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PyCBC offline multi ifo coincident search

Gareth Davies edited this page Sep 25, 2019 · 57 revisions

PyCBC offline multi ifo coincident search

To Do Table

Issue description Assigned to Status
Coincidence finding link to code Marton Done (#2449)
Foreground censor Remove coincs from 'closed box' single-ifo results plotted / followed up Marton Done #2568
Default multi-ifo statistic Calculate simple ranking stat and IFAR for each type of coinc, combine IFAR via trials factor Gareth Done (part of #2473)
Improved multi-ifo statistic:noise & network sensitivity model Calculate and implement noise element of multi-ifo ranking statistic Gareth see Multiifo-Ranking-Statistic-Development for components of this
Improved multi-ifo statistic:signal model Calculate and implement signal element of multi-ifo ranking statistic Gareth/+?
Statmap Combine Coincs to map between stat and fap and hierarchical removal Marton Done
Statmap Inj equivalent of statmap, but for injinj/fullinj/injfull Marton Done (#2474)
Combine_statmap Combine coincidences from different combinations Gareth Done #2473
Add combine_statmap to workflow above code is currently not included in workflow Marton Done #2539
hdf_injfind match injections to times of coincidences Gareth Done #2499
Add hdf_injfind to workflow make it possible to give --ifos as an input to hdf_injfind Marton Done #2539
Plotting/result display codes - list incomplete
  • page_foundmissed
  • page_segtable
  • page_coinc_snrchi
Codes may be currently hard-coded for H1L1 - see 'Failing plotting codes' below Gareth + Ian
  • foundmissed merged (#2516)
  • segtable Done (#2519)
  • Remaining section 2&3 plots DONE (#2557)
  • Ian working on Section 4 & 7 integration (see list of failures below)
  • Section 5 and 6 plots not yet integrated
  • Summary page not yet integrated
Add plots/tables to workflow See below table Some plots present, in progress
Fix storage format of coinc segments in coinc code and jobs downstream Don't have redundant/misleading information duplicated between different datasets Marton (Gareth to check implications for downstream code) Done, PR #2517
Hierarchical Removal Hierarchical removal has been missed or ignored in some codes. Add this in Tom

Small things to do table

i.e. adding things to results pages

Issue description Assigned to Status
Loudest coincidence table Open box results page Unassigned
SNRIFAR plot Weird overlapping numbers issue, see e.g. this plot. Also wants ylabel on right hand side to say what these mean Unassigned
SNRIFAR plot Plot should return IFO combination in title for differentiation on summary pages Unassigned
Loudest events Detector Combination Explicitly state the detector combination in Loudest Event Followup (both open box and missed injections) Unassigned
Loudest events IFAR If IFAR is low it is showing as 0.00, check whether this should be in sig figures (i.e g style string formatting) Unassigned
SNR rate hist plot >5sigma returns to white background, not consistent with snrifar plot Unassigned

Failing plotting codes

The following plotting codes are currently known to fail.

  • pycbc_page_foreground - This is supposed to run once and dumps the list of triggers in a table format. Looks like it's not understanding the new time format.
  • pycbc_page_ifar - This runs a bunch of times to make various counts vs FAR plots. This appears hardcoded for H1L1, so fails on the individual STATMAP files. It also fails on the combined STATMAP job as a bunch of the background stuff is not stored there. Not sure what plot we might want to make on the combined file.
  • pycbc_page_snrifar - This also runs a bunch of times and makes various statistic vs FAR plots. Some instances of this are running, but it fails when running on the combined STATMAP file. Might need to think about what we actually want in that case as not all of the background information is now stored.
  • pycbc_page_snrratehist - Same situation as pycbc_page_snrifar
  • pycbc_injection_minifollowup - This is failing complaining that some trigger times are not within data segments ... Possibly the code is trying to followup H1L1 missing injections also in V1??
  • pycbc_page_coinc_snrchi - This is supposed to run a bunch of times, I think, to make chisq plots. Seems to be expecting old format input (trigger_id1 doesn't exist)
  • pycbc_page_injtable - This runs once per injection run and makes a table of injection details. I believe this code is expecting old format input (time1 doesn't exist)

To see failures, if you have the current version of the code installed in CIT go to this directory:


and run . ${EXECUTABLE_OF_CHOICE} The error message can be viewed from within this directory, but you can also copy the whole thing away to aid debugging.

Plotting codes running in current workflow

  • pycbc_page_foundmissed - This runs a lot of times and makes found-missed injection diagnostic plots. (#2516, #2553, #2581)
  • pycbc_foreground_minifollowup - This runs once and sets up the minifollowups. Done by Marton #2579