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Global Ramp

Vladislav Kantaev edited this page Oct 25, 2023 · 8 revisions

Global Ramp Modes

Toon RP allows controlling lighting ramp (smoothness and threshold) globally for all materials.

There is a possibility for to specify custom ramps per-material with the Override Ramp material option.


Threshold controls where the shadow should begin, Smoothness - how smooth should it be.


Crisp Anti-Aliased

Makes the shadow crisp as with zero Smoothness, but prevents aliasing artifacts.



Specifies the ramp as a greyscale texture, which allows to specify various number steps, varying smoothness, etc.

In addition, one can make it vary along the vertical axis. By default, UV is used compute the vertical position along the ramp, but the source can be arbitrary in a Shader Graph.

[ramp picture]
