v7.16.0 (2025-02-17)
- Remove unnecessary dependencies (#600) (f4ece67)
Generate changelog for v7.15.0 (d0fde03)
Update readme for v8.0.0 changes (95c5c4d)
Bump version to v7.16.0 (d6ecd99)
- Remove fraud score from NIv2 (47591b0)
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' (80a94ff)
v7.15.0 (2025-02-05)
Address mend violation (non-critical: fake token in test case) (5ac1718)
Address mend violation (non-critical: fake token in test case) (71ba6b1)
Update whitesource configuration to exclude test projects (e9f95e6)
Disable IaC in whitesource (mend) (d1fd3d9)
Block FluentAssertions version to v7.0.0 to prevent upgrade to v8.0.0 (paid version) (b0a7ec7)
Add uri validation on Voice GetRecording (240cf85)
- Revert "fix: update whitesource configuration to exclude test projects"
This reverts commit e9f95e626b417843993c8c341a8812471aa01956. (f664137)
- Revert "fix: address mend violation (non-critical: fake token in test case)"
This reverts commit 71ba6b1907c205dc614f5387cf17e405ddced5ca. (92b95a2)
- Revert "fix: address mend violation (non-critical: fake token in test case)"
This reverts commit 5ac1718bb71c8115266e20f8bf09c0c119c88384. (0f403ca)
v7.14.1 (2025-01-14)
- Make RealTimeData obsolete in NI (7f6c25f)
v7.14.0 (2024-12-18)
Add Do, DoWhenSuccess and DoWhenFailure on Result (2af8a0b)
Add async extensions for Do, DoWhenSuccess and DoWhenFailure on Result (60e14a1)
Add Do, DoWhenSome and DoWhenNone for Maybe, as well as async extensions (4c1040c)
- Reorganize tests for Monads for better navigation (d298f50)
v7.13.1 (2024-12-16)
- Allow Vonage Urls to include a relative path (81ab4da)
- Make SendRequest pure (dbab981)
v7.13.0 (2024-12-05)
- Update packages (92688a8)
- Add max bitrate on Video archives (e8acea0)
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' (f417bdd)
v7.12.0 (2024-11-21)
Update auth for Accounts (165ab9a)
Update auth for Numbers (0d18216)
Update auth for # (eed0bcb)
Update auth for ShortCodes (b695c1f)
Add support for custom proxies (99faaec)
v7.11.0 (2024-11-14)
- Add optional WithTemplateId on StartVerificationRequest (4965c80)
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' (8c66087)
- Update dependency system.text.json to v8.0.5 (#596) (c8a048b)
Make ErrorResponse an internal record (c875b62)
Improve error information with tailored format (f11e417)
v7.10.0 (2024-10-04)
Change TemplateId to Guid for VerifyV2 templates (7a459d3)
Fix typo in IBuilderForName interface (fd96bc2)
Typo in filename (b817854)
Generate changelog for v7.9.0 (667fc6d)
Update supported APIs in readme (254e7a7)
Bump version to v7.10.0 (ef90ec3)
Implement CreateTemplate for VerifyV2 (9f4e0bf)
Implement DeleteTemplate for VerifyV2 (5d8f806)
Implement UpdateTemplate for VerifyV2 (a591a15)
Implement GetTemplate for VerifyV2 (ce23ccd)
Implement GetTemplates for VerifyV2 (ccf80dd)
Implement request creation from response for GetTemplates in VerifyV2 (0eca99a)
Implement DeleteTemplateFragment for VerifyV2 (6dae0f9)
Implement CreateTemplateFragment for VerifyV2 (31ebebb)
Implement UpdateTemplateFragmentRequest for VerifyV2 (427435f)
Implement GetTemplateFragment for VerifyV2 (cfb1b8e)
Implement GetTemplateFragments for VerifyV2 (016cbb2)
Update allowed channels for VerifyV2 template fragments (0bc9705)
Make request builder readonly for CreateTemplate (8116473)
Add verification channel enum for VerifyV2 (af7cd63)
v7.9.0 (2024-09-04)
Implement new RCS request in Messages (0327522)
Implement UpdateMessage in Messages (a46c451)
Setup uri for update messages (a4f69b8)
- Clean messages tests (e5218d6)
v7.8.2 (2024-08-29)
- Flag Meetings API and Proactive Connect API as obsolete (b4a3239)
v7.8.1 (2024-08-28)
- Remove default object for DTMF in MultiInputAction (f832baf)
- Add async IfNone extension for Maybe (b2bb7cc)
v7.8.0 (2024-08-26)
- Add ValidateSignature on DeliveryReceipt (b0d4b64)
Regroup InboundSms signature validation tests into a parametrized one (177c78d)
Move InboundSms signature validation tests in their own file (aa1f816)
Clean signature validation tests (40c60f3)
Clean SignatureValidation (c30416c)
v7.7.4 (2024-08-08)
Add caption on MMS attachment (f388e83)
Add name to WhatsApp file attachment (b04ac43)
Add StandardHeaders to SipEndpoint (b858c59)
v7.7.3 (2024-08-07)
Ignore TimeToLive during serialization when default (f206f50)
Add missing properties on Number (7062559)
Generate changelog for v7.7.2 (2100a43)
Bump version to v7.7.3 (e3a9fdc)
Generate changelog for v7.7.3 (bd0e9d8)
Add Webhook url and version for Messages requests (feb5153)
Add TimeToLive and OptionalSettings on SmsMessageRequest (5848ec8)
v7.7.2 (2024-07-30)
Add missing ApplicationId property on NumberSearchRequest (7ea2677)
Add missing AppId property on Number (d9193aa)
v7.7.1 (2024-07-26)
Empty configuration when using the services extension (57ad45d)
Vulnerability for System.Formats.Asn1 (62b8580)
v7.7.0 (2024-07-19)
- Add regex to validate bump script input (52e424d)
- Update packages (677e434)
Generate changelog for v7.6.1 (ad340e9)
Fix typo in XML documentation (f48d9da)
Bump version to v7.6.2 (d03d593)
Generate changelog for v7.6.2 (df1572a)
Bump version to v7.7.0 (256178a)
Generate changelog for v7.7.0 (99c2312)
Support E2EE for Video sessions (550df07)
Implement request creation for audio connector (1ecb51e)
Implement Start feature for AudioConnector (63d84ba)
Implement Stop for LiveCaptions (01cc92a)
Implement Start for LiveCaptions (358e2cf)
Change minimum channel timeout from 60s to 15s for VerifyV2 (f1766a2)
v7.6.1 (2024-06-28)
- Edge case importing RSA key (#580) (6436947)
- Make multi-framework workflow the default one for PRs as it doesn't rely on any secrets (SONAR). (a69164d)
v7.6.0 (2024-06-27)
Implement authentication mechanism for NumberVerification API (dfa1c39)
Implement Verify feature for NumberVerification (9c95a13)
Add NumberVerificationClient in services collection extensions (01311c4)
Introduce configurable url for OIDC requests (3172720)
Use specific clients for OIDC requests in NumberVerification (c468a60)
Implement GetSession for ExperienceComposer (ea3ec87)
Implement GetSessions on ExperienceComposer (53d26c0)
Implement Stop on ExperienceComposer (1710977)
Implement request validation for Start in ExperienceComposer (6d6f1bf)
Implement request path for Start in ExperienceComposer (ab9490e)
Implement serialization for Start on ExperienceComposer (5b91318)
Implement E2E for Start on ExperienceComposer (03f9e7a)
Add TimeToLive property on MMS in Messages (79ebe28)
Add Context on WhatsApp messages (426ef47)
Support new properties on Messages Webhooks (02044e5)
Clean PBT test (c3615eb)
Remove unnecessary parameters in E2ETests (8b39bc1)
Use different wiremock instances to differentiate Vonage requests and OIDC requests (ccbe6f4)
Hide video client constructors (fc15060)
Use PBT to assert ranges of values for Start in ExperienceComposer (3eedf52)
Extract serialization test for ExperienceComposer Session (c989a09)
- Revert "refactor: [breaking] remove EventUrl and EventMethod from ConversationAction, with a disclaimer in the Readme"
This reverts commit fd02cd530c59ffa32eb111e545c7d6da44d83a7a. (ac8c666)
v7.5.0 (2024-06-14)
- Coverage not recognized from SonarSource (ccef03b)
Generate changelog for v7.4.0 (5474055)
Fix xml comment on SimSwap (5c7f4c1)
Bump version to v7.5.0 (9e72fbc)
Implement SimSwap authentication mechanism (fe131a2)
Add SimSwap client to ServiceCollection extensions (443f9ac)
Implement SimSwap Check (db8c97d)
Expose token scope on AuthenticateRequest (1b3c756)
Implement SimSwap date retrieval (a0d8d27)
Implement GetMember in Conversations (881ef15)
Update SimSwap authentication based on documentation changes (521e975)
Update SimSwap authentication based on documentation changes (d0b98ec)
Implement GetMembers in Conversations (ffe0c0a)
Implement CreateMember in Conversations (5e01bf3)
Implement UpdateMember in Conversations (271bfcc)
Implement DeleteEvent in Conversations (0ddedaa)
Refactor builders for Conversations (62467b2)
Implement GetEvents responses serialization in Conversations (05fed72)
Implement RandomMessage for GetEvents (39d7732)
Implement FluentAssertion extension for JsonElement (c0aae8b)
Finalize E2E flow for GetEvent (d969926)
Implement GetEvents in Conversations (b43cf1f)
Feat; implement CreateEvent in Conversations (199c37f)
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' (13e1477)
Clean SimSwap (e92db28)
Make InputEvaluation internal (9ddba24)
Remove converter for ChannelType (da4c568)
Remove temporary naming on CreateMember (3986550)
Clean CreateMember tests (5b75177)
Builders for NumberInsightsV2 (991dca1)
Refactor builders for SimSwap (a081eec)
Rely on JsonElement for extensive structure of Events in Conversations (3b23c7c)
Clean responses in Conversations (5202a45)
v7.4.0 (2024-05-13)
Generate changelog for v7.2.2 (942ebdc)
Bump version to v7.3.0 (3ea78ae)
Generate changelog for v7.3.0 (e6403a7)
Bump version to v7.4.0 (763a3f1)
- Add PublisherOnly role for Video (52e5988)
v7.2.2 (2024-05-10)
Add missing ClientRef property on SmsResponseMesage (3051a53)
Set StartOnEnter default value to true for ConversationAction (80a39b1)
Make StartTime and EndTime nullable on Completed webhook. (e8a9b82)
v7.2.1 (2024-05-06)
- Add ConfigureAwait on async code to avoid potential deadlocks (a97f908)
Remove dotnet7.0 from targeted frameworks given that version reached end-of-support on May 5th (67ab30f)
Remove net7.0 from pipelines (e458347)
v7.2.0 (2024-04-15)
Generate changelog for v7.1.0 (f15e7a4)
Bump version to v7.2.0 (ad37c8d)
Generate changelog for v7.2.0 (73d9366)
Bump version to v7.3.0 (b7aad8f)
Generate changelog for v7.3.0 (cb06018)
Bump version to v7.2.0 (1e8dfff)
Generate changelog for v7.2.0 (2517e9f)
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' (2d9aad7)
- [breaking] remove EventUrl and EventMethod from ConversationAction, with a disclaimer in the Readme (fd02cd5)
v7.1.0 (2024-04-08)
Dispose event listener (f0a99d8)
Disable parallelization for connection lifetime tests (38e7bec)
Disable parallelization for connection lifetime tests using NonThreadSafeCollection (7f9f556)
- Update packages (7f6c7a0)
Generate changelog for v7.0.0 (df6aa0d)
Update readme with connection lifetime configuration (2699b05)
Bump version to v7.1.0 (fefbccf)
- Add SocketsHttpHandler in Configuration to override http connection pool lifetime and idle timeout. (607b9d7)
Remove TODOs (d4ee5e4)
Use single instance for HttpMessageHandler (ca96110)
Simplify client initialization (5779958)
v7.0.0 (2024-03-25)
- Add action to evaluate deployment frequency (edac971)
Generate changelog for v7.0.0-alpha.1 (2cdca34)
Declutter readme (40ac0fc)
Bump version to v7.0.0 (7e0b5da)
- Remove unused 'EnsureSuccessStatusCode' key in appSettings (cb8b670)
- Revert "build: add action to evaluate deployment frequency"
This reverts commit edac971e77b38f7cdbb621bad513a20b9562a360. (b82638e)
v7.0.0-alpha.1 (2024-03-20)
Generate changelog for v7.0.0-alpha (2dfa40d)
Update v7.0.0 migration guide (e12a11b)
Update v7.0.0 migration guide (70ca933)
Bump version to v7.0.0-alpha.1 (7b12df0)
[breaking] remove URLs on Configuration, in favor or VonageUrls (8d42b09)
[breaking] remove obsolete Credentials constructors, making it read-only. (e701f21)
v7.0.0-alpha (2024-03-15)
- [breaking] make StartTime nullable on Answered webhook (#568) (426d91f)
Generate changelog for v6.16.0 (2494760)
Update v7.0.0 migration guides with latest breaking changes (f09a93c)
Update git-cliff configuration (df6b870)
Update v7.0.0 migration (125d2cb)
Update v7.0.0 migration guide (9d3715b)
Remove migration steps from Readme to favor dedicated file (0cfc6fe)
Bump version to v7.0.0-alpha (39cf6ea)
[breaking] add connection and socket timeouts on voice application (#548) (8948ead)
[breaking] make WhatsApp 'from' mandatory (#572) (e473554)
[breaking] replace 'appSettings' key by 'vonage' (#550) (d1f245e)
[breaking] remove sync methods from AccountClient, as well as subaccount feature (aabbb67)
Replace "async void" by "async Task" (09062db)
[breaking] remove sync methods from ApplicationClient (e8f90f6)
[breaking] remove sync methods from ConversionClient (7b5732a)
[breaking] remove sync methods from SmsClient (52f4822)
[breaking] remove sync methods from NumberInsightClient (a4ba984)
[breaking] remove sync methods from NumbersClient (7779669)
[breaking] remove sync methods from #Client (fe7a4c1)
[breaking] remove sync methods from RedactClient (6e07991)
[breaking] remove sync methods from ShortCodesClient (d3d7627)
[breaking] remove sync methods from VerifyClient (36fb4f0)
[breaking] remove sync methods from VoiceClient (70428e7)
[breaking] remove obsolete Input from webhooks (d166b59)
[breaking] remove obsolete portuguese language in Meetings (2b64f3c)
[breaking] remove obsolete VoiceName from TalkCommand (a832a3d)
[breaking] remove obsolete VoiceName from TalkAction (d8a00f9)
v6.16.0 (2024-03-07)
- Wrong setup in test (e497cf0)
Remove module from stryker config (64bbd1e)
Upgrade stryker to v4 (8d1bd74)
Add bump_version script to increase the version and generate a changelog (a902c76)
Fix spacing in bump script (758aa8d)
Add missing command in bump version script (f920c2d)
Fix commands in bump version script (5a3d1cd)
Add async capabilities on Maybe (9446d9c)
Implement async extensions on Maybe (c09d7c0)
Support Match extension on async Result (c6574f8)
Support optional From in VerifyV2 Sms worflow (e1e7900)
Move Result extensions tests in a specific file (713c0be)
Move tests behaviors for Monads in a specific collection (f6954b6)
Clean duplicates in ResultTest (6ee846f)
v6.15.5 (2024-02-29)
- Update packages (28701c2)
Add EntityId and ContentId on SmsWorkflow (197513c)
Support multiArchiveTag when creating an archive (142c988)
Support multiArchiveTag on archive responses (d9b38c2)
- Bump version to v6.15.5 (0b6decb)
v6.15.4 (2024-02-26)
- Remove default resolution when creating an archive (6570363)
- Generate changelog for v6.15.3 (dad79a5)
- Bump version to v6.15.4 (080e68f)
v6.15.3 (2024-02-23)
- Generate changelog for v6.15.2 (40b6792)
Register Credentials in service collection extensions (7d7d7a9)
Enable custom claims for Video token (a6cbb5c)
- Bump version to v6.15.3 (ad94cbe)
v6.15.2 (2024-02-22)
- Pass claims for VideoToken serialization (1a42173)
Update readme about next major version (d619f2c)
Update readme with latest breaking changes (331938c)
- Bump version to v6.15.2 (145d545)
v6.15.1 (2024-02-21)
Downgrade Stryker to v3.12.0 until v3.13.x is fixed (e89ee70)
Downgrade Stryker to v3.12.0 until v3.13.x is fixed (d978992)
Use configuration instance instead of singleton in ApiRequest (779bae0)
Implement request for GetUserConversations (d315f61)
Implement endpoint construction for GetUserConversations (91a6132)
Implement request creation from HalLink for GetUserConversations (68fbbd5)
Implement GetUserConversations (fee8589)
Implement new object VonageUrls to handle multi-region urls (6ccc249)
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' (be02e1c)
- Refactor on Meetings Client (a37a78f)
Exclude .NET Frameworks from target frameworks (a0cdb4f)
Use builder when creating request from a HalLink (78d2b71)
Use builder when creating request from a HalLink (f880710)
Enable test parallelization (#566) (d87e0e1)
Make builders immutable for Conversations (25a7648)
Code cleanup on tests (e3b8506)
Clean HalLink builders (f52d115)
Clean empty folders (79ab4d1)
Add trait on serialization tests (5d048a6)
Add missing traits (72aff33)
Add legacy traits on tests (7a56337)
Remove url information from Configuration (00197f5)
Mark urls obsolete in Configuration, in favor of the VonageUrls property (55c138a)
Remove uses of Configuration.VideoApiUrl (f02fc6f)
Remove uses of Configuration.RestApiUrl (34b5d40)
Remove uses of Configuration.NexmoApiUrl (d19fb8d)
- Bump version to v6.15.1 (25c5d09)
v6.15.0 (2023-12-20)
Remove Vonage.Common from workflows (45b1d70)
Broken test due to incompatible target-typed new (5ba9500)
Update changelog (b8d4a5f)
Add migration guide for Video API (1b2bc1f)
Add missing header link in migrations (8af1d00)
Extend support for VideoTokenGenerator (8716a7a)
Implement serialization for CreateConversation (a871912)
Implement CreateConversation (d1e2d9e)
Add net8.0 as target-framework for test projects (#560) (3da8df5)
Implement parsing for DeleteConversation (e36996a)
Implement DeleteConversationRequest (77cf0ce)
Implement DeleteConversation (f4e1396)
Implement GetConversationRequest (90cd652)
Implement serialization for GetConversation (2b29193)
Implement GetConversation (f890405)
Implement builder for GetConversations (cee1ff6)
Implement GetEndpointPath for GetConversations (1edd9e9)
Implement serialization for GetConversations (e519ca9)
Implement GetConversations (d53529f)
Implement BuildRequest on hal link for GetConversations (5008bd0)
Implement request builder for UpdateConversation (46ff578)
Implement serialization for UpdateConversation (5c683e2)
Implement request for UpdateConversation (53a7ee9)
Implement UpdateConversation (e60d8de)
Move Conversation to enable reusability (d6740d7)
Remove Vonage.Common (#562) (93bba4b)
Rename Vonage.Test.Unit into Vonage.Test (#563) (b9c565d)
- Bump version to v6.15.0 (e311974)
v6.14.0 (2023-12-11)
Add specific System.Net.Http for Vonage.Common.Test to avoid mismatch when building with .NetFramework (aa6a2d1)
Add explicit reference to System.Net.Http for .NetFramework4.6.2 (5d151b6)
Update changelog after v6.13.0 tag (a89ee57)
Update changelog (ea21a0c)
Update readme with available APIs (13875a8)
Base structure for CreateConversation in Conversations API (b401dc7)
Implement CreateConversationResponse deserialization (98b6539)
Override .ToString() on Maybe (09133a0)
Implement Merge capability on Maybe (f961208)
Implement GetFailureUnsafe on Result (038c24e)
Add BeEquivalentTo assertions to Maybe and Result (364d43d)
Implement builder for Name & DisplayName in CreateConversation (5b1b575)
Implement builder for Uri in CreateConversation (4d012dd)
Implement builder for Properties in CreateConversation (7a8c4c1)
Implement builder for Callback in CreateConversation (61511f3)
Implement request validation for CreateConversation (4250e09)
Implement default serialization for CreateConversation (5d92598)
Implement builder for Numbers in CreateConversation (51cddd7)
Support serialization for CreateConversation (6e6cc78)
Video integration (#558) (2e5c46e)
- Merge branch 'main' of https://github.com/Vonage/vonage-dotnet-sdk (0573876)
- Make changelog workflow dispatch only (f9466fa)
Use value equality when asserting properties (68ff008)
Add invariant culture when parsing DateTimeOffset (16bcd1b)
Update dependencies (128712c)
- Bump version to v6.14.0 (50cca55)
- Revert "fix: add specific System.Net.Http for Vonage.Common.Test to avoid mismatch when building with .NetFramework"
This reverts commit aa6a2d1bd9b2b58bee0bc1833142f9978993df1f. (3a39d06)
v6.13.0 (2023-12-01)
Mutation testing ignoring test value for private key (b861905)
Mutation testing ignoring test value for private key (00d89a3)
Mutation testing ignoring test value for private key (e0552d0)
IDisposable implementation on TestingContext (56ebfb1)
Add git-cliff for changelog generation (0fbfbd8)
Generate changelog using git-cliff (757e4a8)
Update changelog format (dc61d19)
Update changelog (296b723)
Update changelog (4aaa658)
Update changelog (8f7d33d)
Update changelog (4ea6ad3)
Add commit hash in changelog (505329c)
Update changelog (88c2112)
Setup base structure for Number Insight V2 (f906166)
Write main use case for Fraud Check in Number Insight V2 (cf425f3)
Implement builder for FraudCheck (2409d10)
Use PhoneNumber on FraudCheckRequest (8770ef7)
Add BiMap functionality to Result (5e3945c)
Implement serialization for FraudCheckRequest (c927b87)
Implement FraudCheckResponse deserialization (dfc9249)
Implement PerformFraudCheck capability on Number Insight client (a65986e)
Add NumberInsights V2 client in services registration (abf4af3)
Change FraudScoreLabel into an enum (f45bf94)
Change RiskRecommendation to an enum (b0da643)
Change SimSwap status to an enum (e82ac73)
FraudCheck without FraudScore or SimSwap (4309d11)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' (0e25394)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' (4ae4dda)
Add changelog workflow (83f91a6)
Setup changelog auto update (8a8057e)
Use auth token for changelog workflow (35bff74)
Use PAT for changelog auto update (67d05d4)
Make changelog update on release (2ea9192)
Use BiMap in FraudCheckRequestBuilder (747bfb9)
Test FraudCheck with both Basic and Bearer auth (bbd8a4b)
Reuse authorization value from E2EHelper (4e58812)
E2E tests for FraudCheck (9a27e8f)
Use Maybe on both optionals SimSwap and FraudScore (7767886)
- Revert "ci: use auth token for changelog workflow"
This reverts commit 35bff74dd2c2693485ad46db99fb49babc62facd. (23084e2)
- Revert "fix: mutation testing ignoring test value for private key"
This reverts commit b861905a438cfe47a0c627375d170ebfdcd7cbbf. (646d460)
- Revert "fix: mutation testing ignoring test value for private key"
This reverts commit 00d89a309f02dbf0ac5720dbff379a22892bb3f7. (f48fa0a)
v6.12.3 (2023-11-27)
- Add whitesource file to solution (9bd1637)
Bump Video version to v7.0.7-beta (9431e53)
Remove specific assembly version for Vonage (8ebb8e6)
Reorganize dependencies in project file (5ab30fc)
Bump video version to v7.1.0-beta (29c256e)
Bump version to v6.12.2 (45b3610)
Bump version to v6.12.3 (e3894b2)
- Revert "release: reorganize dependencies in project file"
This reverts commit 5ab30fc300223c8257727c0253bca24b36502c38. (7c66b3d)
v6.12.1 (2023-11-24)
Explicit using for system.net.http to avoid conflicts with older frameworks (#553) (55a09bc)
Result assertion messages (41d83c9)
Reduce timeout for httpClient timeout tests (a68912a)
Ambiguous reference with System.Net.Http (2cb16e3)
Signed Vonage.Server.Test project (727393a)
Use test class for VideoClient tests to avoid InternalsVisibleTo (70a866c)
Incorrect path for Vonage.Server release (e9eef58)
Add coverage to readme (bff5803)
Update upcoming breaking changes in next major version, with links to PRs (898c266)
Update formatting in readme (ad6faa1)
Update supported languages in Meetings API UI settings (85139e0)
Implement implicit operator for VerifyV2 languages (eec73ee)
Add missing features on Voice capabilities (d14ec5b)
Add privacy settings to applications (f2d2ce0)
Implement BuildVerificationRequest on StartVerificationResponse (27dfe16)
Redirect url on silent auth (d87b602)
Use Uri instead of string for RedirectUrl (b15aac9)
Add github action to try generating release packages (2494e40)
Remove InternalsVisibleTo in Vonage.Server (02b2c9e)
Parallelize signed and unsigned builds (5f08d58)
Update all dependencies (1e49817)
Simplify StartVerificationRequest process by removing generics (c0f10a8)
Enable bindings redirect (#551) (a5366bf)
Enable bindings redirect (#552) (feb99ee)
Prevent exceptions in monads (c26cdbb)
Update dependencies with net8.0 release (a7763cf)
Remove dependency towards Microsoft.AspNetCore.WebUtilities (0e38b86)
Clean VerifyV2 tests & mutants (e8407e6)
Simplify test setup with private key (e080884)
Remove unnecessary dependency for Vonage.Server (ec921cb)
Bump version to v6.12.1 (b271f1c)
Bump video beta to v7.0.5-beta (2600ceb)
Bump Vonage.Server version to v7.0.5-beta (b3c44a6)
v6.12.0 (2023-10-23)
Detail upcoming major v7.0.0 release (ba41a7e)
Update code of conduct (7ca9a2a)
Update contribution guide (b8b2524)
Update issue templates (59fe7c2)
Update issue templates (a2be030)
Add pull request template (07ed037)
Meetings capabilties in Application API (#537) (efb342e)
Support check_url on VerifyV2 silent auth (#540) (8b2d3f9)
Add missing Premium feature on talk ncco (#547) (1cd33bb)
Merge branch 'main' of https://github.com/Vonage/vonage-dotnet-sdk (74453d9)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' (4a6648d)
- Adapt methods visibility (#543) (102682f)
Make sync-only methods obsolete (#538) (1b96b6b)
Remove duplicate in parametrized test (5a946f1)
Remove ExcludeFromCodeCoverage annotation on PemParse - the code is covered through JwtTest (b896c4d)
Delete unnecessary class WebhookTypeDictionaryConverter (#542) (4dda43f)
Fix typos and clean WebhookParser (024ea99)
Reduce duplication in SubAccountsClient (#545) (929b331)
Reduce duplication in ResultAssertions (75bb036)
Reduce duplication in ProactiveConnect UpdateList (#546) (9e51219)
Reduce duplication in Sip InitiateCall tests (b4acd2c)
Reduce duplication in VerifyV2 tests (29b5a84)
Reduce duplication in VerifyV2 tests (dcf0ae9)
Remove unused field (4f6d0d3)
- Bump version to v6.12.0 (f8f9bbd)
v6.11.0 (2023-10-13)
Update changelog with v6.10.1 (a550a7b)
Add documentation on RequestTimeout configuration in readme (bba0442)
Add v6.11.0 in changelog (c496cb1)
- Enable custom timeout on HttpClient (#534) (e9f75d8)
- Add .whitesource configuration file (#536) (4c295bd)
Transform httpclient timeout into failure (#535) (4856bb0)
Adapt configuration key for request timeout (975e732)
- Bump version to v6.11.0 (987eebc)
v6.10.1 (2023-10-10)
- Application deserialization with Meetings custom webhooks (#532) (9166a02)
- Update changelog after v6.10.0 (37c429b)
- Bump version to v6.10.1 (305a1a9)
v6.10.0 (2023-10-04)
- Update changelog with v6.9.0 (#506) (1efac61)
Extend registration with missing clients and token generator (#504) (9d2a936)
Add ja-jp locale to VerifyV2 (#530) (c35c11a)
Add feature to verify Jwt signature (#531) (bc4cb4a)
Remove old worksflow 'publish-nuget' (#505) (8d7452f)
Mutation testing improvement (#507) (9f4dd1e)
Upgrade actions/checkout to v3 for mutation testing (#508) (4620ad4)
Fix some build warnings (#525) (ab9e28d)
Restore tests parallelism for Vonage.Test.Unit (#526) (9d5239e)
Remove unused class ResponseBase (#510) (6649450)
Replace TimeSpamSemaphore anf ThrottlingMessageHandler by proper dependency (#511) (8372d9f)
Implement GetHashCode for ParsingFailure (#512) (2bfc4e1)
Use a 2048 bits key for Linux and MacOs platforms (#513) (a89f6b4)
Use sonar.token instead of deprecated sonar.login (#514) (743f4de)
Add missing assertion in parser test (#515) (8a067f6)
Align method signatures for async/sync methods on AccountsClient (#516) (3a6ebcc)
Add missing optional parameter for VerifyClient (#517) (84b5978)
Make NonStateException compliant to ISerializable (#518) (a81aeca)
Simplify ternary operator in Result (#519) (057071a)
Update serialization settings (#520) (f8c18fd)
Remove obsolete method on TestBase (#521) (5fa633d)
Enable parallelized tests on Vonage.Test.Unit (#522) (0ed7896)
Update TestBase (#523) (88a198d)
Update sub clients (#524) (2fb7db6)
Replace null by optional values in ApiRequest (#527) (dc3498e)
Simplify ApiRequest (#529) (7c5bb7f)
Cover signature in query string (#528) (5d7a481)
- Bump version to v6.10.0 (32f3170)
v6.9.0 (2023-09-06)
Add basic auth support for Messages (#384) (8fae4fb)
Missing dependencies (#393) (d81a7be)
Exclude '{' and '}' from non-empty strings in PBT (#397) (b448195)
Exclude '{' and '}' from non-empty strings in PBT (#400) (c437f72)
Hiding ProactiveConnectClient (#413) (95bf903)
Change requestId to Guid for VerifyCodeRequest (#415) (647f69b)
Basic auth encoding (#423) (c844682)
SubAccounts implementation (#426) (1a3644b)
Conversation StartOnEnter (#465) (808a03b)
Version substring in release pipeline (#503) (c11e660)
- Packages update (#442) (94dfcc2)
Changelog update (#402) (03d3c23)
Add changelog for video beta (#403) (e68eeeb)
Update changelog (a26d276)
Readme badge fix (#427) (b0103d9)
Changelog update (#428) (1f5277c)
Explaining monads in readme (#433) (cd33b97)
Changelog update (#435) (8b6bf0b)
Add service registration in readme (#436) (434041c)
Update supported apis (#448) (99ec512)
Changelog update (#454) (dc52c71)
Changelog update (#466) (a7bcf50)
Changelog update (#490) (f1c963c)
Readme update (#499) (53c906d)
Add premium to start talk request (86257e3)
Webhook classes for messages (#382) (5e4d741)
Verify V2 (#376) (5a3828a)
Hide Meetings API client until GA (#385) (8df4179)
Proactive connect - lists (#395) (18490c2)
Add optional claims when generating a token (#398) (9dc1f4a)
Proactive connect - items (#399) (4cfae6d)
Proactive connect - events (#401) (8f97bfe)
VerifyV2 BYOP (#392) (692f0bc)
VerifyV2 Cancel (#407) (abdd721)
VerifyV2 fraud check (#409) (0d9e0d4)
Voice advanced machine detection (#412) (95c55be)
Implement Match on Result with void return type (#417) (58975cc)
Dependency injection extension (#418) (ca9618e)
Add 4.8.1 and 7.0 in targeted frameworks (#422) (be77a7b)
Subaccounts (#431) (29b03c2)
Meetings Api (#437) (e067392)
Add specific object for ApiKey (#443) (9f908ef)
Add Type property on Failures (#446) (58355a5)
Proactive connect (#445) (44f4431)
Add MeetingsApi and ProactiveConnectApi clients on service injection (#453) (7b691d5)
Users API (#479) (5dd3061)
Initialize credentials from Configuration (#491) (8afc506)
Add versioning on Meetings API Uri (#497) (a6a64b7)
Updated README to show Messages was GA (33a2417)
Add mutation workflow (#293)
Add github workflows in solution
Create mutation workflow (c9cabbf)
- Remove specific .net versioning (#294)
Stryker is not compatible with specific version (0a5a9bf)
- Subaccount support (#295)
Simple subaccount support
fix comment
Update interfaces
Balance and CreditLimit could be null
Proper auth for number transfer (47c264c)
- Bump Newtonsoft.Json from 9.0.1 to 13.0.1 in /Vonage (#286)
Bumps Newtonsoft.Json from 9.0.1 to 13.0.1.
- dependency-name: Newtonsoft.Json dependency-type: direct:production ...
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] support@github.com
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] support@github.com Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com> (f7d64e7)
- Sonarcloud integration (#301)
Add sonarsource analysis in main pipeline
Remove non-supported client frameworks, add .Net6 as .net core 3.1 will get out-of-support this month
Add client framework 4.8 back (removed by IDE) (7ddbe96)
- DEVX-6785 Framework update (#303)
Upgrade SDK to netstandard2.0, Upgrade TestProject to everything above 4.6.2, update all libraries
Update libraries
Upgrade to C# 10.0 (00c022b)
- DEVX-6545 | [Video] Sessions (#305)
Set up Video project, implement Maybe monad
Implement Result monad
Fix coverage (error not extracted from monad)
Add more client frameworks on test project, remove global usings
Implement VideoClient / SessionClient
Implement IpAddress and CreateSessionRequest, add monadic bind to Result
Implement monadic bind on Maybe, factory method for ResultFailure
Implement MaybeAssertions
Implement custom assertions for monads (Should Be|BeSome|BeNone|BeSuccess|BeFailure)
Implement IfFailure/IfSuccess on Result, use on ResultAssertions
Add missing xml doc on IfFailure/IfSuccess
Implement MapAsync, BindAsync for Result
Implement CreateSession
Add temporary sample test
Test refactoring
Add missing Xml Documentation
Remove sample test
Update test for token generation (82b65ee)
- Add unsafe methods on Maybe & Result (#310)
- DEVX-6545 | [Video] GetStream / GetStreams (#307)
Set up Video project, implement Maybe monad
Implement Result monad
Fix coverage (error not extracted from monad)
Add more client frameworks on test project, remove global usings
Implement VideoClient / SessionClient
Implement IpAddress and CreateSessionRequest, add monadic bind to Result
Implement monadic bind on Maybe, factory method for ResultFailure
Implement MaybeAssertions
Implement custom assertions for monads (Should Be|BeSome|BeNone|BeSuccess|BeFailure)
Implement IfFailure/IfSuccess on Result, use on ResultAssertions
Add missing xml doc on IfFailure/IfSuccess
Implement MapAsync, BindAsync for Result
Implement CreateSession
Add temporary sample test
Test refactoring
Add missing Xml Documentation
Remove sample test
Update test for token generation
Implement GetStreamRequest
Create structure for GetStream
Make Failure state of Result an IResultFailure. It will allow custom formatting for specific failures
Implement HttpFailure with status codes, adapt CreateSession to use the new failure.
Implement GetStream with error codes
Remove custom url for WireMock
Refactoring with extension methods
Implement GetStreamAsync with successful state
Implement GetStreamAsync failure when response cannot be serialized
Remove conflicts from last merge (ResultFailure)
Test refactoring
Code cleanup & Xml Documentation
Implement GetStreamsRequest
Implement GetStreams
Fix type change after merge
Add factory method for failure, handle empty response differently (d774754)
- Add workflow for publishing beta package for Vonage.Video (#312)
- Adding SonarCloud badge, removing unused codecov badge (#313)
- DEVX-6545 | [Video] Change stream layout & Refactoring (#314)
Set up Video project, implement Maybe monad
Implement Result monad
Fix coverage (error not extracted from monad)
Add more client frameworks on test project, remove global usings
Implement VideoClient / SessionClient
Implement IpAddress and CreateSessionRequest, add monadic bind to Result
Implement monadic bind on Maybe, factory method for ResultFailure
Implement MaybeAssertions
Implement custom assertions for monads (Should Be|BeSome|BeNone|BeSuccess|BeFailure)
Implement IfFailure/IfSuccess on Result, use on ResultAssertions
Add missing xml doc on IfFailure/IfSuccess
Implement MapAsync, BindAsync for Result
Implement CreateSession
Add temporary sample test
Test refactoring
Add missing Xml Documentation
Remove sample test
Update test for token generation
Implement GetStreamRequest
Create structure for GetStream
Make Failure state of Result an IResultFailure. It will allow custom formatting for specific failures
Implement HttpFailure with status codes, adapt CreateSession to use the new failure.
Implement GetStream with error codes
Remove custom url for WireMock
Refactoring with extension methods
Implement GetStreamAsync with successful state
Implement GetStreamAsync failure when response cannot be serialized
Remove conflicts from last merge (ResultFailure)
Test refactoring
Code cleanup & Xml Documentation
Implement GetStreamsRequest
Implement GetStreams
Replace FluentAssertions extension .Be by .BeSome/.BeSuccess/.BeFailure to avoid confusion with base .Be method The extension using clause wasn't discovered by the IDE.
Rename FluentAssertion extensions
Implement use-case approach with Screaming architecture. This will allow to comply with OCP
Fix type change after merge
Add factory method for failure, handle empty response differently
Solve merge conflicts
Remove unnecessary setter
Simplify token generation
Simplify http request creation
Extract ErrorCode to higher namespace
Remove TestRun project
Implement ChangeStreamLayoutRequest with Parsing
Use specific settings for camelCase serialization
Implement ChangeStreamLayout use case
Use 'Hollywood principle' for reducing the number of dependencies on clients & use cases (token generation using credentials)
Remove GetStream.ErrorResponse (27090f7)
- DEVX-6546 | [Video] Signaling (#315)
Set up Video project, implement Maybe monad
Implement Result monad
Fix coverage (error not extracted from monad)
Add more client frameworks on test project, remove global usings
Implement VideoClient / SessionClient
Implement IpAddress and CreateSessionRequest, add monadic bind to Result
Implement monadic bind on Maybe, factory method for ResultFailure
Implement MaybeAssertions
Implement custom assertions for monads (Should Be|BeSome|BeNone|BeSuccess|BeFailure)
Implement IfFailure/IfSuccess on Result, use on ResultAssertions
Add missing xml doc on IfFailure/IfSuccess
Implement MapAsync, BindAsync for Result
Implement CreateSession
Add temporary sample test
Test refactoring
Add missing Xml Documentation
Remove sample test
Update test for token generation
Implement GetStreamRequest
Create structure for GetStream
Make Failure state of Result an IResultFailure. It will allow custom formatting for specific failures
Implement HttpFailure with status codes, adapt CreateSession to use the new failure.
Implement GetStream with error codes
Remove custom url for WireMock
Refactoring with extension methods
Implement GetStreamAsync with successful state
Implement GetStreamAsync failure when response cannot be serialized
Remove conflicts from last merge (ResultFailure)
Test refactoring
Code cleanup & Xml Documentation
Implement GetStreamsRequest
Implement GetStreams
Replace FluentAssertions extension .Be by .BeSome/.BeSuccess/.BeFailure to avoid confusion with base .Be method The extension using clause wasn't discovered by the IDE.
Rename FluentAssertion extensions
Implement use-case approach with Screaming architecture. This will allow to comply with OCP
Fix type change after merge
Add factory method for failure, handle empty response differently
Solve merge conflicts
Remove unnecessary setter
Simplify token generation
Simplify http request creation
Extract ErrorCode to higher namespace
Remove TestRun project
Implement ChangeStreamLayoutRequest with Parsing
Use specific settings for camelCase serialization
Implement ChangeStreamLayout use case
Use 'Hollywood principle' for reducing the number of dependencies on clients & use cases (token generation using credentials)
Remove GetStream.ErrorResponse
Setting up structure for Signaling
Implement parsing for SendSignalsRequest
Empty use case for SendSignals
Implement SendSignals use case
Implement SendSignalUseCase
Address duplication in Signaling
Address duplication for Sessions and Signaling
Add test for CreateSession GetEndpointPath
Handle null & empty bodies on responses
Add missing Xml documentation (071eeca)
- DEVX-6546 | [Video] Refactoring (#316)
Remove duplication when creating WireMock requests/responses
Implement UseCaseHelper to reduce duplication
Code cleanup
Reduce duplication on property-based tests
Use generator for FsCheck, use HttpStatusCode instead of string for ErrorResponse
Create method for converting an ErrorReponse to HttpFailure
Implement ValueObject and StringIdentifier
Implement implicit operator for Identifier
Missing constant on Identifier
Address duplication in InputValidation (30201ad)
- DEVX-6548 | [Video] Moderation (#317)
Implement DisconnectConnection, more ErrorResponse to Common namespace
Implement MuteStream
Implement MuteStreamsRequest
Implement MuteStreamsUseCase
Adapt Xml Documentation (ed03b9f)
- DEVX-6547 | [Video] Archives (#318)
Implement DisconnectConnection, more ErrorResponse to Common namespace
Implement MuteStream
Implement MuteStreamsRequest
Implement MuteStreamsUseCase
Adapt Xml Documentation
Implement GetArchivesRequest
Implement GetArchives
Implement GetArchive
Use Archive as return type for use cases
Implement CreateArchive
Implement CreateArchive *
Implement missing fields in CreateArchive
Fix coverage on VideoClient
Implement DeleteArchive
Implement StopArchive
Implement ChangeLayout
Implement AddStream/Remove stream
Fix body content in tests
Fix mutants
Refactor VideoHttpClient
Change client parameter type from IVideoRequest to Result
Use Map/Bind inside VideoHttpClient
Add test for verifying result value in each client
Fix property name on session response
Add tests using spec data
Refactor serialization tests
Implement deserialization tests for GetStream
Fix missing Content tag on files
Simplify deserialization tests for errors
Refactor deserialization for errors
Implement deserialization tests for MuteStream(s)
Change CreatedAt to long
Implement deserialization tests for archiving
Fix typo on VideoClient (ModerationClient instead of IModerationClient)
Removed conflict from merge (987f0b5)
- DEVX-6547 | [Video] Refactoring (#320)
Extract generic PBT in UseCaseHelper
Reduce duplication on request verification
Implement custom token generation for Video Client SDK
Use TokenAdditionalClaims to generate token
Use Result for token generation
Fix project file
Fix missing v2 in endpoint path
Fix missing v2 in endpoint path
Update xml comments for CreateSessionRequest.cs
Use Enum for RenderResolution
Use enums for CreateArchiveRequest, use generic enum description converter
Applying internal access modifier on use-cases and other internal classes
Remove interfaces for use cases (f63f8c6)
- Modify VerifyResponse to handle new information (#299)
Add tests to verify deserialization, Add missing property on VerifyResponse
Add missing package FluentAssertions (2a85fac)
- MapAsync / BindAsync extension methods (#323)
Implement chainable extension methods for MapAsync and BindAsync on Task<Result>
Implement IfFailure with default value and function to extract the success more easily (a04a620)
- Rebrand Vonage.Video.Beta into Vonage.Server (#325)
Rebrand Vonage.Video.Beta into Vonage.Server
Update project name in nuget pipeline
Fix helper, fix property order in test (a9c87ff)
- Make nuget pipelines manual as they target different projects, mark main as default branch (#326)
- Update version to 6.0.4 (#327)
- Remove condition when configuration is not ReleaseSigned (#328)
- Nuget release automation (#329)
Setup two automated jobs based on branch name
Fix path name for beta
Delete outdated releases
Downgrade version to 7.0.0-beta
Remove tag assembly version
Fix Vonage.Server version (26b0cbc)
- Fix nuget workflow, update Vonage.Server config (#331)
- Create Vonage.Common project (#332)
Create Vonage.Common library
Remove unused changelog
Update readme file (bfcc929)
- 'Bumping Vonage.Server version to 7.0.1-beta' (#333)
Co-authored-by: NexmoDev 44278943+NexmoDev@users.noreply.github.com (87296e3)
- [DEVX-6854] Meetings API | GetAvailableRooms (#334)
Fix reference mismatch
Update warnings for Vonage and Vonage.Test.Unit
Adapt solution folders
Create default structure and implement GetAvailableRoomRequest
Implement GetAvailableRoomResponse and deserialization test
Implement use case for GetAvailableRooms
Remove IVideoRequest and VideoHttpClient from Vonage.Server, use classes from common instead
Make exception more explicit when Credentials are null on VonageClient
Use enums for GetAvailableRoomsResponse
Add GetRoom endpoint
Replacing true/false by on/off for microphone state (spec were wrong) (ac5ea50)
- Refactoring on *.Test (#336)
Refactor Property-Based Testing to reduce duplication
Reduce duplication when verifying response cannot be parsed
Reduce duplication when testing the success scenario
Remove netcoreapp3.1 from Vonage.Test.Unit (dcb6ce9)
- Use builder for HttpRequestMessage (#337)
- Meetings/get sessions (#338)
Implement GetRecording
Implement GetRecording & GetRecordings
Fix conflicts from last merge
Implement GetDialNumbersRequest
Use builder in requests
Implement GetDialNumbers
Implement GetApplicationThemes
Remove unnecessary constructors for responses - Add customization to AutoFixture to generate structs without constructors
Rename ApplicationThemes into Themes
Implement GetTheme
Add missing XML Doc (98c9800)
- Add Polysharp, update C# to latest version (#340)
- Pipeline updates (#342)
Focus main build on .net6.0 to improve feedback loop
Add separate pipeline to test all frameworks on push
Forces build on .net6.0, package restore on build
Defining build version to netstandard2.0
Add .netstandard2.0 to test projects
Remove specific framework on build (d56e0ee)
- Refactoring on use cases (#341)
Refactor client & request instantiation
Remove unnecessary parameters and fields
Remove specific use cases, use vonage client for generic purpose (d950232)
- Sets up the user-agent in HttpClient (#347)
Add user agent from credentials to vonage client
Fight primitive obsession on http client options (d8de61a)
- Use configuration for Video and Meetings, refactor Configuration (#349)
- Fix multiframework build (#350)
- Meetings/rooms (#339)
WIP - Builder fo CreateRoomRequest given the object holds many properties
Implement CreateRoomRequestBuilder
Implement CreateRoom
Fix merge conflicts
Implement DeleteRecording
Fix merge conflicts
Fix merge conflicts
Implement UpdateRoomRequest
Implement UpdateRoom
Implement delete theme
Improve Maybe implementation, and tests using generics
Major refactor on serializers initialization, implement CreateTheme
Implement GetRoomsByTheme
Implement UpdateApplication
Implement UpdateTheme
Implement UpdateThemeLogo
Fix tests for VonageRequestBuilder due to Absolute/Relative Uri
Implement testing for UpdateThemeLogo
Implement serialization tests for UpdateThemeLogo
Create extension method to get the string content of a request
Add missing body serialization tests
Use Maybe<> on optional fields for CreateRoomRequest
Use Maybe<> on GetAvailableRoomsRequest
Use Maybe<> on UpdateRoomRequest
Verify Xml Doc on entities
Add missing Xml Doc tags
Replace internal constructors by internal inits
Remove dead code
Adapt CreateRoomRequest after testing
Improve Room response object
Fix GetAvailableRoomsResponse layout
Improve recordings
Improve themes
Improve GetRoomsByTheme
Improve logo update
Changes due to PR suggestion
Use BinaryContent for file in UploadLogo (inject IFileSystem, improve declarative writing on use case) (fc7b373)
- Video refactoring (#352)
Create builder for AddStreamRequest
Create builder for GetArchivesRequest
Use Guid for UUID values instead of string
Simplify builder tests
Create builder for CreateArchiveRequest (49c4175)
- Integration testing (#353)
Add meetings capability to Application
Add base integration tests, modify pipelines to use environment variables and log information
Remove appsettings from project
Reorder Application/ApplicationCapabilities, make appsettings.json optional in integration tests
Fix ordering in applications, use values from environment variables (with Test Runner)
Amend Readme with integration tests configuration
Remove logger verbosity from build (86d020f)
- Add missing environment variables on pipeline (#354)
- Sip/devx 6866 (#355)
Classes setup
Move Sip into Video beta (Vonage.Server)
Add video capability on Application
Implement Sip outbound call
Implement PlayToneIntoCall
Implement PlayToneIntoConnection
Add missing Xml documentation
Remove integration test for Sip
Remove integration tests from pipelines - manual run only
Fix based on PR suggestions
Replace SipHeader by dictionary (6e5506e)
- [Video] DEVX-6861 Broadcasts (#356)
Implement GetBroadcasts
Fix merge conflicts
Fix merge conflicts
Fill Xml Documentation on Broadcast
Implement StartBroadcastRequest
Implement StartBroadcast
Implement GetBroadcast
Implement StopBroadcast
Implement AddStreamToBroadcast
Implement AddStreamToBroadcast http content and serialization
Implement RemoveStreamFromBroadcast
Implement ChangeBroadcastLayout
Use enums for BroadcastStatus and RtmpStatus
Use Guids on most identifiers
Remove unnecessary using
Add missing XmlDocumentation
Rename ArchiveLayout to Layout, given it's not specific to Archive anymore
Convert Layout to a record
Replace structs by records
Apply PR suggestions
Fix broadcast layout creation (e203bfc)
- Package update (#358)
- Pipeline performance improvement (#360)
Create new UseCaseHelper that uses a fake HttpMessageHandler instead of WireMock
Add missing documentation
Refactoring handler and use case
Replace WireMock by a FakeHttpMessageHandler on every use case
Use the new UseCase with handlers
Remove WireMock dependency
Create extension for Task<Result>.IfFailure
Fill missing XmlDocumentation
Fix code smells
Refactoring for CustomHttpMessageHandler and UpdateThemeLogoTest
Csproj cleaning
Remove unused members (ef9928a)
- Remove duplication following code health degradation (#361)
- Split Messages tests under separate categories (#363)
Clean code smells in MessagesTests
Split MessagesTests into several sub-sections (SMS, MMS, WhatsApp, etc). (51792d5)
- Use System.Text.Json instead of Newtonsoft, use fixed ordering on serialization to allow file reordering while cleaning (#366)
- Simplify client constructors by using ClientConfiguration only (#367)
- Improve IResultFailures (#368)
Allow failures to throw exceptions
Use factory method to create AuthenticationException based on scenarios
Normalize custom exceptions in 'legacy' code (22c614b)
- [DEVX-6796] Remove deprecated message types (wappush, val, vcar) (#362)
Remove deprecated message types (wappush, val, vcar)
Remove additional wappush, vcal and vcard properties
Reorder properties (fed26db)
- [DEVX-7004] Messages adjustments (#369)
Implement ViberVideoRequest following the current process (to be improved)
Implement ViberFileMessage
Add missing content for Viber messages
Add action for Viber Text and Image messages
Transform all Viber requests to struct
Use IMessage for WhatsApp messages
Transform all WhatsApp requests to struct
Implement WhatsApp sticker message
Implement builders for ProductMessages, transforming all nested entities into records
Add missing Xml Docs
Fix wrong property name on request
Implement optional fields on SingleItem Product Message
Implement validation on Product Messages
Test refactoring
Remove temporary comment
Update Vonage/Messages/Viber/ViberMessageCategory.cs
Fix typo.
Co-authored-by: Karl Lingiah karl@superchilled.co.uk
- Update Vonage/Messages/Viber/ViberFileRequest.cs
Fix type issue.
Co-authored-by: Karl Lingiah karl@superchilled.co.uk
Fix typos.
Add missing XmlDoc on MessageType
Fix MessageType on Video
Add missing xml document
Co-authored-by: Karl Lingiah karl@superchilled.co.uk (8edb64b)
- Force Vonage.Common to be included in dotnet pack (#370)
- Remove integration testing (not applicable) (#371)
- Improve exceptions details for GetUnsafe methods on monads (#372)
Add NoneStateException for Maybe
Use explicit exceptions for GetUnsafe methods on Result
Fix typos in Xml Docs
Comply to ISerializable implementation
Add missing Serializable attribute (b9e8b38)
Bump Vonage.Server v7.0.2-beta (bed1b4b)
[DEVX-7140] Remove hardcoded keys (#373)
Replace hardcoded RsaPrivateKey by environment variable
Rename variable
Remove hardcoded public/private keys
Amend readme
Update github actions with environment variable
Update Readme
Update Readme (3c54086)
- Readme update (#375)
Fix dead links and badges
Adapt summary
Try updated contributors
Remove contributors (2fd2256)
- [DEVX-7128] NumbersAPI update (#374)
Add possibility to exclude credentials from QueryString
Move ApiKey & ApiSecret in query string for numbers api
Refactor NumbersTests
Add missing Xml Docs, refactor query parameters generation (ea57833)
Unify test class names (#378) (e31700e)
Bump version to v6.3.0 (1fb8362)
Update changelog (fb6c6cc)
Bump version to v6.3.1 (1135897)
Add editorconfig file (1ec8fce)
Bump version to 6.1.0 (#387) (0d6e98a)
Increase version to v7.0.3-beta (#394) (980bff4)
Update core release script to be usable from main (again) (#405) (85aaa76)
Change negation for coreSDK publish (#408) (7841ede)
Fix multiframework pipeline (#425) (3b56879)
Improve performance (#461) (4e45da2)
Upgrade & improvements (#462) (2b5fad7)
Increase java version to 17 (#486) (ad51973)
Pipelines permissions (#487) (d37ecc0)
Release (#488) (97d4503)
Pipeline permissions (#489) (556bfba)
Add .editorconfig to solution (#493) (b7a03c0)
Add pre-commit-config (#496) (5aa6768)
Release pipeline (#500) (c91edb3)
Extend responses and monads capabilities (#377) (259aba4)
Remove duplicate code for sync version of methods (#380) (96c496c)
Warnings cleanup (#381) (fd3d448)
Move builder on request for VerifyV2 (#386) (99482c8)
Make builders internal (#388) (a3784a8)
Refactor builders (#389) (a56abd3)
Make builders internal (#390) (cf4cadf)
Throw failure exception on Result<>.GetSuccessUnsafe (#404) (cf5b654)
Add test use case interface to facilitate new tests (#406) (c41414d)
Improving ApiRequest (#410) (08dd9de)
Make ApiRequest non-static (#411) (d4bb72f)
Clean voice tests (#414) (d4d0f86)
Move AuthenticationHeader creation on Credentials (#429) (7ba8fd1)
Use case enhancement (#430) (851ceac)
E2e testing experiment (#438) (6de5370)
Failure extensions (#447) (bd7828c)
Subaccounts e2e (#455) (aa2a72f)
Naming update (#456) (ce14d49)
Package update (#457) (a90429a)
Proactive connect e2e (#459) (55c977a)
Meetings Api e2e (#460) (f202f00)
Async result extensions (#470) (edcd78c)
Test refactoring (#469) (f2e13a2)
Simplify e2e tests (#471) (3ece2e9)
Simplify e2e tests (#472) (0358fe5)
Video e2e refactoring (#473) (2338cf6)
Video e2e refactoring (#476) (460ce9e)
Video e2e refactoring (#477) (5ece90a)
Use case helpers (#478) (bd22c5e)
Update error status codes in PBT for VonageClient (#494) (3be8f8d)
Configuration improvement (#495) (f42def0)
Extend regex timeout (#498) (e40a432)
Remove InternalsVisibleTo property (#501) (8b1eb77)
V6.3.2 (#416) (fa9482e)
V6.3.3 (#424) (da9075a)
V6.5.0 (#434) (8fd419a)
Upgrade version to v6.6.0 (#441) (c0a6acf)
V6.7.0 (#444) (13bf2c3)
Upgrade version to v6.8.0 (#450) (702766b)
Upgrade version to v7.0.4-beta (#449) (d786398)
Revert "release: upgrade version to v6.8.0" (#452) (684362d)
V6.7.1 (#467) (b9e925a)
V6.9.0 (#502) (f5e03e2)
- Revert "Add editorconfig file"
This reverts commit 1ec8fce1053a53579a4f43974d311bac85349483. (4c56e47)
v6.0.2-rc (2022-05-31)
- Merge pull request #280 from Vonage/dev
Adding RealTimeData option for AdvancedNumberInsights (7d56853)
Adding RealTimeData option for AdvancedNumberInsights (92bbd88)
'Bumping version to 6.0.2-rc' (4189dab)
v6.0.1-rc (2022-05-25)
- Merge pull request #278 from Vonage/v6-fixes
Small fixes for v6 (2579b68)
- Merge pull request #279 from Vonage/dev
Dev into Main for release (5f929a7)
Removing VersionPrefix from project file as to not confuse (c7c3299)
Remaning number insight methods to remove confusion (018153e)
'Bumping version to 6.0.1-rc' (1239541)
- Reverting the removal of .ToString on Ncco Making Serialisation Settings public (c2ceb5f)
v6.0.0-rc (2022-05-24)
- Merge pull request #268 from Vonage/devx-6030
Devx 6030 - Removing old Nexmo Classes (f635aa9)
- Merge pull request #269 from Vonage/devx-6030
Devx 6030 - Message API (46e0b9d)
- Merge pull request #270 from Vonage/devx-6030
Messenger and Viber (9f7d64f)
- Merge pull request #273 from Vonage/devx-6173
devx-6173 (4633892)
- Merge pull request #274 from Vonage/devx-6173
Refactoring NCCO Action to have get only property for action type (90cce0a)
- Merge pull request #276 from Vonage/devx-6173
Renaming of enums to meet conventions (1a5ba44)
- Merge pull request #277 from Vonage/dev
Pulling dev into main ready for release (0ead3a3)
Removing legacy nexmo classes (311ce6f)
Updating to version 6 (848e504)
Setting serialization settings in singular place (93829cc)
Adding SMS, MMS and WhatsApp messages (7befd35)
Changing the auth type (8924588)
Changing tests to use bearer auth Adjusting templates for array of objects not strings (604f7f9)
Update Vonage.Test.Unit/Data/MessagesTests/SendMmsVcardAsyncReturnsOk-request.json
Co-authored-by: Karl Lingiah karl@superchilled.co.uk (4264700)
- Update Vonage.Test.Unit/Data/MessagesTests/SendMmsVideoAsyncReturnsOk-request.json
Co-authored-by: Karl Lingiah karl@superchilled.co.uk (c72d822)
- Update Vonage.Test.Unit/MessagesTests.cs
Co-authored-by: Karl Lingiah karl@superchilled.co.uk (780fc80)
- Update Vonage.Test.Unit/MessagesTests.cs
Co-authored-by: Karl Lingiah karl@superchilled.co.uk (3f6c7f4)
Fixing merge issues (f12136a)
Messenger messages (668d5dc)
Adding Viber messaging to messagers API (068d986)
Typo in json test file (e5186a8)
Fxing badly formed xml comment (80e6bc2)
Fixing issue with unit tests that meant urls were not being checked if there was a request body (70fdc16)
Refactoring NCCO Action to have get only property for action type Removal of NccoConverter Tests that use NCCO refactored (2e56d85)
Moving to use bool in code instead of strings (f151ea4)
Application capabilities enum refactor (0a8bd54)
Correcting enum capitalisation for Messaging and Number Insights (7bd3a17)
PhoneEndpoint enum rename (a868485)
'Bumping version to 6.0.0-rc' (71cf431)
v5.10.0 (2022-04-20)
- Merge pull request #264 from Vonage/DEVX-5765
Adding Auth exception (f45294f)
Merge branch 'dev' into unit-tests (9cc0bad)
Merge pull request #265 from Vonage/unit-tests
Unit tests (eb0bec0)
- Merge pull request #266 from Vonage/release-5.10
Preparing for next release and real time data (857c132)
- Merge pull request #267 from Vonage/dev
Dev into Main for Release (cd3c53a)
- Update issue templates
Adding issues templates (ef3761a)
Merging dev in (a979d42)
Merging dev (2f7fc0c)
Adding Auth exception (0dd59ae)
Refactoring of Messaging tests (ef15833)
Adding dev as PR build trigger (82ef986)
Adding msbuild setup set to fix .net framework build issue (5241795)
Removing 461 from unit tests, 462 is sufficient (eede53c)
Removing 461 from nexmo tests (8ebe881)
Preparing for next release and adding real time data to advanced number insights (3db1a68)
v5.9.5 (2022-01-17)
- Bumping to version 5.9.5 (91b0f5e)
v5.9.4 (2022-01-17)
- Merge pull request #262 from biancaghiurutan/patch-1
Removed line that breaks the code (e9623de)
- Merge pull request #263 from Vonage/devx-1999
Devx 1999 (189a7fe)
Removed line that breaks the code (13d8d0d)
Changing biuld action to reflect new main branch name (f7d2199)
Moving test json to json files for maintainability (1734147)
Adding Type to NCCO Input (4bb9d31)
CallUpdate Test refactor (b24a252)
Fixing build issue (bf2c303)
'Bumping version to 5.9.4' (d1d9e81)
v5.9.3 (2021-11-23)
- Merge pull request #261 from geekyed/5.x
Fixing an issue caused by the usage of a non thread safe Dictionary. (da8a1f0)
Replace Dictionary with ConcurrentDictionary (2558b4b)
'Bumping version to .5.9.3' (8234083)
'Bumping version to 5.9.3' (7ab3784)
v5.9.2 (2021-11-04)
- Merge pull request #259 from Vonage/not-romaing-bug
Fixing bug with roaming being not_roaming
and cleaning up some tests (dfa8be7)
Adding unit test for Redact and ShortCodes (cb2e0d8)
Adding hateos link checks (7ccf0d1)
Moving redaction types to own files (9ecb974)
Removing PemParser from code coverage (5b6b252)
MEssaging and Logprovider tests changes (26dd393)
Removing logger tests (5dc09c4)
Fixing bug with roaming being not_roaming and cleaning up some tests (1e73d21)
v5.9.1 (2021-10-27)
- Merge pull request #256 from Vonage/symbols
Source Linking, Symbols and Deterministic Building (f010418)
Merge from master (0b08b63)
Merge pull request #257 from Vonage/strong-name
Strong-name Package (7a4c3e0)
Creating an SNK file and strongly named build configuration (8e937c5)
Changing package id for singed package (a37758c)
Changes to nuget publis action to create signed package (f27aed8)
Adding switches to create symbol packages (373abf2)
Adding source link and some repo details for packaging (e6dbd2b)
Version bump (afc4e28)
Adding description and assembly version bump (338636e)
Package id (d10ae1f)
Conditional inclusion of System.Web in Unit Test projects (041e8d6)
'Bumping version to 5.9.1' (bef1e70)
v5.9.0 (2021-05-27)
- Merge pull request #253 from Vonage/random-number-pools-vapi
adding random from number feature to .NET SDK (9af7ddf)
v5.8.0 (2021-04-28)
- Merge pull request #249 from Vonage/updating-5.x
moving readme/GHA to 5.x (ff9a324)
- Merge pull request #251 from Vonage/support-ni-roaming-unknown
Support for NI Null values (4385f37)
Moving readme/GHA to 5.x (fbf653e)
Updating instillation instructions in README (65ca22f)
Added support new NI responses
- Provides support for null fields
- Custom serializer for Roaming (7d7b65e)
- 'Bumping version to 5.8.0' (75dd2ad)
v5.7.0 (2021-03-09)
- Merge pull request #248 from Vonage/feature/dlt
adding entity-id and content-id to sms request body (71440cb)
- Merge pull request #247 from Vonage/feature/detail-status-webhooks
adding detail to status-webhooks (9266a31)
Adding entity-id and content-id to sms request body (8c3518d)
Adding detail to status-webhooks (b7bc802)
Adding detail enumeration and parser handling (a4e3c48)
'Bumping version to 5.7.0' (da30e6b)
v5.6.5 (2021-02-22)
- Merge pull request #246 from Vonage/bugfix/record-channels-serialization
setting Channels parameter to nullable (9a59f73)
Setting Channels parameter to nullable (8ad19ca)
Adding clean/clear bit to GHA to clear out nuget cache (c887576)
'Bumping version to 5.6.5' (35ce2a8)
v5.6.4 (2021-02-03)
- Fixing unit test (fd79e0d)
- Merge pull request #242 from Vonage/fixing_unit_test
fixing unit test (159dcd9)
Merge branch 'master' into syncronous_methods_blazor (bed0e67)
Merge pull request #243 from Vonage/syncronous_methods_blazor
Fixing issue with sync methods in blazor (4abe18a)
- Merge pull request #245 from Vonage/github_actions_main
moving nexmo GHA -> main (3ca85a9)
Removing GetAwaiter().GetResult() pattern from sync methods (1831275)
Adding async unit tests (131bd58)
Moving nexmo GHA -> main (eab0095)
'Bumping version to 5.6.4' (91b58a7)
v5.6.3 (2021-01-19)
- Merge pull request #240 from Vonage/DLR_status_ignore
Ignoring status for Vonage.Messaging.DeliveryReceipt. (d0a1fe1)
Ignoring status for Vonage.Messaging.DeliveryReceipt. (54f1bcf)
'Bumping version to 5.6.3' (ae5816b)
v5.6.2 (2021-01-15)
v5.6.1 (2021-01-15)
- 'Bumping version to 5.6.1' (2787abf)
v5.6.0 (2021-01-15)
- Fixing csproj name (30810d5)
- Merge pull request #239 from Cereal-Killa/master
Enhancements to the ISmsClient (7b42193)
- Merge pull request #241 from Vonage/auto_release_nuget
adding Nuget release workflow - removing nuspec file. (58e89aa)
Enhancements to the ISmsClient (d7d1c2e)
Fixup for sms type. (d0143e5)
Simplified names. (e72a406)
Adding Nuget release workflow - removing nuspec file. (5d66cc7)
v5.5.0 (2020-11-19)
- Fixing unit tests (c487097)
Merge branch 'master' into feature/voice_language_style (9eea3a7)
Merge pull request #232 from Vonage/feature/voice_language_style
Adding Language and style, marking VoiceName as obsolete (9e006b5)
- Revving nuspec version (8f6bdb3)
v5.4.0 (2020-11-12)
- Merge pull request #220 from Vonage/readme-updates
adding compatibility list, fixing nuspec (69a6e1b)
- Merge pull request #228 from onpoc/master
query null check issue (3a33a88)
- Merge pull request #227 from kzuri/master
Correcting enumeration of workflow (b1952bb)
- Merge pull request #225 from perry-contribs/master
Typo fix - Update README.md (15722e9)
- Merge pull request #229 from Vonage/async_faq
Adding FAQ Section - one question for async at the moment. (b445e0c)
- Merge pull request #230 from smikis/#126-async-implementation
Async calls implementation (c0b4f7c)
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Vonage/vonage-dotnet-sdk into master (71b2d8f)
Merge pull request #231 from gagandeepp/master
Issue 1221 Fix (21d8974)
- Merge pull request #238 from Vonage/readying_for_release
Readying for 5.4.0 release. (1d75720)
Updating NuGet badge (af1d91e)
Adding compatibility list, fixing nuspec (788dd1c)
Query null check issue
query null check issue to InboundSms.cs (38f2a79)
Correcting enumeration (d3f3870)
Correcting enumeration (7b2c688)
Correcting enumeration (053613b)
Correcting enumeration (861b8e8)
Typo fix - Update README.md
fixed spelling of word 'globally'. (ebe45b3)
Adding FAQ Section - one question for async at the moment. (24d64c2)
Adding Language and style, marking VoiceName as obsolete, also removing some unnecessary usings (6070d98)
Issue 1221 Fix (32537f7)
Review Pointer : Method signature fixes (bced564)
Method implmentation Added (cc21629)
Method implementation added (dd7a51d)
Unit test needs to be fixed (30a0c5a)
Code Review pointer added (535b219)
Async calls implementation (cbf2e85)
Add additional methods for non async calls (eeb4d26)
Remove async code from unit tests (ac19ef1)
#126 Use async stream reading method (cc2d180)
Code Review Pointer Implemented (61fbc63)
Pointer Implemented (dde9aa4)
Fixing package name in readme (491e57f)
Code Review Pointer Added (5e4356b)
Code Review poinrer added (ad0fe18)
Code review pointers implemented (968f901)
Code pointer added (dcad93e)
Code review pointer fixed (219bc62)
Build Fixes (92488f4)
Readying for 5.4.0 release. (c9f402b)
v5.3.0 (2020-09-02)
Merge branch 'Vonage-rename' of https://github.com/Nexmo/nexmo-dotnet into Vonage-rename (98619b2)
Merge pull request #215 from Vonage/Vonage-rename
Switching over to Vonage naming (62c8f1b)
- Merge pull request #217 from Vonage/fix-action
Fix GHA (9857b8a)
Switching over to vonage naming (0702bf1)
Removing Nexmo directories, trying github action
removing config file, removing redudant internal utility classes (98fc815)
Removing Nexmo directories, trying github action (ab08add)
Trying choco to install codecov (fa1efed)
Moving codecov action (fbcbe52)
Removing extra codecov step (d362cb4)
Moving codecov test project (fe85bf7)
Testing with enviornment variable (92baf0f)
Trying alternate env var format (10915fb)
Trying alternate env var format (6672d41)
Trying codecov ignore (28597e7)
Removing config file, removing redudant internal utility classes (44cecb8)
Removing legacy Call objects (744b45c)
Removing RequiredIfAttribute (c4efc98)
Adding Status badge (7ff2222)
Removing extra ! from README (148935a)
Fixing action by changing dotnet-version (881ba83)
Revving version (f06ef91)
Updating license (5b5dcc8)
Moving nuspec to Apache-2.0 Licence (8431f4d)
Fixing badge (1e92fa1)
Fixing codecov badge (acbe7f3)
Fixing licence nuspec tag. (3e441ec)
v5.2.0 (2020-08-07)
- Merge pull request #208 from Nexmo/webhook_utility
Adding utility methods for parsing webhooks (5462d81)
- Merge pull request #210 from Nexmo/multInputParseIssue
Fixing issue with ParseEvent for multiinput (62f4cbb)
Adding utility methods for parsing webhooks (7af6361)
Adding Url Decoding to URL parser, updating tests so that they check for multi-word inbound messages, updating readme (ce00e8e)
Fixing issue with ParseEvent for multiinput (9fa3001)
Bumping version to 5.2.0 (df91e20)
v5.1.0 (2020-07-01)
- Fixing path for psd2, updating version in nuspec (adeab69)
- Merge pull request #207 from Nexmo/psd2
Adding Psd2 functionality (e506f2f)
Delete codecov.yml (e70b763)
Adding psd2 (4d1eba3)
Reving version (59518df)
Updating tests for correct path (f53bc15)
v5.0.0 (2020-06-22)
- Fixing minor bugs in voice client per spec issue (4f0a3e0)
- Merge pull request #204 from Nexmo/v5.0.0
Merging 5.0.0 PR for release. (66b393a)
Adding unicode test cases for sms and voice - changing encoding for json to UTF8 (f2c43d3)
Removing sms search (9f26e6c)
Revving version (0c704c0)
v4.4.1 (2020-06-17)
- Merge pull request #206 from Nexmo/fixing_encoding
changing payload encoding to utf8 (27ec412)
Merging with 4.4.0 (9dcbf94)
Updating merge to fix the test cases (3c160c1)
Updating readme for 5.0 (ad45f66)
Removing unecessary BC (aa56b6d)
Adding codecov badge (b1b738b)
Changing payload encoding to utf8 (14de643)
v4.4.0 (2020-06-05)
- Merge pull request #203 from Nexmo/feature/asr_nccos
adding ASR webhook and input items (71037fd)
Adding ASR webhook and input items (3821b63)
Rolling back input updates adding new multiInput class and tests for it (9f4b30b)
Apparently first run at switching out ASR with multi-input tests didn't take (e39127d)
Adding error field to speech webhook struct (d9810af)
Updating release notes in nuspec (59ff4b6)
v4.3.2 (2020-04-08)
Fixing build issue (02d38fc)
Fixing broken tests - setting optional parameters in application list call to nullable (a3964e5)
Fixing test input (8902e58)
Fixing call converter, adding first Call Test (9011bdc)
Fixing some issues with the summary docs and adding back 452/46 - managing rearranging some depdnencies in the nuspec file (4d7b36e)
Fixing the nuget package so it adds xml files (b504122)
Fixing typo for netcoreapp3.0 (0495c00)
Merge branch 'v5.0.0' into unit_test_rework (c23a015)
Merge branch 'conform_to_naming_conventions' of https://github.com/Nexmo/nexmo-dotnet into conform_to_naming_conventions (27bd158)
Merge pull request #194 from Nexmo/conform_to_naming_conventions
Conforming .NET library to standard .NET naming conventions - adding obsolete tags over old data structures (38d74b7)
Merge branch 'v5.0.0' into unit_test_rework (21bd708)
Merge pull request #188 from Nexmo/unit_test_rework
Unit test rework (b8e476a)
- Merge pull request #202 from Nexmo/dotnet_standard_summary_docs
.NET standard consolidation, summary docs, couple of enums (12599da)
- Merge pull request #193 from Nexmo/add-code-of-conduct
Create CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md (7849a3f)
- Merge pull request #195 from Nexmo/vonage-wordmark
Update branding in README (b3bd241)
- Merge pull request #197 from taylus/master
Serialize streamUrl as array per docs to avoid bad request (b1013b1)
- Merge pull request #199 from Nexmo/bugfix/websocket_header_serialization
changing headers type to object to allow it to serialize cleanly. (b8013c6)
Merging with master (086d985)
Merging (d174401)
Reforming voice client (25cabdc)
Pushing up (c2d2818)
Some preliminary changes to accounts API (7cca5bf)
Account / secrets names fixed (8a39abd)
Application renaming (fbaa6ec)
Account renaming (be09252)
# numbers and redact (4d4930d)
Adding back client (413db19)
Finishing off the actual renaming part (8fb70fd)
Adding obsolete tags (2b953df)
Adding factory methods for creating Credentials (fd97e0a)
Various updates made while creating code snippets (9091d5a)
Updating naming stuff to make sure they work and work cleanly (e2b0414)
Adding logger to nuspec (0ba05c4)
Merging naming convention stuff and doing some minor name-space cleanup (251de99)
Adding # client to NemxoClient, cleaning up property names in Account settings, adding # and Account APIs (dcd006b)
Adding more # tests in both legacy and new (5cc5d84)
Adding new Secrets tests - adding HALLink to secret object (0a1b5e5)
Adding tests for legacy api secret api (5286c1c)
Removing redundant List Applications method, Deleting Legacy ApplicationV1 client as it's been tagged as obsolete through a full Major Release Cycle (1bc5b06)
Making ApiKey a required parameter for secrets APIs (593c28e)
Updates to Application structures for correctness, adding create Application test (d864b12)
Adding path coverage for credentials passing (2d8de3b)
Adding more applicaiton tests (7eb5192)
Adding credential testing paths to legacy tests (1ef1042)
Adding Conversion tests (062ebf0)
Adding MessagesSearch tests, updating MessagesSearch request, and ApiRequest to accomodate multiple search ids (ec07ed5)
Adding send SMS tests (e1bf8e0)
Adding some missing stuff to messaging structs, adding inbound/dlr tests (860b190)
Signature generation/validation test (7beb202)
Adding webhook tests (77010c9)
Adding notification test, unanswered test, and null test (c0a27e2)
Adding Ncco Serializations tests (67b66df)
Adding legacy create call test (372d25d)
Adding list calls test (7d459d3)
Adding streaming tests (c46abad)
Adding get recordings test (69fb233)
Removing superfolous voice class (756879d)
Removing signature helper and unused request in ApiRequest.cs (eafafe4)
Renaming ApiRequest method 'DoGetRequestWithUrlContent' to 'DoGetRequestWithQueryContent' adding NumberInsights exceptions, adding numberinsights tests (ace90e7)
Adding response to NexmoNumberResponseException, changing name of NumberInsightsResponseException to NexmoNumberInsightResponseException adding Number tests fixing minor issues with Number class structure (6b7607b)
Adding codecov file (7f58921)
Updates to codecov file (9da4020)
Changing path for codecov ignore (a76fcc3)
Adding error handling to verify, adding Verify tests (9a23461)
Adding summary docs as well as some new enumerated types (13bdc66)
Making unit tests compiliant to the new enums (b577430)
Dropping core 3.0 tests (27e7b83)
Adding some extra path testing for missing status (8a56ff6)
Tearing out weird hard-coded path (849d9e5)
Create CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md (14f0085)
Adding badge (a1df6c9)
Add Vonage wordmark to Nexmo repo (e7b542c)
Serialize streamUrl as array per docs to avoid bad request (0d804c9)
Adding Taylus to the contributors section of the readme (fc03f32)
Update Release GH Action workflow (f8ce237)
Changing headers type to object to allow it to serialize cleanly. (1e38527)
Updating for 4.3.2 release (ce90660)
v4.3.1 (2020-02-18)
- Fixing search numbers test (28db3ec)
Merge branch 'unit_test_rework' of https://github.com/Nexmo/nexmo-dotnet into unit_test_rework (bac43e9)
Merge branch 'add_logging_extensions' of https://github.com/Nexmo/nexmo-dotnet into add_logging_extensions (b5e6ed6)
Merge pull request #189 from Nexmo/add_logging_extensions
Add logging extensions (d733b62)
Merge branch 'v5.0.0' into unit_test_rework (d511b07)
Merge pull request #187 from Nexmo/exception_handling
Fix error handling so that well formed exceptions are thrown explicity. (5972445)
- Merge pull request #191 from Nexmo/bugfix/malformed_user_agents
Fixing malformed user agents (211055b)
Merge branch 'master' into bugfix/loop_param_ignored_when_zero (be8c4fd)
Merge pull request #190 from Nexmo/bugfix/loop_param_ignored_when_zero
Fixing default serialization of zero's in loop (a51d9ec)
Creating branch (f74a027)
Switching to xUnit (956cbbe)
Adding signature and inbound test (9aa2ee4)
Adding full set of signing tests and dlr test (0ffe46d)
Adding verify test (7b6e013)
Committing unit test work (a3e75cb)
Switching to xUnit (30d6e44)
Adding signature and inbound test (847583c)
Adding full set of signing tests and dlr test (e86442c)
Switching to xUnit (3c4cc89)
Adding signature and inbound test (9aab50f)
Adding full set of signing tests and dlr test (15462b1)
Adding verify test (8b43fec)
Committing unit test work (1aaf0ab)
Switching to xUnit (5f3c383)
Adding signature and inbound test (da3f3a1)
Adding full set of signing tests and dlr test (6f02a5e)
Adding verify test (eea5e41)
Committing unit test work (028b22a)
Resolving merge conflicts (fb1f64a)
Adding logging extension (5ddddbe)
Adding Microsoft.Extensions.Logging to cs file - synchonizing extensions at 1.1.2 (3c07b8c)
Adding nullable contingencies (f7fc6a0)
Adding logging extension (a0ede24)
Adding Microsoft.Extensions.Logging to cs file - synchonizing extensions at 1.1.2 (132ff4a)
Adding nullable contingencies (00c9583)
Removing old LibLog (7bdd7da)
Axing merge flags (07b1644)
Changing exception handling (d0568fb)
Further cleanup and exception throwing (c6e458c)
Adding VerifyResponseException, moving common response stuff to VerifyResponseBase class, making Verify Request, Check, and Control throw VerifyResponseExceptions when a failure is detected (731f53e)
Moving all requesting logic to ApiRequest - deleting VersionedApiRequest class pointing everything at the more common methods (9e0e233)
Cleaning up stuff for unit tests (8242b17)
Merging with the v5.0.0 branch (40a6481)
Adding some summary documentation, changing names of the tons of DoRequest calls (8084e8b)
Adding summary docs to all the client methods indicating the new exception throws (21a9a81)
Updating for error handling PR (aea57a6)
Allowing loop for talk and stream and making the seralizer ignore if null and include if zero (51c5019)
Removing OS description from User agent - making sure to scrub the runtimeVersion of any parentheses that could cause an error to propogate from the runtime. (597873a)
Revving version for release (e899ae6)
Updating release notes for nuget package (6171cee)
v4.3.0 (2020-01-17)
- Fixing private key formattign in readme (e425bcb)
- Merge pull request #160 from Nexmo/contributing
Add simple contributing file (7fa539f)
- Merge pull request #177 from Nexmo/adding_appveyor
Adding badge for appveyor (f70a7fa)
Merge branch 'master' into feature/add_list_own_numbers (c10b536)
Merge branch 'feature/add_list_own_numbers' of https://github.com/Nexmo/nexmo-dotnet into feature/add_list_own_numbers (bba34f2)
Merge pull request #180 from Nexmo/feature/add_list_own_numbers
Feature/add list own numbers make JWT generator public (716b2e8)
- Merge pull request #183 from Nexmo/list-owned-numbers-patch
making has_application nullable (3b0d3c7)
Add simple contributing file (e7bb590)
Fixing Nexmo.Application.Key description (c741f4b)
Adding badge for appveyor (275190a)
Removing extra nuget badge (d7968de)
Update README.md (e952b56)
Adding list own number request (bb63bbb)
Removing unecessary class (50f2d5f)
Making jwt generation public, reving nuspec to 4.3.0 (e1564be)
Making jwt generation public, reving nuspec to 4.2.2 (fbf94f2)
Making jwt generation public, reving nuspec to 4.3.0 (b43c897)
Removing newline (7a1611d)
Updating assembly version (0d0d8aa)
Making has_application nullable (aa5b38c)
Update README.md (dae26d6)
v4.2.1 (2019-11-11)
Merge branch 'bugfix/rsa-on-osx' of https://github.com/Nexmo/nexmo-dotnet into bugfix/rsa-on-osx (b57dc8c)
Merge pull request #155 from Nexmo/bugfix/rsa-on-osx
Avoiding creating RSACng on non-windows platforms (4c651e2)
- Merge pull request #174 from Nexmo/bugfix/ConfigurationAbstractionDepdencyBug
Fixing Unit tests, fixing Application flow, fixing possible NRE (ea42f4a)
- Merge pull request #169 from Nexmo/refactor
Fixing Ncco serialization bug (f5683be)
Fixing Ncco serialization bug (39b3a7a)
Avoiding creating RSACng on non-windows platforms (5ac6d62)
Avoiding creating RSACng on non-windows platforms (2a9f319)
Adding Fauna5 to readme (0b5e93f)
Fixing Unit tests, breaking out Application List get call to work the same way everything else doees, fixing Null Reference Exception Bugs, fixing dependency nuget issue (f409c72)
Adding other unit testing frameworks (06efc55)
Updates (69fea1c)
Changing payload to an object (3b049f9)
Adding auth string encoding for application gets (ac3be56)
v4.2.0 (2019-10-21)
Mergeing with master (dce8d83)
Merge pull request #167 from Nexmo/refactor
Adding type-safe webhooks and NCCOs. Adding application_id and has_application to Numbers API (568b570)
- Adding NccoObj field to CallCommand, creating CallCommandConverter to explicitly handle callCommand json serialization, fixing nuspec, creating Ncco converter to serialize NCCOs decorating Ncco field in CallCommand to obsolete (7514230)
v4.1.2 (2019-10-11)
- Fixing url encoding issue with signed SMS (32265d4)
Merge branch 'redact_fixes' into application_fixes (74f4c55)
Merge branch 'refactor' of https://github.com/Nexmo/nexmo-dotnet into refactor (e84edf7)
Merge pull request #163 from Nexmo/application_fixes
Application Update / List, Redact, GetRecording fixed or added (c961129)
- Merge pull request #166 from Nexmo/4_1_1
Harmonizing dependencies (79b5551)
Merge branch 'master' into refactor (c8a517f)
Merge pull request #168 from Nexmo/add_sms_signing
Adding sms signing (629e5e7)
- Add auto-changelog on Release
This PR adds a Github action which is triggered when a release is published. The action adds a new entry to the public Nexmo changelog with the contents of the release notes (f4db79e)
Migrate Github Actions to YAML format (cfb965d)
Adding workflow_id to VerifyRequest (f50aaff)
Fixing application update structures (8b16fe2)
Fixing redact api (39ed469)
Removing api_driver (b23c703)
Adding getRecordingRequest (da6dd9c)
Adding getRecording (31e712e)
Cleanup (423067c)
Reving version (bce6c15)
Revving version (6dae360)
Adding NCCO And Input Classes (90a8c07)
Adding workflow_id to VerifyRequest (fff625e)
Fixing application update structures (dca63d4)
Fixing redact api (bdcb161)
Removing api_driver (002d189)
Adding getRecordingRequest (e2e1ebe)
Adding getRecording (9470836)
Cleanup (1dad5d3)
Reving version (11be7a9)
Revving version (32b39cb)
Adding NCCO And Input Classes (acb780f)
Adding has_application and application_id to query for Numbers (1dfc341)
Forcing ordinal values to prevent nulled serialization (d851640)
Fixing Configuration.Abstractions incorrect assembly loading issue (93eb62e)
Harmonizing Dependencies (fb6833a)
Removing aspnetcore from the regular .NET packages (7928779)
Fixing indentation (ee63942)
Fixing SMS Signing for Hash and adding HMAC SMS signing (929c3bc)
Cleanup (ea32c59)
Enhancing so user doesn't have to generate their own signature string (890e26a)
Changing data type to IDictionary and adding release notes to nuspec (54621bd)
v4.0.0 (2019-06-11)
- Merge pull request #156 from Nexmo/ApplicationV2
Application v2 - READY TO MERGE (369cc93)
[WIP] : Application V2 first commit (2814e13)
Hacky fix for GET Application (d746057)
Hacky fix for GET List until the API is properly fixed (5c9505b)
Fixing all the typos from coding at 1AM (0f67b10)
Fixed capabilities objects, we can only have one WebHook per type (b73ea3e)
Added tests for Application V2 (687c3b8)
API was fixed (731ca4c)
v3.4.0 (2019-05-10)
- Merge pull request #151 from Nexmo/Feature_completion
Feature completion (93f41fb)
Added package properties (545c479)
Added GetPrefix# method (80d4f16)
Added submitConversion method and tests (41309f3)
Changed creds to credentials based on MAnik's review (5582b1b)
GetRecording (6546e31)
More merge conflicts (35434a0)
- Revert "changed creds to credentials based on MAnik's review"
This reverts commit 5582b1b26c84362243fdbc598e313646997f9048. (38c54c2)
- Revert "WIP: getRecording"
This reverts commit 6546e31afad4fc190cdc2ab442fee2de25654818. (d2695ed)
v3.3.1 (2019-04-23)
- Merge pull request #128 from MrEpiX/patch-1
Updated readme small text fixes (f9cb0ea)
- Merge pull request #121 from cirojr/master
Removed unused App.config from project (452ffc9)
- Merge pull request #141 from Nexmo/CallEditCommandFix
Fixed Destination in call command (95cf8af)
- Merge pull request #148 from Nexmo/bug_124_fix
Fixed bug 124 (835c0cf)
- Merge pull request #153 from Nexmo/NCCOImplementation
Implemented NCCO param for creating a call (3c0bddb)
Updated changelog.md (66e186b)
Update README.md (#118)
Fixing Link for Redacting a message (edce7ce)
- Fix mismatch on casing on the name of the folder Nexmo.Api (#119)
- Update README.md (#120)
- Updated readme small text fixes
Added a dot to the end of the License-section and removed an unused Create Account-link. (4056681)
Removed unused App.config from project (b84ab0a)
Fixed Destination in call command (5d52ab6)
Updated test dependencies (abc375c)
Fixed bug 124 (56a2481)
Implemented NCCO param for creating a call (4915afc)
v3.2.0 (2018-09-28)
- Merge pull request #115 from Nexmo/secretapi
Implement API Secret calls (7a7a3ab)
v3.1.1 (2018-08-30)
- Merge pull request #106 from Nexmo/Credentials_fix
adding default constructor to credentials class (9173182)
Adding default constructor to credentials class (6bf91d3)
Updated CHANGELOG and Client Lib version for release (b395a29)
v3.1.0 (2018-08-17)
- Merge pull request #103 from Nexmo/RedactImplementation
Redact implementation (f26578d)
- Adding constructors for basic and full auth (#92)
- Adding constructors for basic and full auth (2391678)
VS added services for test running (175693c)
Switch to liblog (#101)
Switch to LibLog (1eab5f7)
Update liblog example (d14b3d1)
Add issue template (bce19aa)
Added redact transaction functionnality (0c770a3)
Added Redact (7a78cf8)
Updated README (acff6e3)
Updated CHANGELOG (b2af336)
Renaming some methods (07b5d0a)
v3.0.1 (2018-03-05)
- Fixed missed NumberInsight instanciation (#90)
v3.0.0 (2018-02-24)
- Fixed 'roaming' property to match the json (#74)
- Merge branch 'master' into 3.0
(v2.2.2 to v2.3.1) (838a9d3)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into 3.0 (52d0c57)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into 3.0 (66177f6)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into 3.0 (0994053)
No samples in 3.0 (886635c)
Ni refresh (#62)
Work in progress: updating Number insight
Number Insight : updated Endpoints + fixed naming
converting all properties name to follow c# convention + mapping to Json properties (aa7b9bb)
- Fix #78 : event_url returns the url and other meta data thus it is a string[] (#81)
- #36 Updated README (#84)
Updated README
fixed typo (94e81ae)
Fix silly copy & paste error with request.ip (234e1e2)
2018! (988a159)
Remove deprecated PackageTargetFallback (ac77c2b)
Remove IO dependency; expect contents of private key and not path to key (660d6a5)
Document credentials fields (d8aed10)
Call static methods instead of copying code; add missing doc; add missing VersionedApi Call calls (3aab135)
#82 fixed message_timestamp deserialization issue by changing the property to DateTime instead of string (#86)
- #82 fixed message_timestamp deserialization issue by changing the property to DateTime instead of string (cb587be)
Minor doc updates for v3.0 (662a3ea)
Add missing using (89e5fe9)
Upgrade System.Security.Cryptography as that seems to stop #83 from happening (d14c064)
Ensure netstandard2.0 uses correct crypto (7f556aa)
Update a few deps; explicitly call out target frameworks as nuget likes that better (c86ffbe)
Correct v3.0 date (c0aa26e)
v2.3.1 (2017-11-24)
Clarify NumberInsight changes (284f785)
Put the NI changes under the correct item... (410e68c)
V2.3.1; Set Json serialization DefaultValueHandling to ignore (addresses Voice API usage regression) (6c1de97)
V2.3.1 changelog (3b494a2)
v2.3.0 (2017-11-09)
3.0 pre-release badge (07a8673)
Updated ReadMe to contain more building blocks (#39)
updated ReadMe to contain more building blocks
updated list of examples and links to point to the new NDP + formatting (1b80649)
Minor formatting (362a400)
V3.0 note (ab327be)
Specify .NET Core SDK via global.json; fixes #69 (5753698)
Start/end time can return as null (4855691)
API and doc refresh; GetBalance and NI breaking changes (3da2d67)
Support additional call endpoint types; closes #70 (360a7da)
Add Nexmo.Api.EnsureSuccessStatusCode configuration option (b1ff8ee)
Address ShortCode.RequestAlert request bug (50e026c)
Test updates for 2.3.0 (3ad6af2)
Prep samples for v2.3.0 (4028daf)
Expose the configuration ILoggerFactory for use with external logging implementations. (f3390a5)
Prep for 2.3.0 (5a2c3c9)
Attribution to @RabebOthmani for NI! (2f0256c)
v2.2.2 (2017-06-19)
Switch to RSACng for .NET 4.6+ (70d409a)
Tag 3.0.0 (b31d3fc)
Remove support for configuration via web.config. (24ee263)
Removing examples as they will be pushed to the community samples repo (85e7adb)
Move to VS2017 (faddc8b)
Move unit tests to mstest (542667f)
Instance client (f10bebc)
Nuget prerelease 1 (de63c12)
Update jose-jwt to 2.3.0 (42a50d2)
Move to .NET Standard 2.0, update deps, release pre2. Closes #37 (97aae55)
Bring back netstandard1.6 support; Remove unused System.Xml.* dependencies; netstandard2.0 should use Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection v2.0 (961dddd)
Pass credentials into SetUserAgent so when file config isn't being used the option to send app version is still available (7eba9cb)
Back to keeping standard1.6 (660df22)
Bring back 1.6 (e63e26d)
Style improvements (#31)
Changed Call API to Voice API and other stylistic improvements (1ee98e8)
- V2.2.2; Updated jose-jwt to 2.3.0 which is reported to address key loading issues. (1e338b7)
v2.2.1 (2017-03-21)
Dependency updates (1326374)
Add link to separate examples repo in README (e83278b)
Fixed NuGet dependencies (6f6a3ed)
v2.2.0 (2017-03-10)
v2.2.0-rc2 (2017-01-28)
v2.2.0-rc1 (2017-01-13)
- Support optional throttling (#19)
Prep for 2.2.0 (d410dc7)
Add nuget shield (947cb0a)
Initial support for signing requests; quick example of verifying signature (b6f7634)
Sig verify refactoring (f7c0f44)
Config and request logging. Addresses the majority of #9 (4c8df8e)
Cleanup (5a7787e)
Make account calls conform internally to the rest of the API (67cddcc)
Allow override of credentials per request. Closes #18 (667e9c4)
🎉 2017! 🎉 (c87b890)
Expose API request methods to allow custom API calls from library consumers (fef75b5)
Update documentation (f107383)
Push 2.2.0-rc1 (c9943a8)
v2.1.2 (2016-12-07)
- Look for appsettings.json (netcore webapp convention)
- Ensure XML config parser only looks for keyvalues inside appSettings and connectionStrings elements.
- Gracefully ignore elements with key attribute but not value attribute. (4e9ffc9)
v2.1.1 (2016-12-07)
Remove accidental writeline (094cfe9)
2.1.1 - look for legacy app.config convention of [exec process].exe.config (6096405)
v2.1.0 (2016-11-18)
Read settings from web.config; fixes #14 (86a8544)
Implement user-agent support. Fixes #10 (701b7b7)
.NET Core web example (0baa1e4)
2.1.0 version bump and doc changes (7428b60)
v2.0.0 (2016-10-24)
- Merge pull request #13 from Nexmo/netcore
.NET Core/Standard and v2.0 release (1c048b3)
Update gitignore (13458cb)
NumberInsight basic + standard (31a7a57)
Implement Verify Control call (99ba720)
Update README (51faf8c)
Update README (fb9307d)
Application API (b1d1d71)
Initial JWT support (7bb116b)
Cleanup tests a bit; remove deprecated voice api; implement remainder of call-specific api calls (3485e73)
Implement remainder of voice calls (287747b)
Working on core port (3ee603d)
Minor changes to tts sample (6b2dd44)
Reworking tests, nuspec, project (050792e)
Update readmes (f7b3caa)
Add note re: config file change (fc6e5e5)
Fix JWT generation (key import fail) on OSX/Linux (e348b39)
Dependency marking for netstandard1.6; dep cleanup (688298b)
v1.0.0 (2016-03-19)
- Merge pull request #1 from jonferreira/master
Implement SMS send (956fa90)
Initial public release. (9686632)
Update SMS.cs (1e36ed0)
Update NumberVerify.cs (7abb06e)
Update ApiRequest.cs (be7e509)
Minor cleanup (0517349)
Add SMS type and response codes (thanks @DJFliX) (9eae86e)
Starting unit and integration tests, bit of refactoring (90fa677)
Move to 4.5.2 (e633514)
Implement Number calls (3b907d0)
Cleanup; sms test (2de0c77)
Update sample configs (c4f95b9)
Implement SMS inbound and receipt (4fae9ac)
Implement search (7ec36d3)
Implement remainder of account calls (cbe022a)
Implement short code calls (a97bee5)
Update packages - mainly for JSON.net 8 (aaa3878)
Implement voice call and TTS (e5fbb05)
Prep for nuget release (89cb66d)
Minor API updates (a068d67)
Rename SMS.SendSMS to SMS.Send (489b800)
Update packages (6e703f7)
Minor nuget spec change (f314bc3)
Support for 4.5.2-4.6.1; housekeeping (a470e35)