Changes since 1.5.0
ezplatform v1.6.0
ezsystems/ezpublish-kernel v6.6.0
- EZP-25533: removed http-cache-bundle version restriction (ezsystems/ezpublish-kernel#1758)
- EZP-26042: Some mandatory parameters are missing (language) to generate a URL for route _ez_content_view (ezsystems/ezpublish-kernel#1715)
- EZP-26228: Backport missing user slot config for EZP-26186 (ezsystems/ezpublish-kernel#1771)
- EZP-26149: add test data set with empty view parameter
- EZP-26149: PHP notice when using empty view parameter name
- EZP-25913: notice in SiteAccess\Router in console command.
- EZP-26412: Query error when publishing content on clean eZ Platform install (ezsystems/ezpublish-kernel#1793)
- EZP-26342: Fix missing clearing of Location cache on Content delete (ezsystems/ezpublish-kernel#1797)
- EZP-26342: Don't throw during on relation list data issue when creating drafts (ezsystems/ezpublish-kernel#1797)
- EZP-26277: Content type copies generated identifiers are too long (ezsystems/ezpublish-kernel#1791)
- EZP-26344: Publishing URL alias does not always respect reserved names (ezsystems/ezpublish-kernel#1784)
- EZP-26327: URL alias is not historized correctly in all cases (ezsystems/ezpublish-kernel#1780)
- EZP-26239: Missing update of REST-API-V2.rst about validation (ezsystems/ezpublish-kernel#1783)
- EZP-26125: Missing language parameter when generating _ez_content_view route (ezsystems/ezpublish-kernel#1715)
- EZP-26281: Missing language in full.html.twig for PreviewController (ezsystems/ezpublish-kernel#1775)
- EZS-1009: Send for review does not work for draft version (ezsystems/ezpublish-kernel#1799)
- EZP-26397: Can't edit the User ContentType because user.user_account is marked as searchable, while the FieldType is not (ezsystems/ezpublish-kernel#1800)
- Disable layout when rendering embedded content in rich text (ezsystems/ezpublish-kernel#1766)
- Disabled HTTP caching on REST content draft load (ezsystems/ezpublish-kernel#1804)
- EZP-25918: Download redirect code should not be permanent (ezsystems/ezpublish-kernel#1807)
- EZP-26219: Add missing Slots for Signals affecting Search Engine Index (ezsystems/ezpublish-kernel#1779)
- EZP-26219: Add Integration test coverage to verify search index after operations affecting it (ezsystems/ezpublish-kernel#1767)
- EZP-26300: Add destination content href to Relation(List) REST field value (ezsystems/ezpublish-kernel#1787)
- EZP-26179: Refactored session rest actions to their own controller (ezsystems/ezpublish-kernel#1782)
- EZP-26057: Permissions API, move permission to new service to prepare for permission lookup (ezsystems/ezpublish-kernel#1720)
- Exposed score and index in REST SearchHits (part of ezsystems/ezpublish-kernel#1801)
- ContentViewBuilder will load the main location if none was asked (ezsystems/ezpublish-kernel#1802)
- Added previous exception to the REST exception output (ezsystems/ezpublish-kernel#1805)
- EZP-26326: Implement Filter and Query REST Query parameters (ezsystems/ezpublish-kernel#1801)
- [Profiler] Update branding and naming of eZ Platform on symfony developer debug toolbar (https://github.com/ezsystems/ezpublish-kernel/pull/commit/39a2d64)
- EZP-26219: Add Integration test coverage to verify search index after operations affecting it
- Improved behat coverage of REST views
- Made behat REST HTTP client use standard HTTP verbs
- EZP-26186: Add elastic configuration for new Slots added
ezsystems/ez-support-tools v0.1.1
- EZP-26391: ez-support-tools factory called on every request (ezsystems/ez-support-tools#20 & ezsystems/ez-support-tools#21)
- EZP-26128: As a Developer I want deprecation issues resolved, so that application logs are clean (ezsystems/ez-support-tools#19)
- Avoid exceptions blocking eZ Platform install when systems info can not be read in ezcSystemsInfo (ezsystems/ez-support-tools#21 & zetacomponents/SystemInformation#9)
ezsystems/platform-ui-bundle v1.6.0
- EZP-26130: Search for content with many locations
- EZP-26117: Required richtext not validated as filled with single embed
- EZP-26145: Unable to undo in the RichText editor (ezsystems/PlatformUIBundle#664)
- EZP-26135: Line breaks added in richtext editor when editing content twice (ezsystems/PlatformUIBundle#683)
- EZP-26357: Relation fields should read data from field
- EZP-26371: "Reset password" link does nothing.
- EZP-26083: handle change of behaviour in Twig's ExceptionController
- EZP-26236: Events are lost if container is created in initializer
- EZP-26020: (+) sign disappears after aligning an embed/image
- EZP-26246: Wrong visibility status after refresh
- EZP-26016: JavaScript error when removing an embed if it's the last element in the editor
- EZP-26241: JS error when giving the focus to the editor by clicking on an embed
- EZP-26415: Animation issue when selecting a content in the UDW
- EZP-26433: Impossible to select a Content in the UDW search method if the UDW is configured to allow a multiple selection
- EZP-26036: Double content type icon in the grid view
- EZP-26336: Inconsistent behaviour of the search UDW method
- EZP-26293: Typos in Platform UI (#688)
- EZP-26318: Deleting user breaks content created by that user
- Make sure the UDW selected view is correctly rendered in the search method
- Make sure the active flag is forwarded to UDW methods
- EZP-26492: Impossible to edit a Content with a RichText field in Edge
- EZP-26355: Cannot paste an URL in a RichText field
- Fixed wrong comment in ez-editorcontentprocessoremptyembed module
- EZP-26384: Fail to save a Content item with a RichText field containing an anchor
Features Improvements
- Added UI translation source files
- EZP-26004: Search in PlatformUI
- EZP-26003: Add search button in PlatformUI
- EZP-26191: Draft conflict screen on dashboard
- EZP-26240: Server side content validation errors will now be reflected on the UI
- EZP-23000: Object relation(s) field value should provides REST id(s)
- EZP-26179: Intercept 'error' notification to check the session
- EZP-26179: Make sure to always check the session server side in the checkUser middleware
- EZP-26005: Align the style of the search on the subitem
- EZP-26315 Improve UDW selected view
Continuous integration
- [Behat] Increase spin time to try to avoid failure on first step on slow machine and empty cache
- [travis] Run behat without interaction
ezsystems/platform-ui-assets-bundle v3.0.1
- Allow Symfony 3 to be installed (ezsystems/PlatformUIAssetsBundle#16)
Third party packages updates
Package | Version change |
doctrine/annotations | v1.2.7...v1.3.0 |
paragonie/random_compat | v2.0.2...v2.0.3 |
league/flysystem | 1.0.27...1.0.32 |
psr/log | 1.0.0...1.0.2 |
sensio/distribution-bundle | v5.0.12...v5.0.13 |
sensiolabs/security-checker | v3.0.2...v4.0.0 |
symfony/symfony | v2.8.11...v2.8.12 |
twig/extensions | v1.3.0...v1.4.1 |
zetacomponents/system-information | 1.1...1.1.1 |