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Vladislav Kantaev edited this page Dec 7, 2023 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the Toon RP Wiki!

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🔨 Toon RP is developed and verified with Unity 2021.3.15f1 LTS and Core RP Library v12.1.8.


1. Add the package

Option 1

  • Open Package Manager through Window/Package Manager
  • Click "+" and choose "Add package from git URL..."
  • Insert the URL:

Option 2

Add the following line to Packages/manifest.json:

"com.deltation.toon-rp": "",

2. Create a pipeline asset

Inside the Project window, right click and select Create/Rendering/Toon Render Pipeline Asset.

3. Set the pipeline asset

Go to Edit/Project Settings/Graphics and set the field Scriptable Render Pipeline Settings with the newly created pipeline asset.

Older Unity Versions

📝 Note: package versions for older Unity versions are stored on separated branches. Once a branch is created, new functionality is not added there.

To install the package for an older Unity version, please refer the instructions in the version's branch README: