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Post Install

Surya Jakhotia edited this page May 30, 2018 · 4 revisions

Once your installation is complete, here are a recommended list of actions you might want to take:

  1. Update Registration Code: When you install a new instance of Jazz, default registration code is set as jazz. You can update it by setting the value of reg_codes in your local repo of jazz_usermanagement inside the file /config/prod-config.json. The registration code inside the config file has to be all CAPS while users can enter any case.

  2. Update Jenkins user credentials: Jenkins user jobexec is installed with a default password. You can change the password by logging in as admin to your Jenkins instance (Manage Jenkins -> Manager Users). Due to feature limitation of our v1.5 (and lower) release, update the same password for the credential ID jobexecutor. Once done, navigate to jazz_create-serverless-service and jazz_delete-serverless-service repos in your installed SCM and update file (this is to trigger re-deployment of these two services).

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