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Éloi Strée edited this page Jun 18, 2020 · 20 revisions

To Do Today

Pour votre project d'aujourd'hui. Si vous êtes experts suivez la video suivante Youtube Video Si vous êtes junior, travailler dans le package de ce lundi.

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Copy this in the manifest.json:


Rappel, qui fait quoi

Rappel de l'exercice final:

VR Design Workshop

The objective of today is to learn how to create VR content without owning a helmet.

Because of the Corona?
No, just because:

  • it is boring to wear a helmet all the day
  • use helmet through day can hurt your face
  • the compilation time take 2-4 minutes for Quest & 10-20 minutes for Hololens...
  • test on VR means:
    • hit all your desktop with your hands
    • lose 30-60 seconds to each run by fixing the headset on your head
    • lose one of your extended screen for the headset and usb ports
    • make weird movement in the public workspace that your colleague will record
    • distract all the team when you just want to test your code every 3 minutes
    • ...
  • if your asset work in non-virtual reality environment demo you are 90% ready to make it works in VR
  • because use vr headset > use helmet > use the native code > link your code to native > be stuck with it + be heavily annoy by update + no be able to share it without the native code and it exact version.

But we agree the Corona help us here on this aspect of not having the headset...

Let's go

So let's practice a code, package and indirect VR.

In the workshop of today, I will ask to each of you to choose a subject in the following link: List of proposition of code to code that don't require VR headset

They are topic relevant to virtual reality that can be code without headset around.

Consider to choose a code that fit in the Magic Doors project to merge it to the project.

Keep it simple and choose a task fitting your C# skill because at the end of the day it must be done and available for the Friday merge exercise.

See the objectives for details. Good luck, may the code be with you.

See artist to do today



  • Create a package with cool code in it that can be used in VR without native code
    • KISS: Keep it simple stupide
    • MVP: Minimum Viable Product "Not great, not terrible"
    • Must be useful to the Magic Doors Project of the artists
  • Create a package to demonstrate how to use your code
    • By using dependencies:
    • Only use assets you have 100% copyright on it... So mainly cube and sphere 😜.


  • Make a dependency to
    • several of your Unity Package
    • Make a demo targeting a branch or a commit of your package
    • Make some editor code in your package
    • Use your colleague package 🚨 !!!
    • Use Asset store code
  • Make ready to use package
  • Make ready to use package without documentation
    • Best comment are not comment
    • Good nomenclature & "good" folder structure.
    • Clean package: Doc, read me, license, demo, prefab
  • Give your package to a colleague without explaining him anything about it and watch.


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