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Domain Analysis

omerfaruktayfur edited this page Mar 8, 2016 · 11 revisions

###What is Crowdsourcing? (Crowd + outsourcing)

The information is mainly based on this article.

Crowdsourcing is the process of getting work or funding, usually online, from a crowd of people. The idea is to take work and outsource it to a crowd of workers.

Crowdsourcing & Quality: The principle of crowdsourcing is that more heads are better than one. By canvassing a large crowd of people for ideas, skills, or participation, the quality of content and idea generation will be superior.

####Pros & Cons

Crowdsourcing’s biggest benefit is the ability to receive better quality results, since several people offer their best ideas, skills, & support. Crowdsourcing allows you to select the best result from a sea of ‘best entries,’ as opposed to receiving the best entry from a single provider. Results can be delivered much quicker than traditional methods, since crowdsourcing is a form of freelancing. You can get a finished video within a month, a finished design or idea within a week, and microtasks appear within minutes.

Clear instructions are essential in crowdsourcing. You could potentially be searching through thousands of possible ideas, which can be painstaking, or even complicated, if the instructions are not clearly understood. Some forms of crowdsourcing do involve spec work, which some people are against. Quality can be difficult to judge if proper expectations are not clearly stated.

Famous Example: Wikipedia. Instead of Wikipedia creating an encyclopedia on their own, hiring writers and editors, they gave a crowd the ability to create the information on their own. The result? The most comprehensive encyclopedia this world has ever seen.

#Similar Applications


####Description: A crowdsourcing web page and application for new and popular stories, links, discussions, questions, and media on internet.

####Key Features

  • Users can contribute by creating a post
  • Users can vote a post and determine where that post is going to appear on the website or in the application.
  • Made up of individual communities which are called subreddits.

####Differences and 'Why You Need Our Project' Regarding the above features this application may look similar to ours. However, in our application we will have a stronger connection or say annotation between related posts. In our application one will also be able to see locations related to posts on the map.


####Description: Quora is a question-and-answer based website where people who have knowledge about a topic are connected to those who need it.

####Key Features

  • Users can contribute by asking or answering questions
  • Users can rate the posts
  • Follow-up questions and comments

####Differences and 'Why You Need Our Project' This website is mainly focused on question and answer, whereas in our application one can post anything without waiting for an answer. Again we also have a strong connection between related topics, links, discussions etc. Location issue is another aspect that would make our project unique.



Facebook is a social networking website that allows registered users to create profiles, upload photos and video, send messages and keep in touch with friends, family and colleagues.

####Key Features

  • People can share their opinions,news,photos or locations instanly.
  • People can follow each other, comment others' post and have conversations directly.
  • Allows you to check is there any event near you or your friends are going.
  • When someone shared photo, it locates from where it's posted.

####Differences and 'Why You Need Our Project'

  • By moving among relations, users can have deep analysis about a topic.
  • User can surf through recommendations on their interests whereas timeline of facebook shows unrelated photos,events etc.



Wikipedia is a free encyclopedia that anyone can edit.

####Key Features

  • It has users who can create, edit, discuss a topic.
  • It has a timeline which is EasyTimeline.
  • It has tutorials for beginners.
  • It shows related topics.
  • It supports media files.

####Differences and 'Why You Need Our Project'

  • It does not have a rating system, whereas in our project users can vote and rank the posts.
  • Wikipedia has different user access levels, whereas any user has the same level.
  • Wikipedia is mostly used to share information but not for entertainment or social purposes, although our project can offer them both.



Eksisozluk is a holy information resource.

####Key Features

  • Users have profiles that can be edited.
  • Users can create topics and contribute to these topics via "entries".
  • Users can rate the entries.
  • Trending topics can be seen on newsfeed.

####Differences and 'Why You Need Our Project'

  • It has a membership system that blocks new users to write an entry under a topic for a while.
  • Users can not use media files on their entries but only share links to them.
  • It does not support localization and recommendation system.

Team Members

  • [Mehmet Doğan](Mehmet Doğan)
  • [Işıl Kurt](Işıl Kurt)
  • [Ömer Faruk Tayfur] (Ömer Faruk Tayfur)
  • [Abdulmenaf Kasap] (Abdulmenaf Kasap)
  • [Seha Yiğit Güryol] (Seha Yiğit)
  • [Haluk Aydın] (Haluk Aydın)
  • [Serpil Kuzu] (Serpil Kuzu)
  • [Uğur Taş] (Uğur Taş)
  • [Mert Even] (Mert Even)

##Milestone Reports

  • [First Presentation Milestone Report] (First-Presentation-Milestone-Report)
  • [Second Presentation Milestone Report] (Second-Presentation-Milestone-Report)
  • [Final Presentation Milestone Report] (Final-Presentation-Milestone-Report)


  • [Project Description] (Project Description)
  • [Domain Analysis] (Domain Analysis)
  • [Themes/Features] (Themes)
  • [Personas] (Personas)
  • [User Stories] (User Stories)
  • [Communication Plan] (Communication Plan)
  • [Requirements] (Requirements)
  • [Responsibility Assignment Matrix] (Responsibility Assignment Matrix)
  • [Use Cases and Use Case Diagram] (Use Cases)
  • [Class Diagram] (Class Diagram)
  • [Sequence Diagram] (Sequence Diagram)
  • [Activity Diagram] (Activity Diagram)
  • [Mockups] (Mockups)
  • [Test Plan] (TestPlan)

##Meetings (451)

  • [Week 1 Meeting - 09/26/16 Monday Ağaç Ev] (Meeting1 451)
  • [Customer Meeting 1 - 09/29/16 Thursday BM-A2] (Customer Meeting 1 451)
  • [Week 2 Meeting - 10/04/16 Tuesday BM-Lounge] (Meeting 2 451)
  • [Week 4 Meeting - 10/23/16 Sunday BM-Lounge] (Meeting 4 451)
  • [Week 5 Meeting - 11/9/16 Wednesday BM-Lounge] (Meeting 5 451)
  • [Customer Meeting with Suzan Uskudarli- 11/18/16 Friday BM-Lounge] (Customer-Meeting-with-Suzan-Uskudarli)


  • [Git Versioning System] (Git Versioning System)
  • [Issue System] (
  • [How to Write User Stories] (UserStoryWriting)
  • [Requirements: What & How ?] (HowToRequirements)
  • [Tutorial for Programming Environment] (Setup Tutorial)
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