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Off‐Screen Transparency

Vladislav Kantaev edited this page Oct 27, 2023 · 4 revisions


In the project window, right click and select Create/Toon RP/Extensions/Off-Screen Transparency. Go to your pipeline asset and add the newly created asset to the Extensions list.


Transparent effects can sometimes be costly because of overdraw. At the same time, many effects do not require full resolution for proper display.

Off-Screen Transparency introduces a separate pass for selected transparent effects. These effects are rendered to an external external, which can be makde lower resolution, thus, improving performance.

Off-Screen Transparency



When applying the off-screen transparency texture back to the main view, it is possible to apply a stylized pattern. Not only introduces a more unique look, it also masks some of the low resolution artifacts.

Blend Mode

Only Alpha and Additive are supported. For correct visuals, it has to match with the mode selected in the rendered transparent materials.

Depth Mode

The off-screen transparency effect requires an additional, small, depth texture. This parameter controls how it is generated:

  • Pre Pass: render the whole scene in the depth texture;
  • Downsample: take the camera's depth texture and downsample it to the required resolution;
    • The High quality can help removing even more artifacts.

The final performance is very scene-dependent, thus to pick an optimal mode, the options should be profiled on target devices.

Known Issues

  • Soft particles cause noticeable aliasing.