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Video list and view types

bsobotka edited this page Jun 15, 2024 · 9 revisions

Video list

In the center of AMV Tracker's main window is a list of videos. By default (i.e. unfiltered), this will display all the videos you have entered into the "Main database" of AMV Tracker, although as you change between the Sub-DB and Custom List radio buttons, switch sub-DBs, and/or add filters (either basic or advanced) the makeup of this list will change. The video list is the primary way of presenting you with the data within your database, although the way this actually looks will change depending on your view type.

View types

The view type determines how the data within your database is presented to the user. Below we will explore the two view types, List View and Detail View.

NOTE: There are two ways to switch your view type: the first is in the Search display tab in Settings -- there is a dropdown menu at the top that allows you to choose which view type to use. The other (and probably easier) way to switch is by clicking either of the two buttons in the middle of the top ribbon on the main window, that look like this:

  • List view - List view
  • Detail view - Detail view

Whichever method you use, when closed, AMV Tracker will reopen with the most recent view type you had selected.

List View

The default view, this displays all your database's entries in a spreadsheet-like view, and looks like this:

List View

  • The four leftmost columns are static and cannot be moved or removed from view, as they each provide vital functions to using AMV Tracker. These include:

    • Edit entry: Clicking this cell will bring up the video information (which can be read about more here), and you can edit the details of the video entry in this window.

    • Watch: If this cell is populated with a Play video icon, that means that you have specified a local file path and you can click this cell to launch the video in your default media player.

    • YouTube: If this cell is populated with a Play video icon, that means that you have provided a URL to the video on YouTube, and you can click this cell to go to that URL in your browser.

    • Delete: Clicking this cell will delete the video from the selected sub-DB. Be careful! This cannot be undone.

  • All other fields within the video entry screen are optionally available to add as columns to List View -- these can be specified in Settings > Search display, by moving fields from the "Available columns" box to the "Columns displayed on list view" box. You can also move the fields up and down in the right box to change the order the columns are displayed.

  • Columns can be sorted by clicking on the header. By default and anytime a search is executed/refreshed, this view is sorted first alphabetically by editor username, and second by video title.

  • PLEASE NOTE: List View can take several seconds to load, especially as your database grows larger and/or you add more columns to be visible. If your database ever grows into the tens of thousands, List View may become an inefficient method for displaying your data.

Detail View

Detail View is an alternative way to view video entries, by providing all video information as well as a video thumbnail in a condensed, easily navigable format. Video entries are listed in [Editor name - Video title] format in a list on the left side, and the central view will update based on which video you have selected in the list.

Detail View

  • In Detail View, the video list shows only one column, as described above; however, above the video list is an option to sort the videos by almost any field that is available in a video entry, along with two radio buttons allowing you to specify the sort order.

  • At the top is the thumbnail, which you can either download from YouTube or generate from a local video file. See here (scroll down to "Thumbnail" bullet point) for details on how to do this.

  • Below the thumbnail is a horizontal ribbon with several buttons that provide different functions for the selected video, as well as additional video information.

    • Edit video info Edit entry: Clicking this button will bring up the video information (which can be read about more here), and you can edit the details of the video entry in this window.

    • Play video Play video: If this button is enabled, that means that you have specified a local file path and you can click it to launch the video in your default media player.

    • Go to YouTube Go to YouTube: If this button is enabled, that means that you have provided a URL to the video on YouTube, and you can click it to go to that URL in your browser.

    • Add/remove from Custom Lists Add/remove from Custom Lists: Click this to edit which Custom List(s) the selected video is included in.

    • Add/remove from Custom Lists Copy video: This function allows you to copy the selected video to a different sub-DB. Using this function WILL NOT remove the video from its current sub-DB.

    • Add/remove from Custom Lists Move video: This function allows you to move the selected video from its current sub-DB to a different sub-DB.

    • Add/remove from Custom Lists Delete video: This function will delete the selected video from its current sub-DB. If you have copied this video to one or more other sub-DBs, those instances of the video WILL NOT be deleted.

    • Date added: This is the date this video was entered into the database.

    • # of plays: The number of times you have played/watched this video. Entering a video into the database sets its play count to one, and each time you press the Play video button, this number is automatically incremented by one. Pressing the Go to YouTube button WILL NOT automatically increase the play count, however you can manually increment or decrement this number by pressing the up or down buttons.

    • AMV Tracker video ID: Every video entered into AMV Tracker has a unique alphanumeric identifier, shown here. This is mainly useful for debugging, but can also be used to help identify generated/downloaded thumbnail files, as thumbnail file names are based on this ID string.

    • Sub-DB: Shows which sub-DB this video entry is located in.

  • Finally, underneath this ribbon is the video information, as entered into AMV Tracker for the selected video. It's an at-a-glance summary of all the video's data, including clickable links to all video/editor profile URLs entered. Please note that none of this data is editable inline; you can only edit an entry by clicking the Edit video info button.

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