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For Developers

WulfMarius edited this page Dec 26, 2018 · 7 revisions

ModComponent is intended to be used for creating mods that introduce new items.

This page is supposed to contain information about how the get started, answer development related questions and show examples.


AssetBundles can be created with Unity 2017.2.1 (free).
The Long Dark currently (v1.27) uses Unity 2017.2.1 (professional).

Since version V1.41 The Long Dark uses Unity 2018.2.14.

The template project from ModComponent can be a good start for a new unity project.
The sample project from ModComponent shows how a simple item mod can look like.


SoundBanks can be created with WWise 2017.2.1.6524.

Earlier version seem to produce SoundBanks that cannot be imported.
Later versions may be possible, but I haven't tested this.

Registration is required and the non-commercial version is limited to 200 audio files per SoundBank, but using multiple SoundBanks should be possible.

Audiokinetic provide some great (although lengthy) tutorials on youtube, e.g.

SoundBanks are registered using the AssetLoader


A rough description of the architecture and the motivation / reasoning behind it.
It isn't necessary to understand it, but it might help to get the big picture.


Auto Mapper

Eliminates the need to write glue code for mapping items.

Auto Mapper

Item Mod Tutorial

A tutorial for creating your own item mod with ModComponent

Item Mod Tutorial

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