Release v1.59.0
Backend Changes
⛔ Breaking Changes
- The OTEL Collector upgrade brought in a change where OTLP receivers started listening on
instead of0.0.0.0
as before. As a result, when running in container environment the endpoints are likely unreachable from other containers (Issue #5737). The fix will be available in the next release. Meanwhile, the workaround is to instruct Jaeger to listen on0.0.0.0
, as in this fix:
- Update opentelemetry-go to v1.28.0 and refactor references to semantic conventions (@renovate-bot in #5698)
✨ New Features
- Run jaeger-es-index-cleaner and jaeger-es-rollover locally (@hellspawn679 in #5714)
- [tracegen] allow use of adaptive sampling (@yurishkuro in #5718)
- [v2] add v1 factory converter to v2 storage factory (@james-ryans in #5497)
- Upgrade badger v3->badger v4 (@hellspawn679 in #5619)
🐞 Bug fixes, Minor Improvements
- Cleanup the prometheus config (@FlamingSaint in #5720)
- Upgrade microsim to v0.4.1 (@FlamingSaint in #5702)
- Add all mocks to mockery config file and regenerate (@danish9039 in #5626)
- Add better logging options (@yurishkuro in #5675)
- Restore "operation" name in the metrics response (@yurishkuro in #5673)
- Add flag for custom authenticators in cassandra storage (@hellspawn679 in #5628)
- Rename strategy store to sampling strategy provider (@yurishkuro in #5634)
- [query] avoid errors when closing shared listener (@vermaaatul07 in #5559)
- Bump from 1.55.2 to 1.59.1 and fix linter errors (@FlamingSaint in #5579)
- Fix binary path in (@yurishkuro in #5561)
🚧 Experimental Features
- Implement telemetery struct for v1 components initialization (@Wise-Wizard in #5695)
- Support default configs for storage backends (@yurishkuro in #5691)
- Simplify configs organization (@yurishkuro in #5690)
- Create metrics.factory adapter for otel metrics (@Wise-Wizard in #5661)
👷 CI Improvements
- Apply 'latest' tag to latest published snapshot images (@yurishkuro in #5724)
- [bug] use correct argument as jaeger-version (@yurishkuro in #5716)
- Add spm integration tests (@hellspawn679 in #5640)
- Add spm build to ci (@yurishkuro in #5663)
- Remove unnecessary .nocover files (@yurishkuro in #5642)
- Add tests for anonymizer/app/query. (@shanukun in #5638)
- Add alternate way to install gotip (@EraKin575 in #5618)
- Add semver to dependencies (@danish9039 in #5590)
- Create config file for mockery instead of using explicit cli flags in the makefile (@jesslourenco in #5623)
- Update renovate bot to not apply patches to e2e test dependencies (@DustyMMiller in #5622)
- Require renovate bot to run go mod tidy (@yurishkuro in #5612)
- Fix new warnings from the linter upgrade (@WaterLemons2k in #5589)
- [ci] validate that generated mocks are up to date (@yurishkuro in #5568)
📊 UI Changes
🐞 Bug fixes, Minor Improvements
- Add escaped example to tag search help popup (@yurishkuro in #2354)