The Brutzelkarte FPGA description code in VHDL
The code may need some cleanup. It is the result of multiple iterations from the first prototype to the current version. It may not be perfect but works. There are still some unimplemented features.
Feel free to leave me a message if you find bugs or have suggestions for improvements.
Address: 0x18000000
Offset: 0x00000000
Effective Address: 0x18000000
Access: Read / Write
Controls the emulation features of the cart.
31 - 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Reserved | UART Flow Control Enable | UART EN | Mapping EN | FlashRAM EN | SRAM EN | EEP SEL | EEP EN | FLASH SEL |
FLASH SEL: '0' Boot / '1' ROM
EEP EN: '1' EEPROM emulation enabled
EEP SEL: EEPROM Type select ('0' = 4 KBit / '1' 16 KBit, only valid if EEP EN = '1')
SRAM EN: '1' enables SRAM emulation (supports 32KiB and 3x32KiB SRAM)
FlashRAM EN: '1' enables FlashRAM emulation
UART EN: '1' enables the UART port (this disables the other cart control funtions)
UART Flow Control Enable: '1' enabled the UART HW Flow Control (Currently only RTS is monitored)
SRAM EN and FlashRAM EN may not be '1' at the same time. Otherwise the result will be undefined.
Offset: 0x00000004
Effective Address: 0x18000004
Access: Read only
The version of the programable logic.
31 - 24 | 23 - 16 | 15 - 8 | 7 - 0 |
0x04 | Major | Minor | Debug |
Offset: 0x00000008
Effective Address: 0x18000008
Access: Read / Write
Offset for read address in ROM FLASH
Replaced by ROM mapping.
Offset: 0x0000000C
Effective Address: 0x1800000C
Access: Read / Write
Offset of the save file in the SRAM in 1KiB blocks.
Offset: 0x00000010
Effective Address: 0x18000010
Access: Read / Write
32 bit of user defined backup data. Can be used to remember the cart state during reset.
Offset: 0x00000080
Effective Address: 0x18000080
Access: Read / Write
Set of 32 registers. Each registers maps 2 MiB of ROM address space to the ROM Flash. 512 MiB of FLASH can be addressed in 2 MiB blocks. This allows to split ROMs into parts of 2 MiB. If the cart memory is fragmented due to deletion of smaller ROMs, the free space can be used for bigger ROMs without having to completely rewriting the FLASH.
Each register:
31 - 8 | 7 - 0 |
Reserved | Flash Mapping |
Register addresses and ROM addresses
Address | Register | ROM address |
0x18000080 | Mapping Register 0 | 0x00000000 - 0x001FFFFF |
0x18000084 | Mapping Register 1 | 0x00200000 - 0x003FFFFF |
... | ... | ... |
0x18000098 | Mapping Register 30 | 0x03C00000 - 0x03DFFFFF |
0x1800009C | Mapping Register 31 | 0x03E00000 - 0x03FFFFFF |
Example usage:
- Mapping is enabled in Cart Control Register
- Console reads ROM address 0x00300208
- Mapping register 1 is used (current value is 0x05)
- Cart reads data from FLASH at address 0xA00208 (5 * 2 * 1024 * 1024 + 0x208)
Mapping is only available for ROM FLASH. It is ignored for Boot FLASH.
Mapping is ignored if disabled in Cart Control Register.
Offset: 0x00000014
Effective Address: 0x18000014
Access: Read / Write '1' to Reset
Status of the RX/TX FIFOs and the transmitter.
31 - 4 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 - 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Reserved | RXOF | RXHF | RXF | RXNE | Reserved | TXACT | TXHF | TXF | TXNF |
TXACT: TX active
TXNF: TX FIFO Not Full (can send at least one character)
RXOF: RX FIFO Overflow (can be reset by writing '1' to it)
RXNE: RX FIFO Not Empty (can receive at least one character)
Offset: 0x00000018
Effective Address: 0x18000018
Access: Read Only
Number of free characters in the TX FIFO.
31 - 11 | 10 - 0 |
Reserved | Tx free count |
Offset: 0x0000001C
Effective Address: 0x1800001C
Access: Read Only
Number of characters in the RX FIFO.
31 - 11 | 10 - 0 |
Reserved | Rx ready count |
Offset: 0x00000020
Effective Address: 0x18000020
Access: Read / Write
Reads one character from the RX FIFO / Writes one character to the TX FIFO
Offset: 0x00001000
Size: 1K
Effective Addresses: 0x18001000 - 0x180013FF
Access: Read / Write
Description: Every write to this address space writes to the TX FIFO. In theory the cart supports 16 bit writes (2 characters). The machine supports only 64 bit aligned DMA accesses in 64 bit blocks. Every read from this address space reads from the RX FIFO. In theory the cart supports 16 bit reads (2 characters). The machine supports only 64 bit aligned DMA accesses in 64 bit blocks.