 revision


The Jazz destroy script will execute terraform destroy and delete all the AWS resources that got created during the installation process.

Please DO NOT destroy your Jazz installer instance (EC2) until you cleanup Jazz's components, or the Terraform state file that Terraform uses to keep track of what should be deleted will be destroyed. However, you may stop the installer instance for later use as required.

Uninstalling Jazz Stack

To tear down your entire jazz install (including services created using Jazz), cd into the jazz-installer directory you ran the installer from and run:

python3 uninstall --mode=all

If for some reason you wish to tear down all of Jazz's AWS resources but want to leave services that were created using Jazz, instead run:

python3 uninstall --mode=frameworkonly

Manual cleanup (for the services that you would have created)

After destroying the Jazz installation, there are CloudFormation stacks (one per service) that will not be cleaned up if you chose the option frameworkonly. If you want to delete them later, please search for cloud formation stacks starting with the stack name (that is given during the installation). Select and delete each one of the cloud formation stacks starting with stack name which looks like {jazz_stack_name}-{service}-dev/stg/prod.