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Changelog August 20th 2023

Vuthakral edited this page Aug 21, 2023 · 1 revision
  • Everywhere: Lots of small micro-optimizations.
  • Internal: New lua function DRC:ServerVar("name", "description", default, minimum, maximum, flags) -- Wrapper for creating cached serverside variables, reachable with DRC.SV.<name>; i.e. DRC.SV.drc_allowdebug. Name should not include sv_ in it. The base automatically networks changes to clients, as per gmod issue 3740:
  • Internal: Updated internal DRC code to utilize DRC:ServerVar, and code to pull from its cached table. This should help alleviate network traffic especially on larger servers.
  • Internal: New lua function DRC:GetFloorMat(ent) -- returns the material enum the entity last touched or is standing on as a string.
  • Internal: DRC:FloorDist(ent, sqr) now has an additional arg, bool edgecheck true/false. This will run four 5-unit downward traces along the corners of the entity's collision bounds to look for any immediate edges around the entity. This is returned as a 2nd true or false value of the function, i.e. local flr, edge = DRC:TraceDir(player, false, true) will return distance to floor, true if the entity is on the floor or along the edge of a floor meeting a steep drop, but edge will return false if they are in the air with no floor below them.
  • Internal: Fixed HUD anchor L
  • Menu: Added the ability to directly re-draw a playermodel's spawn icon by right clicking the icon.
  • Menu: "Copy Model Information" is now split into three separate buttons, by request of several users. "Copy model", "Copy hands", and "Copy voice".
  • Menu: Moved the "Colours" & "Bodygroups" tab under the "Player" tab to hopefully help make it more apparent that settings under "Extra" do not save with the "saved avatars" system.
  • Debug HUD: Will now also show the internal DRC string name for the enum of the surface the player is looking at, or will state if it is not defined and to report the enum to me.
  • Footsteps: Added new system "Footsteps", this is very similar to VoiceSets. Selectable footstep sound sets, or enforceable by a server/addon, and can be tied to playermodels. There will be a wiki page detailing exactly how this system works and how to utilize it.
  • Weapon Base: Added SWEP.Primary.SpreadXMul & SpreadYMul. Default 1.
  • Internval/VoiceSets: Made it so that the use key input for spotting no longer blocks use key input, which was preventing some other niche addons from functioning in specific moments that they should have been.
  • Internal/Material Proxies: Added serverside console command drc_reflectionamount <number> which will allow server hosts to override the cubemap strength for the map they are on. This value saves to a file in data\draconic and will persist between sessions. This allows server owners to manually boost (or lower) the amount of cubemap strength Draconic-enabled reflections will have per-map.
  • Material Proxies: Added support for ResultVar2 & ResultVar3 to all ReflectionTint proxies.
  • Material Proxies: Added "Function" material proxies. These are proxies which can be used to create any myriad of effects using a very wide range of input parameters. Your imagination is the limit.
  • Material Proxies: Fixed light polling not working on frozen objects which have not moved since spawning.
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